.SYNOPSIS Returns the HP DriverPacks .DESCRIPTION Returns the HP DriverPacks .PARAMETER Compatible Filters results based on your current Product .LINK .NOTES #> function Get-BaseCatalogHPDriverPack { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [System.String]$DownloadPath, [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]$Compatible ) #================================================= # Paths #================================================= $UseCatalog = 'Cloud' $CloudCatalogUri = '' $RawCatalogFile = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' 'HPClientDriverPackCatalog.xml') $BuildCatalogFile = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' 'BaseCatalogHPDriverPack.xml') $OfflineCatalogFile = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\BASE\BaseCatalogHPDriverPack.xml" $RawCatalogCabName = [string]($CloudCatalogUri | Split-Path -Leaf) $RawCatalogCabPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' $RawCatalogCabName) #================================================= # Create Download Path #================================================= if (-not(Test-Path (Join-Path $env:TEMP 'OSD'))) { $null = New-Item -Path (Join-Path $env:TEMP 'OSD') -ItemType Directory -Force } #================================================= # Test Build Catalog #================================================= if (Test-Path $BuildCatalogFile) { Write-Verbose "Build Catalog already created at $BuildCatalogFile" $GetItemBuildCatalogFile = Get-Item $BuildCatalogFile #If the Build Catalog is older than 12 hours, delete it if (((Get-Date) - $GetItemBuildCatalogFile.LastWriteTime).TotalHours -gt 12) { Write-Verbose "Removing previous Build Catalog" $null = Remove-Item $GetItemBuildCatalogFile.FullName -Force } else { $UseCatalog = 'Build' } } #================================================= # Test Cloud Catalog #================================================= if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Cloud') { if (Test-WebConnection -Uri $CloudCatalogUri) { $UseCatalog = 'Cloud' } else { $UseCatalog = 'Offline' } } #================================================= # UseCatalog Cloud #================================================= if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Cloud') { Write-Verbose "Source: $CloudCatalogUri" Write-Verbose "Destination: $RawCatalogCabPath" (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($CloudCatalogUri, $RawCatalogCabPath) if (Test-Path $RawCatalogCabPath) { Write-Verbose "Expand: $RawCatalogCabPath" $null = Expand "$RawCatalogCabPath" "$RawCatalogFile" if (Test-Path $RawCatalogFile) { Write-Verbose "Using Raw Catalog at $RawCatalogFile" $UseCatalog = 'Raw' } else { Write-Verbose "Could not expand $RawCatalogCabPath" Write-Verbose "Using Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile" $UseCatalog = 'Offline' } } else { Write-Verbose "Using Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile" $UseCatalog = 'Offline' } } #================================================= # UseCatalog Raw #================================================= if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Raw') { Write-Verbose "Reading the Raw Catalog at $RawCatalogFile" Write-Warning "Building Catalog content, please wait ..." [xml]$XmlCatalogContent = Get-Content $RawCatalogFile -ErrorAction Stop $HpSoftPaqList = $XmlCatalogContent.NewDataSet.HPClientDriverPackCatalog.SoftPaqList.SoftPaq $HpModelList = $XmlCatalogContent.NewDataSet.HPClientDriverPackCatalog.ProductOSDriverPackList.ProductOSDriverPack $HpModelList = $HpModelList | Where-Object {$_.OSId -ge '4243'} $HpModelList = $HpModelList | Sort-Object OSId -Descending | Group-Object ProductId, SoftPaqId | ForEach-Object {$_.Group | Select-Object -First 1} $HpModelList = $HpModelList | Sort-Object OSId -Descending | Group-Object ProductId | ForEach-Object {$_.Group | Select-Object -First 1} #================================================= # Create DriverPack Object #================================================= $Results = foreach ($Item in $HpModelList) { $HpSoftPaq = $null $HpSoftPaq = $HpSoftPaqList | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Item.SoftPaqId} if ($null -eq $HpSoftPaq) { Continue } $Name = $($HpSoftPaq.Name) $Name = ($Name).Replace(' x64','') $Name = ($Name).Replace('Win 10','Win10') $Name = ($Name).Replace('Win 11','Win11') $Name = ($Name).Replace('Windows 10','Win10') $Name = ($Name).Replace('Windows 11','Win11') $Name = ($Name).Replace(' Driver Pack','') $Name = ($Name).Replace('/',' ') $Name = ($Name).Replace('-',' ') $Name = "$Name $($Item.SoftPaqId)" #$Name = ($Name).Replace(' A 1','') $ObjectProperties = [Ordered]@{ CatalogVersion = Get-Date -Format yy.MM.dd Status = $null Component = 'DriverPack' ReleaseDate = (Get-Date $HpSoftPaq.DateReleased -Format "yy.MM.dd") Name = $Name Model = $Item.SystemName SystemId = $Item.SystemId SoftPaqId = $Item.SoftPaqId OSId = $Item.OSId OSName = $Item.OSName Architecture = $Item.Architecture ProductType = $Item.ProductType SoftPaqName = $HpSoftPaq.Name Version = $HpSoftPaq.Version Category = $HpSoftPaq.Category Url = $HpSoftPaq.Url FileName = $HpSoftPaq.Url | Split-Path -Leaf Size = $HpSoftPaq.Size MD5 = $HpSoftPaq.MD5 SHA256 = $HpSoftPaq.SHA256 CvaFileUrl = $HpSoftPaq.CvaFileUrl ReleaseNotesUrl = $HpSoftPaq.ReleaseNotesUrl CvaTitle = $HpSoftPaq.CvaTitle } New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties } $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Model Write-Verbose "Exporting Build Catalog to $BuildCatalogFile" $Results | Export-Clixml -Path $BuildCatalogFile } #================================================= # UseCatalog Build #================================================= if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Build') { Write-Verbose "Importing the Build Catalog at $BuildCatalogFile" $Results = Import-Clixml -Path $BuildCatalogFile } #================================================= # UseCatalog Offline #================================================= if ($UseCatalog -eq 'Offline') { Write-Verbose "Importing the Offline Catalog at $OfflineCatalogFile" $Results = Import-Clixml -Path $OfflineCatalogFile } #================================================= # Compatible #================================================= if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Compatible')) { $MyComputerProduct = Get-MyComputerProduct Write-Verbose "Filtering Catalog for items compatible with Product $MyComputerProduct" $Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.Product -contains $MyComputerProduct} } #================================================= # Component #================================================= if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Component')) { Write-Verbose "Filtering Catalog for $Component" $Results = $Results | Where-Object {$_.Component -eq $Component} } #================================================= # DownloadPath #================================================= if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DownloadPath')) { $Results = $Results | Out-GridView -Title 'Select one or more files to Download' -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop foreach ($Item in $Results) { $OutFile = Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $Item.Url -DestinationDirectory $DownloadPath -DestinationName $Item.FileName -Verbose $Item | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "$($OutFile.FullName).json" -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force } } #================================================= # Complete #================================================= $Results #================================================= } |