
Performs many tasks on a WinPE.wim file. Not good for an OS wim
Performs many tasks on a WinPE.wim file. Not good for an OS wim
21.3.12 Initial Release

function Edit-MyWinPE {
    param (

        [UInt32]$Index = 1,







    begin {
        # Require Admin Rights
        if ((Get-OSDGather -Property IsAdmin) -eq $false) {
            Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) requires Admin Rights ELEVATED"
        # Get Registry Information
        $GetRegCurrentVersion = Get-RegCurrentVersion
        # Require OSMajorVersion 10
        if ($GetRegCurrentVersion.CurrentMajorVersionNumber -ne 10) {
            Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) requires OS MajorVersion 10"
    process {
        # Get-WindowsImage Mounted
        if ($null -eq $ImagePath) {
            $ImagePath = (Get-WindowsImage -Mounted | Select-Object -Property ImagePath).ImagePath

        foreach ($Input in $ImagePath) {
            Write-Verbose "Edit-MyWinPE $Input"
            # Get-Item
            if (Get-Item $Input -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                $GetItemInput = Get-Item -Path $Input
            } else {
                Write-Warning "Unable to locate WindowsImage at $Input"
            # Mount-MyWindowsImage
            try {
                $MountMyWindowsImage = Mount-MyWindowsImage -ImagePath $Input -Index $Index
            catch {
                Write-Warning "Could not mount this WIM for some reason"

            if ($null -eq $MountMyWindowsImage) {
                Write-Warning "Could not mount this WIM for some reason"
            # Make sure WinPE is Major Version 10
            Write-Verbose "Verifying WinPE 10"
            $GetRegCurrentVersion = Get-RegCurrentVersion -Path $MountMyWindowsImage.Path

            if ($GetRegCurrentVersion.CurrentMajorVersionNumber -ne 10) {
                Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) can only service WinPE with MajorVersion 10"
                $MountMyWindowsImage | Dismount-MyWindowsImage -Discard
            # Enable PowerShell Gallery
            if ($PSGallery) {
                $MountMyWindowsImage | Enable-PEWindowsImagePSGallery
            # Set-WindowsImageExecutionPolicy
            if ($ExecutionPolicy) {
                Set-WindowsImageExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy $ExecutionPolicy -Path $MountMyWindowsImage.Path
            # PSModuleCopy
            if ($PSModuleCopy) {
                Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name $PSModuleCopy -Destination "$($MountMyWindowsImage.Path)\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" -RemoveOldVersions
            # PSModuleSave
            if ($PSModuleSave) {
                Save-Module -Name $PSModuleSave -Destination "$($MountMyWindowsImage.Path)\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" -RemoveOldVersions
            # DriverPath
            foreach ($Driver in $DriverPath) {
                Add-WindowsDriver -Path "$($MountMyWindowsImage.Path)" -Driver "$Driver" -Recurse -ForceUnsigned
            # Dismount-MyWindowsImage
            if ($DismountSave) {
                $MountMyWindowsImage | Dismount-MyWindowsImage -Save
            } else {
    end {}