
Creates an OSDCloud Template in $env:ProgramData\OSDCloud
Creates an OSDCloud Template in $env:ProgramData\OSDCloud
21.3.17 Initial Release

function New-OSDCloud.template {
    param ()

$RegistryAdditions = @'
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    # Start the Clock
    $TemplateStartTime = Get-Date
    # Block
    # Get Adk Paths
    $AdkPaths = Get-AdkPaths

    if ($null -eq $AdkPaths) {
        Write-Warning "Could not get ADK going, sorry"
    # Get WinPE.wim
    $TemplatePath = "$env:ProgramData\OSDCloud"
    $WimSourcePath = $AdkPaths.WimSourcePath
    if (-NOT (Test-Path $WimSourcePath)) {
        Write-Warning "Could not find $WimSourcePath, sorry"
    $PathWinPEMedia = $AdkPaths.PathWinPEMedia
    $DestinationMedia = Join-Path $TemplatePath 'Media'
    Write-Verbose "Copying ADK Media to $DestinationMedia"
    robocopy "$PathWinPEMedia" "$DestinationMedia" *.* /e /ndl /xj /ndl /np /nfl /njh /njs

    $DestinationSources = Join-Path $DestinationMedia 'sources'
    if (-NOT (Test-Path "$DestinationSources")) {
        New-Item -Path "$DestinationSources" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    $BootWim = Join-Path $DestinationSources 'boot.wim'
    Write-Verbose "Copying ADK Boot.wim to $BootWim"
    Copy-Item -Path $WimSourcePath -Destination $BootWim -Force
    # Download wgl4_boot.ttf
    # This is used to resolve issues with WinPE Resolutions in 2004/2009
    if (Test-WebConnection -Uri '') {
        Write-Verbose "Repairing bad WinPE resolution by replacing wgl4_boot.ttf"
        Save-WebFile -SourceUrl '' -DestinationDirectory "$DestinationMedia\boot\fonts" -Overwrite
    if (Test-WebConnection -Uri '') {
        Save-WebFile -SourceUrl '' -DestinationDirectory "$DestinationMedia\efi\microsoft\boot\fonts" -Overwrite
    # Mount-MyWindowsImage
    $MountMyWindowsImage = Mount-MyWindowsImage $BootWim
    $MountPath = $MountMyWindowsImage.Path
    # Add Packages
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Ignore'
    $WinPEOCs = $AdkPaths.WinPEOCs

    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"

    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\"
    Add-WindowsPackage -Path $MountPath -PackagePath "$WinPEOCs\en-us\"
    # cURL
    Write-Verbose "Adding curl.exe to $MountPath"
    if (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\System32\curl.exe") {
        robocopy "$env:SystemRoot\System32" "$MountPath\Windows\System32" curl.exe /ndl /nfl /njh /njs /b
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Could not find $env:SystemRoot\System32\curl.exe"
        Write-Warning "You must be using an old version of Windows"
    # PowerShell Execution Policy
    Write-Verbose "Setting PowerShell ExecutionPolicy to Bypass in $MountPath"
    Set-WindowsImageExecutionPolicy -Path $MountPath -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
    # Enable PowerShell Gallery
    Write-Verbose "Enabling PowerShell Gallery support in $MountPath"
    Enable-PEWindowsImagePSGallery -Path $MountPath
    # Adding Microsoft DaRT
    if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft DaRT\v10\") {
        Write-Verbose "Adding Microsoft DaRT"
        expand.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft DaRT\v10\" -F:*.* "$MountPath" | Out-Null

        if (Test-Path "$MountPath\Windows\System32\winpeshl.ini") {
            Write-Verbose "Removing $MountPath\Windows\System32\winpeshl.ini"
            Remove-Item -Path "$MountPath\Windows\System32\winpeshl.ini" -Force

        if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Templates\DartConfig8.dat") {
            Write-Verbose "Adding Microsoft DaRT Config"
            Copy-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Templates\DartConfig8.dat" -Destination "$MountPath\Windows\System32\DartConfig.dat" -Force
    # Registry Fix
    $RegistryAdditions | Out-File -FilePath "$env:TEMP\RegistryAdditions.reg" -Encoding ascii -Force

    #Mount Registry
    reg load HKLM\Default "$MountPath\Windows\System32\Config\DEFAULT"
    reg import "$env:TEMP\RegistryAdditions.reg" | Out-Null
    reg unload HKLM\Default
    # Save WIM
    $MountMyWindowsImage | Dismount-MyWindowsImage -Save
    # Directories
    if (-NOT (Test-Path "$TemplatePath\AutoPilot\Profiles")) {
        New-Item -Path "$TemplatePath\AutoPilot\Profiles" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    # Restore VerbosePreference
    #$VerbosePreference = $CurrentVerbosePreference
    # Complete
    $TemplateEndTime = Get-Date
    $TemplateTimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $TemplateStartTime -End $TemplateEndTime
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray    "========================================================================="
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow      "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')) $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) " -NoNewline
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan        "Completed in $($TemplateTimeSpan.ToString("mm' minutes 'ss' seconds'"))"
    # Return
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan        "OSDCloud Template created at $TemplatePath"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan        "Get-OSDCloud.template will return $TemplatePath"
    #Return $TemplatePath