Edits a mounted Windows Image WIM file
Edits a mounted Windows Image WIM file
19.11.22 David Segura @SeguraOSD

function Edit-OSDWIM {
    Param (
        #Specifies the full path to the root directory of the offline Windows image that you will service.

        #Download the file using BITS-Transfer
        #Interactive Login required

    Begin {
        # Require Admin Rights
        if ((Get-OSDGather -Property IsAdmin) -eq $false) {
            Write-Warning 'Edit-OSDWindowsImage: This function requires Admin Rights ELEVATED'
        # Get-WindowsImage Mounted
        if ($null -eq $Path) {
            $Path = (Get-WindowsImage -Mounted | Select-Object -Property Path).Path
    Process {
        foreach ($Input in $Path) {
            # Path
            $MountPath = (Get-Item -Path $Input | Select-Object FullName).FullName
            Write-Verbose "Path: $MountPath" -Verbose
            # Validate Mount Path
            if (-not (Test-Path $Input -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                Write-Warning "Edit-OSDWindowsImage: Unable to locate Mounted WindowsImage at $Input"
            # Get Registry Information
            $global:GetRegCurrentVersion = Get-RegCurrentVersion -Path $Input
            # Require OSMajorVersion 10
            if ($global:GetRegCurrentVersion.CurrentMajorVersionNumber -ne 10) {
                Write-Warning "Edit-OSDWindowsImage: OS MajorVersion 10 is required"
            # Get Registry Information
            if ($RemoveAppx.IsPresent) {
                Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path $Input | Select-Object DisplayName, PackageName | Out-GridView -PassThru | Remove-AppProvisionedPackage -Path $Input
            # Return for PassThru
            Get-WindowsImage -Mounted | Where-Object {$_.Path -eq $MountPath}
    End {}