
#requires -Version 3.0

.VERSION 1.1.1
.GUID 4e03a473-eadb-41f9-ba78-0494dfb4d74e
.AUTHOR Michael Riston
.COPYRIGHT � Michael Riston 2017

    Removes invalid charachters from a specified OneDrive for Business folder and creates a log for all changes made.


function Test-ODfBIllegalCharacters
      Returns true/false if a string contains illegal characters.
      Returns true/false if a string contains illegal characters.
      Test-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string 'sdofijs'
      Test-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string '#%*:<>'

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
    $string = '@#%^'
  $IllegalCharacterSearcher        = '`"' , '`#', '`%', '`*', '`:', '`<' , '`>' , '`?', '`/', '`\', '`|', '`~', '`&' , '`{', '`}'
  $IllegalCharacters               = '"', '#', '%', '*', ':', '<', '>' , '?', '/', '\', '|', '~' , '&', '{' , '}' 
  $IllegalCharactersReplacements   = "'", 'no', 'pct' , 'str_', '-', 'lt' , 'gt' , 'qst_', '_', '_', '-', '-' , 'and', '(' , ')' 
  $IllegalName = $false
  foreach ($i in $IllegalCharacters) 
    $index = [array]::IndexOf($IllegalCharacters,$i)
    if ($string.Contains($i)) 
      $IllegalName = $true
  return $IllegalName

function Resolve-ODfBIllegalCharacters
      Removes illegal characters from a string and returns a 'corrected' value [str].
      Removes illegal characters from a string and returns a 'corrected' value [str].
      Resolve-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string 'bad_file#ame%!<<>'

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
  $IllegalCharacterSearcher        = '`"' , '`#', '`%', '`*', '`:', '`<' , '`>' , '`?', '`/', '`\', '`|', '`~', '`&' , '`{', '`}'
  $IllegalCharacters               = '"', '#', '%', '*', ':', '<', '>' , '?', '/', '\', '|', '~' , '&', '{' , '}' 
  $IllegalCharactersReplacements   = "'", 'no', 'pct' , 'str_', '-', 'lt' , 'gt' , 'qst_', '_', '_', '-', '-' , 'and', '(' , ')' 
  foreach ($i in $IllegalCharacters) 
    $index = [array]::IndexOf($IllegalCharacters,$i)  
    $string = $string.Replace($i,$IllegalCharactersReplacements[$index])
  return $string

function Repair-ODfBNamingIssues
      Resolves all illegal characters under a specific path that prevent ODfB from synchronizing properly.
      Resolves all illegal characters under a specific path that prevent ODfB from synchronizing properly.
      Log file created in My Documents folder. Log file specifies type of item (Directory/File), Original Path name, and new name.
      Repair-ODfBNamingIssues -FolderPath c:\working
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2lj#%35#$\2348^^%%\no$^#@^\#@&(){}
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2lj#%35#$\2348^^%%\no$^#@^
      PS C:\tools\odfbtest> Repair-ODfBNamingIssues -FolderPath c:\working
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2lj#%35#$\2348^^%%\no$^#@^\#@&(){}
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2lj#%35#$\2348^^%%\no$^#@^
      PS C:\tools\odfbtest> Repair-ODfBNamingIssues -FolderPath c:\working
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2lj#%35#$\2348^^%%\no$^#@^\#@&(){}
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2lj#%35#$\2348^^%%\no$^#@^
      Repair-ODfBNamingIssues -FolderPath c:\working -TestRun
      TEST RUN INVOCATION - Will not move files
      TEST RUN INVOCATION - Will not move files
      TEST RUN INVOCATION - Will not move files
      TEST RUN INVOCATION - Will not move files
      TEST RUN INVOCATION - Will not move files
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2ljnopct35#@%%$\2348^^pctpct\@#$@#$^%#$@#
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2ljnopct35#@%%$
      Found Illegal Name: C:\working\f2ljnopct35#@%%$\2348^^pctpct\2343$#@%#$%^324325#@$!#$@!32.txt

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'Enter the Path to the OneDrive for Business Folder you wish to check.')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
    $TestRun = $false
  $AllFolders = Get-ChildItem $FolderPath -Recurse -Directory
  $log = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) -ChildPath "ODfB_Renamer-Runtime-$(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd.HH.mm.ss).log"
  "Type`tOrigFullPath`tNewFileName" | Out-File -FilePath $log
    CMTrace.exe $log
  }      #Open CM Trace to view live log

  }                    #Don't throw an error

  if ($TestRun) 
    for ($ctr = 0; $ctr -lt 5; $ctr++) 
      Write-Host -Object 'TEST RUN INVOCATION - Will not move files' -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black

  foreach ($f in ($AllFolders | Sort-Object -Property FullName -Descending)) 
    #Process each folder name and confirm.
    #Do this -descending to get level n before level 0 (Prevents recursive mistakes)
    #Test that this folder has no illegal characters.
    if (Test-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string $f.BaseName) 
      Write-Host -Object 'Found Illegal Name: ' -NoNewline
      Write-Host -Object "$($f.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Red
      Write-Host -Object "$($f.FullName.Replace(($f.BaseName),(Resolve-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string $f.BaseName)))" -ForegroundColor Cyan
      $newname = "$($f.FullName.Replace(($f.BaseName),(Resolve-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string $f.BaseName)))"
      if (!$TestRun) 
        Move-Item -Path $f.FullName -Destination $newname -Force
      "Directory`t$($f.FullName)`t$($newname)" | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
  $AllFiles = Get-ChildItem $FolderPath -Recurse -File
  foreach ($f in ($AllFiles | Sort-Object -Property FullName -Descending)) 
    #Process each folder name and confirm.
    #Do this -descending to get level n before level 0 (Prevents recursive mistakes)
    #Test that this folder has no illegal characters.
    if (Test-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string $f.BaseName) 
      Write-Host -Object 'Found Illegal Name: ' -NoNewline
      Write-Host -Object "$($f.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Red
      Write-Host -Object "$($f.FullName.Replace(($f.BaseName),(Resolve-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string $f.BaseName)))" -ForegroundColor Cyan
      $newname = "$($f.FullName.Replace(($f.BaseName),(Resolve-ODfBIllegalCharacters -string $f.BaseName)))"
      if (!$TestRun) 
        Move-Item -Path $f.FullName -Destination $newname -Force
      "File`t$($f.FullName)`t$($newname)" | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append

Write-Host -Object '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host -Object '-----------------' -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host -Object 'OneDrive for Business Invalid Char tool' -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host -Object '-----------------' -ForegroundColor Green 
Write-Host -Object '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host -Object 'Stopping Explorer.exe' -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor DarkGray
Get-Process -Name explorer | Stop-Process -Force -Verbose
Write-Host -Object 'Executing Script' -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
Repair-ODfBNamingIssues -FolderPath (Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the path of the OneDrive for Business Folder.')
Write-Host -Object 'Starting Explorer.exe' -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor DarkGray
Start-Process -FilePath explorer.exe