<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.1 .GUID 2082a2b3-155c-42e5-b3f6-c67434a0a3e1 .AUTHOR mikko@lavento.com .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS O365 UnifiedAuditlog Auditlog parser .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .DESCRIPTION O365 auditlog (Unified log) parser. Applies to logs downloaded from https://protection.office.com - Search & investigation - Audit log search - Download - .csv Downloaded log has 4 colums: CreationDate | UserIds | Operations | Auditdata Problem: the most important one (Auditdata) is string mess where data is delimited with ; , and [] and you can't really import it to excel to filter reasonably for examing. Also problem: different services log more or less data so no fixed amount of columns This parser will modify the Auditdata column, creates a table and exports the parsered csv file (to be imported to excel). More comments inside the script. #> Param() # 29.5.2018 M.Lavento # O365 auditlog (Unified log) parser # Applies to logs downloaded from https://protection.office.com - Search & investigation - Audit log search - Download .csv # # Downloaded log has 4 colums # CreationDate | UserIds | Operations | Auditdata # Problem: the most important one (Auditdata) is "string mess" where data is delimited with ; , and [] and you can't really import it to excel to filter reasonably. # Also problem: different services log more or less data so no fixed amount of columns # Solution: delimiter to be used while importing to Excel seems to be "," BUT NOT INSIDE brackets [{ }] so we change all "," --> �� as delimiter inside brackets [] # Delimiter char changes atleast for me to �� --> ??, but it doesn't really matter # Then we can split and construct a table in a format where it is csv exportable # But first Columns for the result table# # Bad thing is that cloumns has to be known beforehand. # Used Microsoft's own info what they might be and I added atleast five extra ones what came up while testing # https://support.office.com/en-us/article/detailed-properties-in-the-office-365-audit-log-ce004100-9e7f-443e-942b-9b04098fcfc3 # But because it's Microsoft and there might be more in the future or misinterpretations in the code we have to create the headers. # I created column name Miscellaneous as the last column $columnheaders = ` "CreationDate",` "UserIds",` "Operations",` "Actor",` "ActorContextId",` "ActorIpAddress",` "AddOnName",` "AddOnType",` "ApplicationDisplayName",` "ApplicationId",` "AzureActiveDirectoryEventType",` "ChannelGuid",` "ChannelName",` "Client",` "ClientInfoString",` "ClientIP",` "ClientIPAddress",` "CorrelationId",` "CreationTime",` "CustomUniqueId",` "DestinationFileExtension",` "DestinationFileName",` "DestinationRelativeUrl",` "EventData",` "EventSource",` "ExternalAccess",` "ExtendedProperties",` "ID",` "InternalLogonType",` "InterSystemsId",` "IntraSystemId",` "ItemType",` "ListId",` "ListItemUniqueId",` "LoginStatus",` "LogonError",` "LogonType",` "MailboxGuid",` "MailboxOwnerUPN",` "Members",` "ModifiedProperties (Name, NewValue, OldValue)",` "ObjectID",` "Operation",` "OrganizationID",` "OrganizationName",` "OriginatingServer",` "Path",` "Parameters",` "RecordType",` "ResultStatus",` "SecurityComplianceCenterEventType",` "SharingType",` "Site",` "SiteUrl",` "SourceFileExtension",` "SourceFileName",` "SourceRelativeUrl",` "Subject",` "TabType",` "Target",` "TargetContextId",` "TeamGuid",` "TeamName",` "UserAgent",` "UserDomain",` "UserID",` "UserKey",` "UserSharedWith",` "UserType",` "Version",` "WebId",` "Workload",` "Miscellaneous" ############# Main script #Open dialog by Dan Stolts $openFileDialog = New-Object windows.forms.openfiledialog $openFileDialog.initialDirectory = [System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory() $openFileDialog.title = "Select Log File to be parsered" $openFileDialog.filter = "CSV Files|*.csv|All Files|*.*" $openFileDialog.ShowHelp = $True Write-Host "Select Downloaded Settings File... (see FileOpen Dialog)" -ForegroundColor Green $result = $openFileDialog.ShowDialog() # Display the Dialog / Wait for user response # in ISE you may have to alt-tab or minimize ISE to see dialog box $result if($result -eq "OK") { Write-Host "Selected Downloaded Settings File:" -ForegroundColor Green $OpenFileDialog.filename } else { Write-Host "File Selection Cancelled!" -ForegroundColor Yellow; exit} $logsource = $openFileDialog.FileName $logdirectory = Split-Path -Parent $logsource $exported_log = $logsource -replace ".csv","_parsered.csv" #Progressbar Start time $PBStartTime = Get-Date $log = Import-Csv -Path $logsource #Choose �� for chars replacing the , inside certain Auditdata's values, namely between: [{ }] #check if there is already �� in original log to be sure $ErotinCount = [regex]::matches($log,����).count if ($ErotinCount -eq 0) { $ErotinChar = "��" } else { $ErotinChar = "�M�" } #total amount of rows in the log $rivienmaara = $log.count $rivilaskuri = 0 #create table to be populated, if exists then remove $tabName = "O365LogTable" if (Get-Variable -Name table -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Remove-Variable table } $table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable �$tabName� # Build table columns $columnloop = 0 $cols = @() $colheaders = @() do { $cols += $columnheaders[$columnloop] $colheaders += New-Object system.Data.DataColumn $cols[$columnloop],([string]) #Add the Columns $table.columns.add($colheaders[$columnloop]) $columnloop++ } until ($columnloop -gt ($columnheaders.count)-1) # Begin to parser line by line do { $string = $log[$rivilaskuri] $parseredstring = $string #trimming brackets $parseredstring.Auditdata = $parseredstring.Auditdata.Trim("{","}") $parseredstringaudit = $parseredstring.AuditData #NonGreedy, fecth only [{ }] and all of them to regex-groups $AllMatches = $parseredstringaudit | Select-String -Pattern "\[{.*?\}]" -AllMatches | foreach {$_.Matches} $matchcount = $AllMatches.Count if($AllMatches.Success) { #if only one hit, then don't iterate by items if($matchcount -eq 1){ $old = $AllMatches.Value $New = $old -replace ",",$ErotinChar $parseredstringaudit = $parseredstringaudit.Replace($old,$new) $parsered = $parseredstringaudit } else { $matchloop = 0 #loop line with regex-hits and replace comma (,) --> �� ONLY inside [{ }] do { $old = $AllMatches[$matchloop].Value $New = $old -replace ",",$ErotinChar $parseredstringaudit = $parseredstringaudit.Replace($old,$new) $parsered = $parseredstringaudit $matchloop++ } until ($matchloop -gt $matchcount-1) } } ######## Done replacing between [{ }] #after that we still have to look if there is ", " (<= ,<empty>) in the line #NonGreedy, fecth only ", " and all of them to regex-groups $AllMatches = $parseredstringaudit | Select-String -Pattern "\, " -AllMatches | foreach {$_.Matches} $matchcount = $AllMatches.Count if($AllMatches.Success) { #if only one hit, then don't iterate by items if($matchcount -eq 1){ $old = $AllMatches.Value $New = $old -replace ",",$ErotinChar $parseredstringaudit = $parseredstringaudit.Replace($old,$new) $parsered = $parseredstringaudit } else { $matchloop = 0 #loop line with regex-hits and replace comma (,) --> �� ONLY inside [{ }] do { $old = $AllMatches[$matchloop].Value $New = $old -replace ",",$ErotinChar $parseredstringaudit = $parseredstringaudit.Replace($old,$new) $parsered = $parseredstringaudit $matchloop++ } until ($matchloop -gt $matchcount-1) } } ######## Done ", " -replacements # and now we are able to split $parseredsplitted = $parsered.Split(",") $parseredsplitcount = $parseredsplitted.Count $splitloop = 0 #Create a row to table $row = $table.NewRow() #loop and get headers and values do { #header (left-part) and value (right part) $pos = $parseredsplitted[$splitloop].IndexOf(":") $leftPart = $parseredsplitted[$splitloop].Substring(0, $pos) $rightpart = $parseredsplitted[$splitloop].Substring($pos+1) #trim " $leftPart = $leftPart.Trim('"','"') $rightpart = $rightpart.Trim('"','"') ##### populate the values based on headers ##### best part of this that you can populate table by pointing to header names. ##### we don't have to worry about missing column values in the log row #find matching header "number" $colnumber = $table.Columns.IndexOf($leftPart) #If there is no match then use Miscellaneous-column if ($colnumber -eq "-1") { $colnumber = $table.Columns.IndexOf("Miscellaneous") Write-Host "No column, using misc, linenumber: $rivilaskuri" } #Enter data in the row $row.($cols[$colnumber]) = $rightpart $splitloop++ } until ($splitloop -gt $parseredsplitcount-1) #Let's add three first columns to row from the original log $row.($cols[0]) = $log[$rivilaskuri].CreationDate $row.($cols[1]) = $log[$rivilaskuri].UserIds $row.($cols[2]) = $log[$rivilaskuri].Operations #Add the populated row to the table $table.Rows.Add($row) #skip to next line in log $rivilaskuri++ #Show some progresinfo to user ## -- Calculate The Percentage Completed [Int]$Percentage = ($rivilaskuri/$rivienmaara)*100 #$PB.Value = $Percentage #calculate seconds $SecondsElapsed = ((Get-Date) - $PBStartTime).TotalSeconds $SecondsRemaining = ($SecondsElapsed / ($rivilaskuri/$rivienmaara)) - $SecondsElapsed #transform to more readable format $kulsek = [timespan]::fromseconds($SecondsElapsed) $sekunnitkulunut = $kulsek.ToString("hh\:mm\:ss") $jalsek = [timespan]::fromseconds($SecondsRemaining) $sekunnitjaljella = $jalsek.ToString("hh\:mm\:ss") Write-Progress -Activity "Prosessing" -Status "Processing: $rivilaskuri / $rivienmaara Elapsed Time: $sekunnitkulunut, Estimated time left: $sekunnitjaljella" -PercentComplete $Percentage } until ($rivilaskuri -gt $rivienmaara-1) #close the bar Write-Progress -Activity "Prosessing" -Status "Ready" -Completed #Display the table #$table | Format-Table $table | Export-Csv -Path $exported_log -NoTypeInformation Write-Host "`nOriginal log: $logsource" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Parsered log: $exported_log`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Ask user if wants to open web-page where O365 detailed log is Write-host "Would you like to open in browser detailed O365-log properties webpage (Microsoft's)?" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Readhost = Read-Host " ( y / n ) " Switch ($ReadHost) { Y {Write-host "Yes,opening"; Start-Process "https://support.office.com/en-us/article/detailed-properties-in-the-office-365-audit-log-ce004100-9e7f-443e-942b-9b04098fcfc3"} N {Write-Host "No"; $PublishSettings=$false} Default {Write-Host "Default, opening"; Start-Process "https://support.office.com/en-us/article/detailed-properties-in-the-office-365-audit-log-ce004100-9e7f-443e-942b-9b04098fcfc3"} } # Ask user if wants to open Folder of Parsered-csv Write-host "Would you like to open Folder of End-Product ie. Parsered-csv?" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Readhost = Read-Host " ( y / n ) " Switch ($ReadHost) { Y {Write-host "Yes,opening"; Invoke-Item $logdirectory} N {Write-Host "No"; $PublishSettings=$false} Default {Write-Host "Default, opening"; Invoke-Item $logdirectory} } |