.SYNOPSIS Decode Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links to show original URL .DESCRIPTION Provide Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links and export in a HTML format the original URL Can be executed on multiple encoded URL and in the end all decoded URLs can be seen the the HTML output .EXAMPLE Provide the re-written URL:|01||83ffsdfa384443fadq342743b|72f988fasdfa4d011db47|1|0|6376688415|Unknown|TWFpbGZMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwfadsfaCI6Mn0=|1000&sdata=qOwctqh5fadfaai/tglS4avTxToy67X4M8fadsfasaA=&reserved=0 .LINK Online documentation: #> Clear-Host # Variable to know if any URL needs to be decoded [bool]$decode = $true # Create timestamp $ts = get-date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss # Create export folder try { $ExportPath = "$global:WSPath\DecodeSafeLinksUrl_$ts" mkdir $ExportPath -Force | out-null Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Create ExportPath" -Description "Success" } catch { Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Create ExportPath" -Description "Couldn't create folder $global:WSPath\DecodeSafeLinksUrl_$ts. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Host "Couldn't create folder $global:WSPath\DecodeSafeLinksUrl_$ts" Read-Key Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu } #Import assembly System.Web which contains HttpUtility.UrlDecode method try { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web } catch { Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Referrence assembly System.Web" -Description "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Host "Couldn't load assembly System.Web. The script will return to the main menu" Read-Key Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu } # creating a list to store original URLs $ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrls = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList" While ($decode) { # Read from console the encoded URL $encodedURL = Read-Host("Please provide the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links URL that you want to decode to original URL") try { # Decode URL using UrlDecode from System.Web.HttpUtility $decodedURL = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($encodedURL) #$decodedURL = (($decodedURL -Split "url=")[1] -split "&data=;")[0] # check if decoded URL is of SafeLinks format # throw System.ArgumentException if the format is not supported if ($decodedURL -match "\/.*\?url=.+&data=") { $decodedURL = (($decodedURL -Split "/?url=")[1] -Split "&data=")[0] } elseif ($decodedURL -match "\/.*\?url=.+&data=") { $decodedURL = (($decodedURL -Split "/?url=")[1] -Split "&data=")[0] } else { throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "$encodedURL is not in the correct Safe Links format", "encodedURL" } } catch [System.ArgumentException] { Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Decoding URL" -Description "Couldn't decode and parse URL: $encodedURL" Write-Host "Couldn't decode and parse URL: $encodedURL" $decodedURL = $null Read-Key } catch { Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Decoding URL" -Description "Unhandled error! Input URL: $encodedURL, Exception message: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-Host "Unhandled error! Input URL: $encodedURL, Exception message: $PSItem.Exception.Message" $decodedURL = $null Read-Key } # Log at the console and logging file the decoded URL Write-Host "The decoded URL is:" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host $decodedURL Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Decoding URL" -Description "Decoded and Parse URL is: $decodedURL" Read-Key $urlHashTabel = @{ encodedURL = $encodedURL decodedURL = $decodedURL } #Cast HashTabel into PSCustomObject and add it to the List collection $null = $ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrls.Add([PSCustomObject]$urlHashTabel) # Ask if any new URL needs to be decoded Clear-Host Write-Host "Do you need a new URL to be decoded?" $answer = Get-Choice "Yes", "No" if ($answer -eq 'y') { $decode = $true } elseif ($answer -eq 'n') { $decode = $false } } #region CreateHtmlReport try { #Create the collection of sections of HTML $TheObjectToConvertToHTML = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrls.Count; $i++) { if ($null -eq $ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrls[$i].decodedURL) { [string]$SectionTitle = "Decode Safe Links URL - $($i+1)" [string]$Description = "$encodedURL is not in the correct Safe Links format" [PSCustomObject]$ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrlsHtml = New-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDataString " " $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrlsHtml) } else { [string]$SectionTitle = "Decode Safe Links URL - $($i+1)" [string]$Description = "The encoded Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links URL is decoded to show the original URL" [PSCustomObject]$ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrlsHtml = New-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "CustomObject" -EffectiveDataArrayList $ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrls[$i] -TableType "List" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrlsHtml) } } #Build HTML report out of the previous HTML sections [string]$FilePath = $ExportPath + "\DecodeSafeLinksUrl.html" Export-ReportToHTML -FilePath $FilePath -PageTitle "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links Decoder" -ReportTitle "Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links Decoder" -TheObjectToConvertToHTML $TheObjectToConvertToHTML Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Generate HTML Report" -Description "Success" } catch { Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Generate HTML Report" -Description "Error: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } #Ask end-user for opening the HTMl report $OpenHTMLfile = Read-Host "Do you wish to open HTML report file now?`nType Y(Yes) to open or N(No) to exit!" if ($OpenHTMLfile.ToLower() -like "*y*") { Write-Host "Opening report...." -ForegroundColor Cyan Start-Process $FilePath } #endregion ResultReport # Print location where the data was exported Write-Host "`nOutput was exported in the following location: $ExportPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow Read-Key # Create CSV try { $ListOfOriginalAndDecodedUrls | Export-Csv -Path "$ExportPath\DecodeSafeLinksUrl.csv" -NoTypeInformation Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Generate CSV Report" -Description "Success" } catch { Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Generate CSV Report" -Description "Error: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } # return to main menu Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Load Start-O365Troubleshooters Menu" -Description "Success" Write-Host "The script will return to main menu." Read-Key Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu |