Clear-Host $encodedURL = Read-Host("Please provide the ATP SafeLinks URL that you want to decode to original URL") Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web try { $decodedURL = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($encodedURL) #$decodedURL = (($decodedURL -Split "url=")[1] -split "&data=;")[0] if($decodedURL -match "\/\?url=.+&data=") { $decodedURL = $Matches[$Matches.Count - 1] $decodedURL = (($decodedURL -Split "\/\?url=")[1] -Split "&data=")[0] } elseif($decodedURL -match "\/\?url=.+&data=") { $decodedURL = $Matches[$Matches.Count - 1] $decodedURL = (($decodedURL -Split "\/\?url=")[1] -Split "&data=")[0] } else{throw "InvalidSafeLinksURL"} } catch { Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Decoding URL" -Description "Couldn't decode and parse URL: $encodedURL" Write-Host "Couldn't decode and parse URL: $encodedURL" Read-Host "Press any key and then to reload main menu [Enter]" Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu } Write-Host "The decoded URL is:" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host $decodedURL Write-Log -function "Start-AP_DecodeSafeLinksURL" -step "Decoding URL" -Description "Decoded and Parse URL is: $decodedURL" Read-Key Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu |