function Test-DLL { <# .SYNOPSIS Helper script for checking DLLs .DESCRIPTION This script displays information about every dll located in a given path You can get information about - FileVersion - ProductVersion - LegalCopyright - BuildConfiguration - TargetCPU - JitOptimized flag .PARAMETER DllFolder Location of the folder with dlls. .EXAMPLE Test-DLL "C:\dll" -CleanHost Clears console and then displays information about all DLLs located in "C:\dll" .EXAMPLE Test-DLL "C:\dll" Displays information about all DLLs located in "C:\dll" #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$DllFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$CleanHost ) process { if (!(Test-Path $DllFolder)) { Write-Host "Incorrect folder path:" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "$LogsFolder" -ForegroundColor Red exit } $scriptBlock = { [CmdletBinding()] param([string]$DllFolder) begin { Import-Module DLLInfo } process { Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DllFolder -Filter "*.dll" | % { Write-Host $_.FullName -ForegroundColor Yellow $versionInfo = (Get-Item $_.FullName).VersionInfo Write-Host "FileVersion `t`t[$($versionInfo.FileVersion)]" Write-Host "ProductVersion`t`t[$($versionInfo.ProductVersion)]" Write-Host "LegalCopyright`t`t[$($versionInfo.LegalCopyright)]" $buildConfiguration = Get-BuildConfiguration $_.FullName if ($buildConfiguration -eq "Release") { Write-Host "BuildConfiguration`t[$buildConfiguration]" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "BuildConfiguration`t[$buildConfiguration]" -ForegroundColor Red } $targetCPU = Get-TargetCPU $_.FullName Write-Host "TargetCPU`t`t[$targetCPU] " $jitOptimized = Test-JitOptimized $_.FullName Write-Host "JitOptimized`t`t[$jitOptimized]" write-host "" } } } $tmp = New-TemporaryFile $scriptBlock.ToString() | Out-File $tmp.FullName $scriptFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($tmp.FullName, ".ps1") $tmp | Rename-Item -NewName $tmp.Name.Replace(".tmp", ".ps1") Invoke-Expression "powershell.exe $scriptFilePath `"'$DllFolder'`"" Remove-Item $scriptFilePath -Force } } |