function Get-MergedBranchces { <# .SYNOPSIS Helper script for listing merged branches .DESCRIPTION This script will return all branches names that were already merged to the current branch .PARAMETER Branches Collection of excluded branches .EXAMPLE Get-MergedBranchces Gets all merged branches except default branches: master, develop .EXAMPLE Get-MergedBranchces -Branches naster,feature1 Gets all merged branches except specified branches: master, feature1 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$Branches = @("master", "develop") ) process { $testIsInWorkFree = git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree if ($testIsInWorkFree) { git branch --merged | % { $_.TrimStart([string]::Empty) } | ? { $Branches.Contains($_) -eq $false } | ? { -not($_.StartsWith("*")) } } else { Write-Host "This is not a git repository." } } } |