

$script:LoggerTypes = @{}
$script:LoggerDefault = $null

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Class LoggerType

        $this.Name = $Name
        $this.Prefix = [string]::Empty
        $this.Color = $null
        $this.LogPath = [string]::Empty
        $this.WriteHost = $false
        $this.WriteOutput = $false
        $this.FormatBlock = $null
        $this.OutputBlock = $null

    LoggerType([LoggerType] $loggerType)
        $this.Name = $loggerType.Name
        $this.Prefix = $loggerType.Prefix
        $this.Color = $loggerType.Color
        $this.LogPath = $loggerType.LogPath
        $this.WriteHost = $loggerType.WriteHost
        $this.WriteOutput = $loggerType.WriteOutput
        $this.FormatBlock = $loggerType.FormatBlock
        $this.OutputBlock = $loggerType.OutputBlock

    Generate a new Logger Type for use by Write-Logger when generating messages. Names are accepted by pipeline or parameter.
    The name of the Logger Type
    .PARAMETER Prefix
    A string value to prefix the message with. This is performed after any FormatBlock script.
    .PARAMETER Color
    The Color to use when writing content via Write-Host.
    .PARAMETER LogPath
    Path to a file to write finalised message content to. Contents are appended and written in UTF8
    .PARAMETER WriteHost
    Determine whether the message should be written to the console using Write-Host
    .PARAMETER WriteOutput
    Determine whether the message should be written as object output from the function
    .PARAMETER FormatBlock
    Script Block to be called for reformat the original message e.g. { "test: $_" }
    .PARAMETER OutputBlock
    Script Block to be called with the finalised message text.
    .PARAMETER Default
    Defines whether this Logger Type should be the default logger type

Function New-LoggerType

        [string]$Prefix = [string]::Empty,

        [Nullable[System.ConsoleColor]]$Color = $null,

        [string]$LogPath = [string]::Empty,

        [switch]$WriteHost = $false,

        [switch]$WriteOutput = $false,

        [ScriptBlock]$FormatBlock = $null,

        [ScriptBlock]$OutputBlock = $null,

        [switch]$Default = $false

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name))
            throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Name supplied to New-Logger is null or empty"
        if ($script:LoggerTypes.ContainsKey($Name))
            throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Name supplied to New-Logger already exists"
        Write-Verbose "Creating new logger type: ${Name}"
        $newType = New-Object LoggerType -ArgumentList $Name
        $newType.WriteHost = $WriteHost
        $newType.WriteOutput = $WriteOutput
        foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
            switch ($param)
                "Prefix" {
                    $newType.Prefix = $Prefix
                "Color" {
                    $newType.Color = $Color
                "LogPath" {
                    $newType.LogPath = $LogPath
                "FormatBlock" {
                    $newType.FormatBlock = $FormatBlock
                "OutputBlock" {
                    $newType.OutputBlock = $OutputBlock
        $script:LoggerTypes[$Name] = $newType
        if ($Default)
            Write-Verbose "Setting default logger type to ${Name}"
            $script:LoggerDefault = $Name
        Get-LoggerType $Name

    Returns all Logger Types or a single Logger Type, if a name is referenced. Names may be passed by pipeline input.
    The Name of the specific Logger Type to display

Function Get-LoggerType
        [string]$Name = [string]::Empty

        $types = $script:LoggerTypes.Keys
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Name" -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name))
            if (!$script:LoggerTypes.ContainsKey($Name))
                throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Name supplied to Get-LoggerType does not exist"
            $types = $($Name)
        $types = $types | ForEach-Object { $_ }
        $types | ForEach-Object { New-Object LoggerType -ArgumentList $script:LoggerTypes[$_] }

    Update-LoggerType updates an existing LoggerType with new options or may be used to remove options. LoggerType objects
    can be supplied by pipeline.
    The name of the Logger Type to update
    .PARAMETER Prefix
    A string value to prefix the message with. This is performed after any FormatBlock script.
    .PARAMETER Color
    The Color to use when writing content via Write-Host.
    .PARAMETER LogPath
    Path to a file to write finalised message content to. Contents are appended and written in UTF8
    .PARAMETER WriteHost
    Determine whether the message should be written to the console using Write-Host
    .PARAMETER WriteOutput
    Determine whether the message should be written as object output from the function
    .PARAMETER FormatBlock
    Script Block to be called for reformat the original message e.g. { "test: $_" }
    .PARAMETER OutputBlock
    Script Block to be called with the finalised message text.
    .PARAMETER Default
    Defines whether this Logger Type should be the default logger type

Function Update-LoggerType

        $Prefix = $null,

        [Nullable[System.ConsoleColor]]$Color = $null,

        $LogPath = $null,

        [switch]$WriteHost = $null,

        [switch]$WriteOutput = $null,

        [ScriptBlock]$FormatBlock = $null,

        [ScriptBlock]$OutputBlock = $null,

        [switch]$RemoveFormatBlock = $false,

        [switch]$RemoveOutputBlock = $false,

        [switch]$Default = $false

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name))
            throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Null or empty Name supplied to Update-LoggerType"

        if (!$script:LoggerTypes.ContainsKey($Name))
            throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Name supplied to Update-LoggerType does not exist"

        Write-Verbose "Updating logger type: ${Name}"
        $loggerType = $script:LoggerTypes[$Name]

        if ($RemoveFormatBlock)
            Write-Verbose "Removing Format block for type (${Name})"
            $loggerType.FormatBlock = $null

        if ($RemoveOutputBlock)
            Write-Verbose "Removing Output block for type (${Name})"
            $loggerType.OutputBlock = $null

        foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
            switch ($param)
                "Prefix" {
                    $loggerType.Prefix = $Prefix
                "Color" {
                    $loggerType.Color = $Color
                "LogPath" {
                    $loggerType.LogPath = $LogPath
                "WriteHost" {
                    $loggerType.WriteHost = $WriteHost
                "WriteOutput" {
                    $loggerType.WriteOutput = $WriteOutput
                "FormatBlock" {
                    $loggerType.FormatBlock = $FormatBlock
                "OutputBlock" {
                    $loggerType.OutputBlock = $OutputBlock
                "Default" {
                    if ($Default -eq $true)
                        Write-Verbose "Setting Logger type (${Name}) as default."
                        $script:LoggerDefault = $Name

                    if ($script:LoggerDefault -eq $Name)
                        Write-Verbose "Logger type (${Name}) was default. Resetting default logger."
                        $script:LoggerDefault = $null


        Get-LoggerType $Name


Function Remove-LoggerType
        [string]$Name = [string]::Empty

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name))
            throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Null or empty Name passed to Remove-LoggerType"
        if (!$script:LoggerTypes.ContainsKey($Name))
            Write-Verbose "Logger type does not exist: ${Name}"

        Write-Verbose "Removing logger type: ${Name}"
        $null = $script:LoggerTypes.Remove($Name)
        if ($script:LoggerDefault -ne $null -and $script:LoggerDefault -eq $Name)
            Write-Verbose "Logger type (${Name}) was default. Resetting default."
            $script:LoggerDefault = $null


Function Get-DefaultLoggerType

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:LoggerDefault))
        Write-Verbose "No Logger default defined"

    if (!$script:LoggerTypes.Contains($script:LoggerDefault))
        # Shouldn't happen. LoggerDefault contains name, which doesn't exist.
        # reset logger default and return as though there is no default.
        Write-Verbose "Default logger doesn't exist in collection. Resetting default logger."
        $script:LoggerDefault = $null

    $default = $script:LoggerDefault
    Write-Verbose "Logger default: ${default}"
    Get-LoggerType $script:LoggerDefault


Function Reset-DefaultLoggerType

    Write-Verbose "Resetting default logger type"
    $script:LoggerDefault = $null


Function Write-Logger
        [string]$Name = [string]::Empty

    # Determine LoggerType name to use
    $type = $null
    if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Type")
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -or !$script:LoggerTypes.Contains($Name))
            throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Logger type specified (${Name}) does not exist"

        $type = $script:LoggerTypes[$Name]

    if ($type -eq $null -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:LoggerDefault) -and $script:LoggerTypes.Contains($script:LoggerDefault))
        $type = $script:LoggerTypes[$script:LoggerDefault]

    $color = $null
    $prefix = $null
    $formatBlock = $null
    $outputBlock = $null
    $writeHost = $true
    $writeOutput = $false
    $logPath = [string]::Empty

    if ($type -ne $null)
        $prefix = $type.Prefix
        $color = $type.Color
        $formatBlock = $type.FormatBlock
        $outputBlock = $type.OutputBlock
        $writeHost = $type.WriteHost
        $writeOutput = $type.WriteOutput
        $logPath = $type.LogPath

    # Default to Grey for colour
    if ($color -eq $null)
        $color = [System.ConsoleColor]::Gray

    $msg = $Message

    # Use format block to pre-process message, if defined
    if ($formatBlock -ne $null)
        $msg = ($msg | ForEach-Object $formatBlock).ToString()

    # Add prefix to message
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($prefix))
        $msg = [string]::Format("{0}{1}", $prefix, $msg)

    # Write host output, if required
    if ($writeHost)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $color $msg

    # Write object output, if required
    if ($writeOutput)
        Write-Output $msg

    # Write to file, if defined
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logPath))
        $msg | Out-File -Append -FilePath $logPath -Encoding UTF8

    # Send message to script block, if defined
    if ($outputBlock -ne $null)
        $null = $msg | ForEach-Object $outputBlock