
# Global settings
$InformationPreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 2


Function Invoke-GithubApi
        [string]$ApiBase = "",

        [string]$Method = "GET",





        [string]$ContentType = "application/json"

        # Build the URI for the request
        $uri = $ApiBase

        if (!$RequestUri.StartsWith("/"))
            $uri += "/"

        $uri += $RequestUri

        # Build parameters for passing to Invoke-WebRequest
        $webParams = @{
            Headers = @{
                Authorization = "token XXXX"
                Accept = "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
            UseBasicParsing = $true
            Uri = $uri
            ContentType = $ContentType
            Method = $Method

        # Add the body, if it contains content. Allows null body to be passed
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Body))
            $webParams["Body"] = $Body

        # Add the file, if it as been specified
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilePath))
            $webParams["InFile"] = (Get-Item $FilePath).FullName

        # Display sanitised version of the web request
        Write-Verbose ("Request parameters: " + ($webParams | ConvertTo-Json))
        $webParams["Headers"]["Authorization"] = "token $Token"

        # Actual request
        $result = Invoke-WebRequest @webParams

        Write-Verbose ("API Response: " + $result)

        $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json


Function Add-GithubReleaseAsset







        # Build API parameters
        $apiParams = @{
            ApiBase = ""
            Method = "POST"
            Token = $Token
            ContentType = "application/octet-stream"

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            "Content" {
                # Make sure content is at least an empty string
                if ($null -eq $Content)
                    $Content = ""

                $apiParams["Body"] = $Content

            "File" {
                if (!(Test-Path -PathType Leaf $FilePath))
                    Write-Error "Path $FilePath does not exist or is not a file"

                # Update Name, if not supplied
                if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains "Name")
                    $Name = (Get-Item $FilePath).Name

                $apiParams["FilePath"] = (Get-Item $FilePath).FullName


            default {
                Write-Error "Unknown parameter set name"

        # Build request URI, including the name, derived from file or supplied
        $apiParams["RequestUri"] = ("/repos/{0}/{1}/releases/{2}/assets?name={3}" -f $Owner, $Repo, $ReleaseId, $Name)

        # Pass request to Invoke-GithubApi
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Add Release Asset"))
            Invoke-GithubApi @apiParams


Function New-GithubRelease





        [bool]$Draft = $false,

        [bool]$Prerelease = $false,


        # Add base parameters for request
        $content = @{
            tag_name = $TagName
            name = $Name
            draft = $Draft
            prerelease = $Prerelease

        # Add commitish, if supplied
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Commitish")
            $content["commitish"] = $Commitish

        # Build API parameters
        $apiParams = @{
            Method = "POST"
            RequestUri = ("/repos/{0}/{1}/releases" -f $Owner, $Repo)
            Body = ([PSCustomObject]$content | ConvertTo-Json)
            Token = $Token

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TagName, "Create Release"))
            Invoke-GithubApi @apiParams


Function Get-GithubRelease




        # Build API parameters
        $apiParams = @{
            RequestUri = ("/repos/{0}/{1}/releases/tags/{2}" -f $Owner, $Repo, $TagName)
            Token = $Token

        Invoke-GithubApi @apiParams