using module .\Base.psm1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the saved profile information of the current user, including BaseUrl and the userCode and passCode they are using. No parameters required. #> filter Get-NexusIQSettings { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([NexusIQSettings])] param () if (Test-Path -Path ([NexusIQSettings]::SavePath)) { $XML = Import-Clixml -Path ([NexusIQSettings]::SavePath) [NexusIQSettings]::new($XML.Credential,$XML.BaseUrl,$XML.APIVersion) } else { throw "Use Connect-NexusIQ to create a login profile" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Saves the user's Nexus IQ token using a saved PSCredential object stored as a CliXml file with an XML extension. Only works on a per-machine, per-user basis. .PARAMETER Credential PSCredential where the username is the UserCode and the password is the PassCode. This will be passed to Nexus IQ when calling the API. PowerShell 7+ automatically formats the username and password properly using Base-64 encoding and Basic authentication. .PARAMETER BaseUrl The URL of the Nexus IQ website .EXAMPLE Save-NexusIQLogin -BaseUrl .EXAMPLE # Reuse an existing profile's base URL and change the credentials $Settings = Get-SonarQubeSettings $Settings | Connect-NexusIQ -Credential (Get-Credential) #> filter Connect-NexusIQ { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Login-NexusIQ","Save-NexusIQLogin")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$BaseUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [NexusIQAPIVersion]$APIVersion = "V2" ) if (-not (Test-Path([NexusIQSettings]::SaveDir))) { New-Item -Type Directory -Path ([NexusIQSettings]::SaveDir) | Out-Null } else { Write-Verbose "Profile folder already existed" } $Settings = [NexusIQSettings]::new($Credential,$BaseUrl,$APIVersion) $Settings | Export-CliXml -Path ([NexusIQSettings]::SavePath) -Encoding 'utf8' -Force $Settings } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the user's login profile .EXAMPLE Disconnect-NexusIQ #> filter Disconnect-NexusIQ { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Logout-NexusIQ","Remove-NexusIQLogin")] param () Remove-Item [NexusIQSettings]::SaveDir -Recurse } <# .SYNOPSIS Verifies the user can log into the system. No parameters required. #> filter Test-NexusIQLogin { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param () try { if (Invoke-NexusIQAPI -Path "userTokens/currentUser/hasToken" -ErrorAction Stop) { $true } } catch { $false } } |