#Region '.\private\Convert-ObjectToHashtable.ps1' 0 function Convert-ObjectToHashtable { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a PSObject to a Hashtable .DESCRIPTION Invoke-Nexus outputs PSObjects, due to the underlying use of Invoke-RestMethod. Invoke-Nexus takes a Hashtable as body. This allows some pass-between. .PARAMETER InputObject The object to convert. .EXAMPLE Get-NexusBlobStorage -Name default -Type File | Convert-ObjectToHashtable #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject ) process { $Hashtable = @{} $InputObject.PSObject.Properties.ForEach{ $Hashtable[$_.Name] = $_.Value } $Hashtable } } #EndRegion '.\private\Convert-ObjectToHashtable.ps1' 29 #Region '.\private\Get-NexusUserToken.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusUserToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Fetches a User Token for the provided credential .DESCRIPTION Fetches a User Token for the provided credential .PARAMETER Credential The Nexus user for which to receive a token .NOTES This is a private function not exposed to the end user. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential] $Credential ) process { $UriBase = "$($protocol)://$($Hostname):$($port)$($ContextPath)" $slug = '/service/extdirect' $uri = $UriBase + $slug $credPair = "{0}:{1}" -f $Credential.UserName,$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($credPair)) $ApiKeyHeader = @{ Authorization = "Basic $encodedCreds"} $data = @{ action = 'rapture_Security' method = 'authenticationToken' data = @("$([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($($Credential.Username))))", "$([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password))))") type = 'rpc' tid = 16 } Write-Verbose ($data | ConvertTo-Json) $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $ApiKeyHeader -Method POST -Body ($data | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType 'application/json' -UseBasicParsing $token = $ $token } } #EndRegion '.\private\Get-NexusUserToken.ps1' 49 #Region '.\private\Invoke-Nexus.ps1' 0 function Invoke-Nexus { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $UriSlug, [Parameter()] [Hashtable] $Body, [Parameter()] [Array] $BodyAsArray, [Parameter()] [String] $BodyAsString, [Parameter()] [SecureString] $BodyAsSecureString, [Parameter()] [String] $File, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentType = 'application/json', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Method ) process { $UriBase = "$($protocol)://$($Hostname):$($port)$($ContextPath)" $Uri = $UriBase + $UriSlug $Params = @{ Headers = $header ContentType = $ContentType Uri = $Uri Method = $Method UseBasicParsing = $true } if($Body){ $Params.Add('Body',$($Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3)) } if($BodyAsArray){ $Params.Add('Body',$($BodyAsArray | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3)) } if($BodyAsString){ $Params.Add('Body',$BodyAsString) } if($BodyAsSecureString){ $Params.Add( 'Body', [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR( [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($BodyAsSecureString) ) ) } if($File){ $Params.Remove('ContentType') $Params.Add('InFile',$File) } Invoke-RestMethod @Params } } #EndRegion '.\private\Invoke-Nexus.ps1' 76 #Region '.\public\Connect-NexusServer.ps1' 0 function Connect-NexusServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the authentication header needed for REST calls to your Nexus server .DESCRIPTION Creates the authentication header needed for REST calls to your Nexus server .PARAMETER Hostname The hostname or ip address of your Nexus server .PARAMETER Credential The credentials to authenticate to your Nexus server .PARAMETER Path The optional context path used by the Nexus server .PARAMETER UseSSL Use https instead of http for REST calls. Defaults to 8443. .PARAMETER Sslport If not the default 8443 provide the current SSL port your Nexus server uses .EXAMPLE Connect-NexusServer -Hostname -Credential (Get-Credential) .EXAMPLE Connect-NexusServer -Hostname -Credential (Get-Credential) -UseSSL .EXAMPLE Connect-NexusServer -Hostname -Credential $Cred -UseSSL -Sslport 443 #> [cmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [Alias('Server')] [String] $Hostname, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter()] [String] $Path = "/", [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseSSL, [Parameter()] [String] $Sslport = '8443' ) process { if($UseSSL){ $script:protocol = 'https' $script:port = $Sslport } else { $script:protocol = 'http' $script:port = '8081' } $script:HostName = $Hostname $script:ContextPath = $Path.TrimEnd('/') $credPair = "{0}:{1}" -f $Credential.UserName,$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($credPair)) $script:header = @{ Authorization = "Basic $encodedCreds"} try { $url = "$($protocol)://$($Hostname):$($port)$($ContextPath)/service/rest/v1/status" $params = @{ Headers = $header ContentType = 'application/json' Method = 'GET' Uri = $url UseBasicParsing = $true } $result = Invoke-RestMethod @params -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Connected to $Hostname" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { $_.Exception.Message } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Connect-NexusServer.ps1' 96 #Region '.\public\Anonymous\Get-NexusAnonymousAuthStatus.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusAnonymousAuthStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the state of Nexus Anonymous Auth .DESCRIPTION Returns the state of Nexus Anonymous Auth .EXAMPLE Get-NexusAnonymousAuth #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param() begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/anonymous" } process { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'GET' } } #EndRegion '.\public\Anonymous\Get-NexusAnonymousAuthStatus.ps1' 28 #Region '.\public\Anonymous\Set-NexusAnonymousAuth.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusAnonymousAuth { <# .SYNOPSIS Turns Anonymous Authentication on or off in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Turns Anonymous Authentication on or off in Nexus .PARAMETER Enabled Turns on Anonymous Auth .PARAMETER Disabled Turns off Anonymous Auth .EXAMPLE Set-NexusAnonymousAuth -Enabled #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [Switch] $Enabled, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Disabled ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/anonymous" } process { Switch($true){ $Enabled { $Body = @{ enabled = $true userId = 'anonymous' realmName = 'NexusAuthorizingRealm' } Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method 'PUT' } $Disabled { $Body = @{ enabled = $false userId = 'anonymous' realmName = 'NexusAuthorizingRealm' } Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method 'PUT' } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Anonymous\Set-NexusAnonymousAuth.ps1' 65 #Region '.\public\Assets\Get-NexusAsset.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusAsset { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve asset information from Nexus .DESCRIPTION Retrieve asset informatino from Nexus .PARAMETER RepositoryName The repository to query for assets .PARAMETER Id A specific asset to retrieve .EXAMPLE Get-NexusAsset -RepositoryName Dev .EXAMPLE Get-NexusAsset -Id RGV2OmM2MGJjNmI5NjEyZjQ3ZDM5ZTc2ZmMwNTI1ODg0M2Rj .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName="repo")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="repo",Mandatory)] [String] $RepositoryName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Id",Mandatory)] [String] $Id ) process { if ($Id) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/assets/$($Id)" Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET } else { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/assets?repository=$($RepositoryName)" $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result.items if ($($result.continuationToken)) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/assets?continuationToken=$($result.continuationToken)&repository=$($RepositoryName)" $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result.items } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Assets\Get-NexusAsset.ps1' 57 #Region '.\public\Assets\Remove-NexusAsset.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusAsset { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an asset from a Nexus Repository .DESCRIPTION Removes an asset from a Nexus Repository .PARAMETER Id The id of the asset for removal .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation before deleting .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusAsset -Id RGV2OmM2MGJjNmI5NjEyZjQ3ZDM5ZTc2ZmMwNTI1ODg0M2Rj .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusAsset -Id RGV2OmM2MGJjNmI5NjEyZjQ3ZDM5ZTc2ZmMwNTI1ODg0M2Rj -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $Id, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) process { $Id | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/assets/$($_)" if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Asset")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Asset")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Assets\Remove-NexusAsset.ps1' 51 #Region '.\public\BlobStore\Get-NexusBlobStore.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusBlobStore { <# .SYNOPSIS Get information about a blob store .DESCRIPTION Get basic or detailed blob store configuration information .PARAMETER Name The blob store to get information from .PARAMETER Type The type of the blob store .PARAMETER Detailed Return detailed information about the blob store .EXAMPLE Get-NexusBlobStore .EXAMPLE Get-NexusBlobStore -Name default -Type file .EXAMPLE Get-NexusBlobStore -Name TreasureBlob -Type file -Detailed #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Name")] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Type")] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Name")] [ValidateSet('File', 'S3')] [String] $Type, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Name")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Type")] [Switch] $Detailed ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/blobstores" } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { { $Name } { if (-not $Detailed) { switch ($Type) { 'File' { $urlType = '/file' $Uri = $urislug + $urlType + "/$Name" Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'GET' } 'S3' { $urlType = '/s3' $Uri = $urislug + $urlType + "/$Name" Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'GET' } } } else { $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'GET' $result | Where-Object { $ -eq $Name } } } default { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'GET' } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\BlobStore\Get-NexusBlobStore.ps1' 93 #Region '.\public\BlobStore\Get-NexusBlobStoreQuota.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusBlobStoreQuota { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the quota settings of a blob store .DESCRIPTION Get the quota settings of a blob store .PARAMETER Name The blob store to retrieve quota settings .EXAMPLE Get-NexusBlobStoreQuota -Name TestBlob #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $Name ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/blobstores" } process { $Name | Foreach-Object { $Uri = $urislug + "/$_/quota-status" Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'GET' } } } #EndRegion '.\public\BlobStore\Get-NexusBlobStoreQuota.ps1' 40 #Region '.\public\BlobStore\New-NexusBlobStore.ps1' 0 function New-NexusBlobStore { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new blob store .DESCRIPTION Nexus stores artifacts for repositories in blobs. This cmdlet creates a new Nexus Blob for your artifacts .PARAMETER Type The type of Blob Store to create. This can be File, or S3 .PARAMETER Name The name of the blob store .PARAMETER UseQuota Enforce a Quota on the blob .PARAMETER QuotaType The type of Quota to enforce .PARAMETER SoftQuotaInMB The storage limit for the Quota .PARAMETER Path The path for the File type blob .PARAMETER Bucket The bucket for the S3 type blob .PARAMETER Region The AWS region of the S3 bucket .PARAMETER Prefix (Optional) Prefix of S3 bucket .PARAMETER ExpirationDays The amount of time to wait after removing an S3 blob store for the underlying bucket to be deleted .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Require authentication for an S3 blob .PARAMETER AccessKey The access key needed to connect an S3 blob when using authentication .PARAMETER SecretKey The Secret Key needed to connect an S3 blob when using authentication .PARAMETER AssumeRoleARN Optional AssumeRoleARN for s3 blob authentication .PARAMETER SessionTokenARN Optional SessionTokenARN for s3 blob authentication .PARAMETER UseEncryption Require encryption of the S3 blob .PARAMETER EncryptionType The type of encryption to use .PARAMETER KMSKeyId If using KMS Encryption the KMS Key Id needed .EXAMPLE New-NexusBlobStore -Name TreasureBlobQuota -Type File -Path C:\blob2 -UseQuota -QuotaType spaceRemainingQuota -SoftQuotaInMB 300 .EXAMPLE New-NexusBlobStore -Name TreasureBlob -Type File -Path C:\blob .NOTES S3 buckets are currently not supported by the cmdlet until I can get S3 for testing #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="File")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="S3")] [ValidateSet('File','S3')] [String] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="File")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="S3")] [String] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="File")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="FileQuota")] [Switch] $UseQuota, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="File")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="FileQuota")] [ValidateSet('spaceUsedQuota','spaceRemainingQuota')] [String] $QuotaType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="File")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="FileQuota")] [Int] $SoftQuotaInMB, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="File")] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="S3Options")] [String] $Bucket, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="S3Options")] [String] $Region, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="S3Options")] [String] $Prefix, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="S3Options")] [Int] $ExpirationDays = 3, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="S3AuthenticationSettings")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="S3AuthenticationSettings")] [String] $AccessKey, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="S3AuthenticationSettings")] [String] $SecretKey, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="S3AuthenticationSettings")] [String] $AssumeRoleARN, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="S3AuthenticationSettings")] [String] $SessionTokenARN, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetname="S3EncryptionSettings")] [Switch] $UseEncryption, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetname="S3EncryptionSettings")] [ValidateSet('None','S3Managed','KMS')] [String] $EncryptionType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="S3EncryptionSettings")] [String] $KMSKeyId ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/blobstores" } process { switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetname){ 'File' { $Body = @{ name = $Name path = $Path } if($UseQuota) { $quota = @{ type = $QuotaType limit = $SoftQuotaInMB } $Body.Add('softQuota',$quota) } $Uri = $urislug + '/file' Write-Verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) try { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Body $Body -Method 'POST' -ErrorAction Stop $obj = @{ Status = 'Success' Name = $Name Type = $Type Path = $Path } if($UseQuota){ $options = @{ QuotaType = $QuotaType QuotaLimit = $SoftQuotaInMB } $obj.Add('Options',$options) } [pscustomobject]$obj } catch { $_.exception.Message } } 'S3' { Write-Warning "S3 buckets are currently unimplemented" } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\BlobStore\New-NexusBlobStore.ps1' 221 #Region '.\public\BlobStore\Remove-NexusBlobStore.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusBlobStore { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a Nexus blob store .DESCRIPTION Deletes a Nexus blob store .PARAMETER Name The blob store to remove .PARAMETER Force Disable confirmation of the delete action. .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusBlobStore -Name TreasureBlob .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusBlobStore -Name TreasureBlob -Force #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/blobstores" } process { $Uri = $urislug + "/$Name" try { if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$name", "Remove Blob Store")) { $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'DELETE' -ErrorAction Stop [pscustomobject]@{ Status = 'Success' Blob = $Name } } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$name", "Remove Blob Store")) { $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'DELETE' -ErrorAction Stop [pscustomobject]@{ Status = 'Success' Blob = $Name Timestamp = $ } } } } catch { $_.exception.message } } } #EndRegion '.\public\BlobStore\Remove-NexusBlobStore.ps1' 78 #Region '.\public\BlobStore\Update-NexusFileBlobStore.ps1' 0 function Update-NexusFileBlobStore { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates some properties of a given file blobstore .PARAMETER Name The Name of the file blobstore to update .PARAMETER Path The path for the blob store to use .PARAMETER SoftQuotaType The type of soft quota limit to enforce .PARAMETER SoftQuotaLimit The size of the soft quota limit, in MB .NOTES This does not automatically migrate blobs from the previous location. There may be some time where the store is inaccessible. .EXAMPLE Update-NexusFileBlobStore -Name default -Path D:\NexusStore # Sets the default blobstore to the location listed #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '', SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [string] $Path, [ValidateSet("Remaining", "Used")] [string] $SoftQuotaType, [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [int] $SoftQuotaLimit ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } end { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/blobstores/file/$Name" $Body = Get-NexusBlobStore -Name $Name -Type File | Convert-ObjectToHashtable $Modified = $false switch -Wildcard ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { "Path" { if ($Body.path -ne $Path) { $Body.path = $Path $Modified = $true } } "SoftQuota*" { if (-not $Body.softQuota) { $Body.softQuota = @{} } } "SoftQuotaType" { if ($Body.softQuota.type -ne "space$($SoftQuotaType)Quota") { $Body.softQuota.type = "space$($SoftQuotaType)Quota" $Modified = $true } } "SoftQuotaLimit" { if ($Body.softQuota.limit -ne $SoftQuotaLimit) { $Body.softQuota.limit = $SoftQuotaLimit * 1MB $Modified = $true } } } if ($Modified) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Update File Blob Store")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method Put -Body $Body } } else { Write-Verbose "No change to '$($Name)' was required." } } } #EndRegion '.\public\BlobStore\Update-NexusFileBlobStore.ps1' 90 #Region '.\public\Certificates\Get-NexusCertificate.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a list of certificates added to the trust store .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a list of certificates added to the trust store .EXAMPLE Get-Nexuscertificate .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param() begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/ssl/truststore' $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ ExpiresOn = $_.expiresOn Fingerprint = $_.fingerprint Id = $ IssuedOn = $_.issuedOn IssuerCommonName = $_.issuerCommonName IssuerOrganization = $_.issuerOrganization IssuerOrganizationalUnit = $_.issueOrganizationalUnit Pem = $_.pem SerialNumber = $_.serialNumber SubjectCommonName = $_.subjectCommonName SubjectOrganization = $_.subjectOrganization SubjectOrganizationalUnit = $_.subjectOrganizationalUnit } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Certificates\Get-NexusCertificate.ps1' 46 #Region '.\public\Certificates\New-NexusCertificate.ps1' 0 function New-NexusCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a certificate to the trust store. .DESCRIPTION Add a certificate to the trust store. .PARAMETER PemFile The certificate to add encoded in PEM format .EXAMPLE New-NexusCertificate -PemFile C:\cert\prod.pem .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] [String] $PemFile ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/ssl/truststore' $Cert = Get-Content $PemFile -Raw $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -BodyAsString $Cert -Method POST $result | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ ExpiresOn = $_.expiresOn Fingerprint = $_.fingerprint Id = $ IssuedOn = $_.issuedOn IssuerCommonName = $_.issuerCommonName IssuerOrganization = $_.issuerOrganization IssuerOrganizationalUnit = $_.issueOrganizationalUnit Pem = $_.pem SerialNumber = $_.serialNumber SubjectCommonName = $_.subjectCommonName SubjectOrganization = $_.subjectOrganization SubjectOrganizationalUnit = $_.subjectOrganizationalUnit } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Certificates\New-NexusCertificate.ps1' 58 #Region '.\public\Certificates\Remove-NexusCertificate.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a certificate in the trust store. .DESCRIPTION Remove a certificate in the trust store. .PARAMETER Thumbprint The id of the certificate that should be removed. .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt before removing .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusCertificate -Thumbprint 1a:25:25:25:93:85:94 .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusCertificate -Thumbprint 1a:25:25:25:93:85:94 -Force .EXAMPLE Get-NexusCertificate | Remove-NexusCertificate .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] Param( [Alias('Id')] [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [String] $Thumbprint, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/ssl/truststore/$Thumbprint" if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Thumbprint", "Remove certificate")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Thumbprint", "Remove certificate")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Certificates\Remove-NexusCertificate.ps1' 59 #Region '.\public\Components\Get-NexusComponent.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusComponent { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve asset information from Nexus .DESCRIPTION Retrieve asset informatino from Nexus .PARAMETER RepositoryName The repository to query for components .PARAMETER Id A specific asset to retrieve .EXAMPLE Get-NexusAsset -RepositoryName Dev .EXAMPLE Get-NexusAsset -Id RGV2OmM2MGJjNmI5NjEyZjQ3ZDM5ZTc2ZmMwNTI1ODg0M2Rj .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName="repo")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="repo",Mandatory)] [String] $RepositoryName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Id",Mandatory)] [String] $Id ) process { if ($Id) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/components/$($Id)" Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET } else { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/components?repository=$($RepositoryName)" $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result.items if ($($result.continuationToken)) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/components?continuationToken=$($result.continuationToken)&repository=$($RepositoryName)" $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result.items } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Components\Get-NexusComponent.ps1' 57 #Region '.\public\Components\New-NexusNugetComponent.ps1' 0 function New-NexusNugetComponent { <# .SYNOPSIS Uploads a NuGet package to Nexus through the Components API .DESCRIPTION Uploads a NuGet package to Nexus through the Components API .PARAMETER RepositoryName The repository to upload too .PARAMETER NuGetComponent The NuGet package to upload .EXAMPLE New-NexusNugetComponent -RepositoryName ProdNuGet -NuGetComponent C:\temp\awesomepackage.0.1.0.nupkg .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $RepositoryName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })] [String] $NuGetComponent ) process { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/components?repository=$($RepositoryName)" $UriBase = "$($protocol)://$($Hostname):$($port)$($ContextPath)" $Uri = $UriBase + $UriSlug $boundary = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); $ContentType = 'application/octet-stream' $FileStream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($NuGetComponent, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open) $FileHeader = [System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue]::new('form-data') $FileHeader.Name = 'nuget.asset' $FileHeader.FileName = Split-Path -leaf $NuGetComponent $FileContent = [System.Net.Http.StreamContent]::new($FileStream) $FileContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = $FileHeader $FileContent.Headers.ContentType = [System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue]::Parse($ContentType) $MultipartContent = [System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent]::new() $MultipartContent.Add($FileContent) $params = @{ Uri = $Uri Method = 'POST' ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary$($Boundary)" Body = $MultipartContent Headers = $header UseBasicParsing = $true } $null = Invoke-WebRequest @params } } #EndRegion '.\public\Components\New-NexusNugetComponent.ps1' 69 #Region '.\public\Components\New-NexusRawComponent.ps1' 0 function New-NexusRawComponent { <# .SYNOPSIS Uploads a file to a Raw repository .DESCRIPTION Uploads a file to a Raw repository .PARAMETER RepositoryName The Raw repository to upload too .PARAMETER File The file to upload .PARAMETER Directory The directory to store the file on the repo .PARAMETER Name The name of the file stored into the repo. Can be different than the file name being uploaded. .EXAMPLE New-NexusRawComponent -RepositoryName GeneralFiles -File C:\temp\service.1234.log .EXAMPLE New-NexusRawComponent -RepositoryName GeneralFiles -File C:\temp\service.log -Directory logs .EXAMPLE New-NexusRawComponent -RepositoryName GeneralFile -File C:\temp\service.log -Directory logs -Name service.99999.log .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $RepositoryName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $File, [Parameter()] [String] $Directory, [Parameter()] [String] $Name = (Split-Path -Leaf $File) ) process { if(-not $Directory){ $urislug = "/repository/$($RepositoryName)/$($Name)" } else { $urislug = "/repository/$($RepositoryName)/$($Directory)/$($Name)" } $UriBase = "$($protocol)://$($Hostname):$($port)$($ContextPath)" $Uri = $UriBase + $UriSlug $params = @{ Uri = $Uri Method = 'PUT' ContentType = 'text/plain' InFile = $File Headers = $header UseBasicParsing = $true } $null = Invoke-WebRequest @params } } #EndRegion '.\public\Components\New-NexusRawComponent.ps1' 76 #Region '.\public\Email\Clear-NexusEmailConfig.ps1' 0 function Clear-NexusEmailConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Clears and disables the Smtp configuration in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Clears and disables the Smtp configuration in Nexus .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt before clearing settings .EXAMPLE Clear-NexusEmailConfig .EXAMPLE Clear-NexusEmailConfig -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] Param( [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/email' try { if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Hostname", "Remove SMTP Connection")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Hostname", "Remove SMTP Connection")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } } catch { $_.exception.message } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Email\Clear-NexusEmailConfig.ps1' 57 #Region '.\public\Email\Get-NexusEmailConfig.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusEmailConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets current Nexus email configuration .DESCRIPTION Gets current Nexus email configuration .EXAMPLE Get-NexusEmailConfig .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/email' $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET [pscustomobject]@{ Enabled = $result.enabled Host = $ Port = $result.port Username = $result.username Password = $result.password FromAddress = $result.fromaddress SubjectPrefix = $result.subjectprefix StartTlsEnabled = $result.starttlsenabled StartTlsRequired = $result.starttlsrequired SslOnConnectEnabled = $result.sslonconnectenabled SslServerIdentityCheckEnabled = $result.sslserveridentitycheckenabled NexusTrustStoreEnabled = $result.nexustruststoreenabled } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Email\Get-NexusEmailConfig.ps1' 45 #Region '.\public\Email\Set-NexusEmailConfig.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusEmailConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the email settings for Nexus .DESCRIPTION Sets the email settings for Nexus .PARAMETER SmtpServer The hostname or IP address of your mail server .PARAMETER SmtpPort The SMTP port of your mail server .PARAMETER Enabled Enable sending mail from Nexus .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to connect to your SMTP server if required .PARAMETER FromAddress Messages from Nexus with be sent from this email address .PARAMETER SubjectPrefix Append a prefix to messages from Nexus if desired .PARAMETER StartTlsEnabled Enable StartTLS .PARAMETER StartTlsRequired Require TLS on the smtp connection .PARAMETER SSLOnConnect Require SSL on the smtp connection .PARAMETER VerifyServerIdentity Verify mail server identity before sending messages .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use Nexus Trust Store for email certificates .EXAMPLE Set-NexusEmailConfig -SmtpSerer -Port 25 -Enabled .EXAMPLE Set-NexusEmailConfig -SmtpServer -Port 427 -Enabled -StartTlsEnabled -StartTlsrequired .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()] [String] $SmtpServer, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Int32] $SmtpPort, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Enabled, [Parameter()] [PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter()] [String] $FromAddress, [Parameter()] [String] $SubjectPrefix, [Parameter()] [Switch] $StartTlsEnabled, [Parameter()] [Switch] $StartTlsRequired, [Parameter()] [Switch] $SSLOnConnect, [Parameter()] [Switch] $VerifyServerIdentity, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/email' if($Credential){ $username = $Credential.UserName $password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } $Body = @{ enabled= [bool]$Enabled host= $SmtpServer port= $SmtpPort username= $username password= $password fromAddress= $FromAddress subjectPrefix= $SubjectPrefix startTlsEnabled= [bool]$StartTlsEnabled startTlsRequired= [bool]$StartTlsRequired sslOnConnectEnabled= [bool]$SSLOnConnect sslServerIdentityCheckEnabled= [bool]$VerifyServerIdentity nexusTrustStoreEnabled= [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } Write-verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Email\Set-NexusEmailConfig.ps1' 131 #Region '.\public\Email\Test-NexusEmailConfig.ps1' 0 function Test-NexusEmailConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Verifies Nexus Smtp configuration .DESCRIPTION Verifies Nexus Smtp configuration .PARAMETER Recipient Email address to send test message too .EXAMPLE Test-NexusEmailConfig -Recipient .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Recipient ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/email/verify' Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -BodyAsString $Recipient -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Email\Test-NexusEmailConfig.ps1' 37 #Region '.\public\License\Get-NexusLicenseStatus.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusLicenseStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets license information from a Nexus instance, if available .DESCRIPTION Gets license information from a Nexus instance, if available .EXAMPLE Get-NexusLicenseStatus #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param() begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/system/license" } process { try { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'GET' -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "Nexus license not found, running in OSS mode" } } } #EndRegion '.\public\License\Get-NexusLicenseStatus.ps1' 34 #Region '.\public\License\Install-NexusLicense.ps1' 0 function Install-NexusLicense { <# .SYNOPSIS Installs a license on a nexus instance. .DESCRIPTION Installs a license on a nexus instance. .PARAMETER NexusLicense The license file to install .EXAMPLE Install-NexusLicense -NexusLicense 'C:\temp\sonatype-repository-manager.lic' #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_})] [String] $NexusLicense ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/system/license" } process { $file = Get-Item $NexusLicense Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'POST' -Body $file -ContentType 'application/octetstream' } } #EndRegion '.\public\License\Install-NexusLicense.ps1' 38 #Region '.\public\License\Remove-NexusLicense.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusLicense { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the license from a Nexus instance .DESCRIPTION Removes the license from a Nexus instance .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation before removing the license .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusLicense .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusLicense -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] Param( [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/system/license" } process { try { if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Hostname", "Remove Nexus license")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop Write-Warning "License has been removed. Nexus service restart necessary" } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Hostname", "Remove Nexus license")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop Write-Warning "License has been removed. Nexus service restart necessary" } } } catch { $_.exception.message } } } #EndRegion '.\public\License\Remove-NexusLicense.ps1' 61 #Region '.\public\Lifecycle\Get-NexusCurrentLifecyclePhase.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusCurrentLifecyclePhase { <# .SYNOPSIS Move to new lifecycle phase .DESCRIPTION Move to new lifecycle phase .EXAMPLE Get-NexusCurrentLifecyclePhase .EXAMPLE Get-NexusLifecycle .NOTES #> [Alias('Get-NexusLifecycle')] [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param() begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } if( -not (Get-NexusLicenseStatus)) { throw "Cmdlet requires Nexus Pro" } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/lifecycle/phase' Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET } } #EndRegion '.\public\Lifecycle\Get-NexusCurrentLifecyclePhase.ps1' 39 #Region '.\public\Lifecycle\New-NexusLifecyclePhase.ps1' 0 function New-NexusLifecyclePhase { <# .SYNOPSIS Move to new lifecycle phase .DESCRIPTION Move to new lifecycle phase .PARAMETER Phase The phase to move to .EXAMPLE New-NexusLifecyclePhase -Phase NextPhase .NOTES #> [Alias('New-NexusLifecycle')] [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Phase ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } if( -not (Get-NexusLicenseStatus)) { throw "Cmdlet requires Nexus Pro" } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/lifecycle' Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -BodyAsString $Phase -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Lifecycle\New-NexusLifecyclePhase.ps1' 41 #Region '.\public\Lifecycle\Restart-NexusLifecyclePhase.ps1' 0 function Restart-NexusLifecyclePhase { <# .SYNOPSIS Re-runs all phases from the given phase to the current phase .DESCRIPTION Re-runs all phases from the given phase to the current phase .PARAMETER Phase The phase to bounce .EXAMPLE Restart-NexusLifecyclePhase -Phase 'SomePreviousPhase' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Phase ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } if( -not (Get-NexusLicenseStatus)) { throw "Cmdlet requires Nexus Pro" } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/lifecycle/bounce' Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -BodyAsString $Phase -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Lifecycle\Restart-NexusLifecyclePhase.ps1' 40 #Region '.\public\ReadOnly\Get-NexusReadOnlyState.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusReadOnlyState { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the Read-Only state of the nexus instance .DESCRIPTION Returns the Read-Only state of the nexus instance .EXAMPLE Get-NexusReadOnlyState #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param() begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/read-only" } process { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'GET' } } #EndRegion '.\public\ReadOnly\Get-NexusReadOnlyState.ps1' 28 #Region '.\public\ReadOnly\Set-NexusReadOnlyMode.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusReadOnlyMode { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the nexus instance Read-Only mode .DESCRIPTION Either Disable or Enable Read-Only mode of your nexus instance .PARAMETER Enable Sets the nexus instance to Read-Only mode .PARAMETER Disable Sets the nexus instance to write-enabled mode .EXAMPLE Set-NexusReadOnlyMode -Enable .EXAMPLE Set-NexusReadOnlyMode -Disable #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = "Enable", ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Enable")] [Switch] $Enable, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Disable")] [Switch] $Disable, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Disable")] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/read-only" } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Enable' { $Uri = $urislug + "/freeze" Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'POST' } 'Disable' { if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Read-Only", "Forcibly release mode")) { $Uri = $urislug + "/force-release" Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'POST' } } else { Write-Warning "Caution! This operation could result in data loss" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Read-Only", "Forcibly release mode")) { $Uri = $urislug + "/release" Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'POST' } } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\ReadOnly\Set-NexusReadOnlyMode.ps1' 74 #Region '.\public\Realm\Disable-NexusRealm.ps1' 0 function Disable-NexusRealm { <# .SYNOPSIS Disable realms in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Disable realms in Nexus .PARAMETER Realm The realms you wish to activate .EXAMPLE Disable-NexusRealm -Realm 'NuGet Api-Key Realm', 'Rut Auth Realm' .EXAMPLE Disable-NexusRealm -Realm 'LDAP Realm' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusRealm).name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } } )] [Alias('Name')] [String[]] $Realm, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/realms/active" } process { $body = @((Get-NexusRealm -Active| Where-Object { $_.Name -notin $Realm }).id) try { if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove Repository")) { Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -BodyAsArray $Body -Method PUT -ErrorAction Stop } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove Repository")) { Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -BodyAsArray $Body -Method PUT -ErrorAction Stop } } } catch { $_.exception.message } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Realm\Disable-NexusRealm.ps1' 83 #Region '.\public\Realm\Enable-NexusRealm.ps1' 0 function Enable-NexusRealm { <# .SYNOPSIS Enable realms in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Enable realms in Nexus .PARAMETER Realm The realms you wish to activate .EXAMPLE Enable-NexusRealm -Realm 'NuGet Api-Key Realm', 'Rut Auth Realm' .EXAMPLE Enable-NexusRealm -Realm 'LDAP Realm' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Command,$Parameter,$WordToComplete,$CommandAst,$FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusRealm).name if($WordToComplete){ $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } } )] [String[]] $Realm ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/realms/active" } process { $collection = @() Get-NexusRealm -Active | ForEach-Object { $collection += $ } $Realm | Foreach-Object { switch($_){ 'Conan Bearer Token Realm' { $id = '' } 'Default Role Realm' { $id = 'DefaultRole' } 'Docker Bearer Token Realm' { $id = 'DockerToken' } 'LDAP Realm' { $id = 'LdapRealm' } 'Local Authentication Realm' { $id = 'NexusAuthenticatingRealm'} 'Local Authorizing Realm' {$id = 'NexusAuthorizingRealm'} 'npm Bearer Token Realm' {$id = 'NpmToken'} 'NuGet API-Key Realm' { $id = 'NuGetApiKey'} 'Rut Auth Realm' { $id = 'rutauth-realm'} } $collection += $id } $body = $collection Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -BodyAsArray $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Realm\Enable-NexusRealm.ps1' 80 #Region '.\public\Realm\Get-NexusRealm.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusRealm { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Nexus Realm information .DESCRIPTION Gets Nexus Realm information .PARAMETER Active Returns only active realms .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRealm .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRealm -Active #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter()] [Switch] $Active ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/realms/available" } process { if ($Active) { $current = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'GET' $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/realms/active' $Activated = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'GET' $current | Where-Object { $_.Id -in $Activated } } else { $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method 'GET' $result | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Id = $ Name = $ } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Realm\Get-NexusRealm.ps1' 57 #Region '.\public\Repository\Get-NexusRepository.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns info about configured Nexus repository .DESCRIPTION Returns details for currently configured repositories on your Nexus server .PARAMETER Format Query for only a specific repository format. E.g. nuget, maven2, or docker .PARAMETER Name Query for a specific repository by name .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRepository .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRepository -Format nuget .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRepository -Name CompanyNugetPkgs #> [cmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName="default")] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Format",Mandatory)] [String] [ValidateSet('apt','bower','cocoapods','conan','conda','docker','gitlfs','go','helm','maven2','npm','nuget','p2','pypi','r','raw','rubygems','yum')] $Format, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Type",Mandatory)] [String] [ValidateSet('hosted','group','proxy')] $Type, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Name",Mandatory)] [String] $Name ) begin { if(-not $header){ throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories" } process { switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName){ {$Format} { $filter = { $_.format -eq $Format} $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method Get $result | Where-Object $filter } {$Name} { $filter = { $ -eq $Name } $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method Get $result | Where-Object $filter } {$Type} { $filter = { $_.type -eq $Type } $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method Get $result | Where-Object $filter } default { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method Get| ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Format = $_.SyncRoot.format Type = $_.SyncRoot.type Url = $_.SyncRoot.url Attributes = $_.SyncRoot.attributes } } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\Get-NexusRepository.ps1' 89 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusAptHostedRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusAptHostedRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Hosted Apt repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Hosted Apt repository .PARAMETER Name The name given to the repository .PARAMETER Distribution Distribution to fetch e.g. bionic .PARAMETER SigningKey PGP signing key pair (armored private key e.g. gpg --export-secret-key --armor ) .PARAMETER SigningKeyPassphrase Passphrase to access PGP Signing Key .PARAMETER BlobStore Blob store used to store repository contents .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls if deployments of and updates to artifacts are allowed .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy Components that match any of the Applied policies will be deleted .PARAMETER Online The repository accepts incoming requests .PARAMETER HasProprietaryComponents Components in this repository count as proprietary for namespace conflict attacks (requires Sonatype Nexus Firewall) .EXAMPLE $RepoParams = @{ Name = 'AptPackages' Distribution = 'bionic' SigningKey = 'SuperSecretString' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow_Once' } New-NexusAptHostedRepository @RepoParams #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Distribution, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $SigningKey, [Parameter()] [String] $SigningKeyPassphrase, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStore = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $StrictContentValidation, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [Switch] $HasProprietaryComponents ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/apt/hosted" } process { $Body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online apt = @{ distribution = $Distribution } aptSigning = @{ keypair = $SigningKey passprhase = $SigningKeyPassphrase } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy ) } storage = @{ strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation blobStoreName = $BlobStore writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy.ToUpper() } component = @{ proprietaryComponents = [bool]$HasProprietaryComponents } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusAptHostedRepository.ps1' 130 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusAptProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusAptProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Apt Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Apt Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name given to the repository .PARAMETER Distribution Distribution to fetch e.g. bionic .PARAMETER SigningKey PGP signing key pair (armored private key e.g. gpg --export-secret-key --armor ) .PARAMETER SigningKeyPassphrase Passphrase to access PGP Signing Key .PARAMETER BlobStore Blob store used to store repository contents .PARAMETER UseStrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls if deployments of and updates to artifacts are allowed .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy Components that match any of the Applied policies will be deleted .PARAMETER Online The repository accepts incoming requests .PARAMETER HasProprietaryComponents Components in this repository count as proprietary for namespace conflict attacks (requires Sonatype Nexus Firewall) .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes How long (in minutes) to cache artifacts before rechecking the remote repository. Release repositories should use -1. .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes How long (in minutes) to cache metadata before rechecking the remote repository. .PARAMETER QueryCacheItemMaxAgSeconds How long to cache the fact that a file was not found in the repository (in minutes) .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Cache responses for content not present in the proxied repository .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes How long to cache the fact that a file was not found in the repository (in minutes) .PARAMETER FlatUpstream Is this repository flat? .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .EXAMPLE $RepoParams = @{ Name = 'AptProxy' Distribution = 'bionic' SigningKey = 'SuperSecretKey' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow_Once' ProxyUrl = '' } New-NexusAptProxyRepository @RepoParams .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName = 'Hosted')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Distribution, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $SigningKey, [Parameter()] [String] $SigningKeyPassphrase, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStore = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseStrictContentValidation, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [Switch] $HasProprietaryComponents, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $QueryCacheItemMaxAgSeconds = '3600', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [Switch] $FlatUpstream = $true, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/apt/proxy" } process { $Body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online apt = @{ distribution = $Distribution flat = [bool]$FlatUpstream } aptSigning = @{ keypair = $SigningKey passprhase = $SigningKeyPassphrase } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy ) } storage = @{ strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$UseStrictContentValidation blobStoreName = $BlobStore writePolicy = $($DeploymentPolicy.ToUpper()) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch ($AuthenticationType) { 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if (-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName) { throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusAptProxyRepository.ps1' 318 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusBowerGroupRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusBowerGroupRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Bower Group repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a Bower Group repository .PARAMETER Name The name of the repository .PARAMETER GroupMembers The Bower Repositories to add as group members .PARAMETER Online Marks the repository as online .PARAMETER BlobStore The blob store to attach to the repository .PARAMETER UseStrictContentTypeValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER ContentDisposition Add Content-Disposition header as 'Attachment' to disable some content from being inline in a browser .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Required by the API, but thrown away by the underlying system. Use whatever you want here from the set .EXAMPLE New-NexusBowerGroupRepository -Name AllArtifacts -GroupMembers BinaryArtifacts,Documentation -DeploymentPolicy Allow .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $GroupMembers, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStore = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseStrictContentTypeValidation, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow_Once' ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/bower/group" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStore strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$UseStrictContentTypeValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy.ToLower() } group = @{ memberNames = $GroupMembers } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusBowerGroupRepository.ps1' 93 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusBowerHostedRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusBowerHostedRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Bower Hosted repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Bower Hosted repository .PARAMETER Name The name of the repository .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policies to apply to the repository .PARAMETER Online Marks the repository to accept incoming requests .PARAMETER BlobStoreName Blob store to use to store Bower packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls if deployments of and updates to artifacts are allowed .PARAMETER HasProprietaryComponents Components in this repository count as proprietary for namespace conflict attacks (requires Sonatype Nexus Firewall) .EXAMPLE New-NexusBowerHostedRepository -Name BowerHostedTest -DeploymentPolicy Allow .EXAMPLE $RepoParams = @{ Name = 'MyBowerRepo' CleanupPolicy = '90 Days' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseStrictContentValidation = $true } New-NexusBowerHostedRepository @RepoParams .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('True', 'False')] [String] $Online = 'True', [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('True', 'False')] [String] $UseStrictContentValidation = 'True', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $HasProprietaryComponents ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/bower/hosted" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = $Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = $UseStrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } } if ($HasProprietaryComponents) { $Prop = @{ proprietaryComponents = 'True' } $Body.Add('component', $Prop) } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusBowerHostedRepository.ps1' 118 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusBowerProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusBowerProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Bower Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Bower Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name to give the repository .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied, e.g. .PARAMETER RewritePackageUrls Whether to force Bower to retrieve packages through this proxy repository .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached content is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached metadata is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use the built-in Negative Cache feature .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache Time To Live value. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policy to apply to this repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule Routing Rules you wish to apply to this repository .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The back-end blob store in which to store cached packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls whether packages can be overwritten .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use certificates stored in the Nexus truststore to connect to external systems .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'BowerProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' } New-NexusBowerProxyRepository @ProxyParameters .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'BowerProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseAuthentication = $true AuthenticationType = 'Username' Credential = (Get-Credential) } New-NexusBowerProxyRepository @ProxyParameters #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',DefaultParameterSetname="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter()] [Switch] $RewritePackageUrls, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $StrictContentValidation = $true, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0,10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/bower/proxy" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } bower = @{ rewritePackageUrls = [bool]$RewritePackageUrls } httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking connection = @{ retries = $ConnectionRetries userAgentSuffix = $CustomUserAgent timeout = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds enableCircularRedirects = [bool]$EnableCircularRedirects enableCookies = [bool]$EnableCookies useTrustStore = [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch($AuthenticationType){ 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType.ToLower() username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if(-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName){ throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusBowerProxyRepository.ps1' 311 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusCocoaPodProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusCocoaPodProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new CocoaPod Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new CocoaPod Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name to give the repository .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied, e.g. .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached content is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached metadata is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use the built-in Negative Cache feature .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache Time To Live value. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policy to apply to this repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule Routing Rules you wish to apply to this repository .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The back-end blob store in which to store cached packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls whether packages can be overwritten .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use certificates stored in the Nexus truststore to connect to external systems .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'CocoaPodProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' } New-NexusCocoaPodProxyRepository @ProxyParameters .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'CocoaPodProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseAuthentication = $true AuthenticationType = 'Username' Credential = (Get-Credential) } New-NexusCocoaPodProxyRepository @ProxyParameters #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',DefaultParameterSetname="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $StrictContentValidation = $true, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0,10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/cocoapods/proxy" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } routingRule = $RoutingRule httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking connection = @{ retries = $ConnectionRetries userAgentSuffix = $CustomUserAgent timeout = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds enableCircularRedirects = [bool]$EnableCircularRedirects enableCookies = [bool]$EnableCookies useTrustStore = [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch($AuthenticationType){ 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType.ToLower() username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if(-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName){ throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusCocoaPodProxyRepository.ps1' 300 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusConanProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusConanProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Conan Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Conan Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name to give the repository .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied, e.g. .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached content is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached metadata is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use the built-in Negative Cache feature .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache Time To Live value. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policy to apply to this repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule Routing Rules you wish to apply to this repository .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The back-end blob store in which to store cached packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls whether packages can be overwritten .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use certificates stored in the Nexus truststore to connect to external systems .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'ConanProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' } New-NexusConanProxyRepository @ProxyParameters .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'ConanProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseAuthentication = $true AuthenticationType = 'Username' Credential = (Get-Credential) } New-NexusConanProxyRepository @ProxyParameters #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',DefaultParameterSetname="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $StrictContentValidation = $true, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0,10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/conan/proxy" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } routingRule = $RoutingRule httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking connection = @{ retries = $ConnectionRetries userAgentSuffix = $CustomUserAgent timeout = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds enableCircularRedirects = [bool]$EnableCircularRedirects enableCookies = [bool]$EnableCookies useTrustStore = [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch($AuthenticationType){ 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType.ToLower() username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if(-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName){ throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusConanProxyRepository.ps1' 300 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusCondaProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusCondaProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Conda Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Conda Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name to give the repository .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied, e.g. .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached content is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached metadata is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use the built-in Negative Cache feature .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache Time To Live value. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policy to apply to this repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule Routing Rules you wish to apply to this repository .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The back-end blob store in which to store cached packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls whether packages can be overwritten .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use certificates stored in the Nexus truststore to connect to external systems .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'CondaProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' } New-NexusCondaProxyRepository @ProxyParameters .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'CondaProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseAuthentication = $true AuthenticationType = 'Username' Credential = (Get-Credential) } New-NexusCondaProxyRepository @ProxyParameters #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',DefaultParameterSetname="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $StrictContentValidation = $true, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0,10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/conda/proxy" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } routingRule = $RoutingRule httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking connection = @{ retries = $ConnectionRetries userAgentSuffix = $CustomUserAgent timeout = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds enableCircularRedirects = [bool]$EnableCircularRedirects enableCookies = [bool]$EnableCookies useTrustStore = [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch($AuthenticationType){ 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType.ToLower() username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if(-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName){ throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusCondaProxyRepository.ps1' 300 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusDockerGroupRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusDockerGroupRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Docker Group repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Docker Group repository .PARAMETER Name The name of the repository .PARAMETER Online Marks the repository to accept incoming requests .PARAMETER BlobStoreName Blob store to use to store Docker packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER EnableV1 Whether to allow clients to use the V1 API to interact with this repository .PARAMETER ForceBasicAuth Whether to force authentication (Docker Bearer Token Realm required if false) .PARAMETER HttpPort Create an HTTP connector at specified port .PARAMETER HttpsPort Create an HTTPS connector at specified port .EXAMPLE New-NexusDockerGroupRepository -Name DockerGroup -GroupMembers DockerHostedLinux,DockerProd -Online .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $GroupMembers, [Parameter()] [String] $WritableMember, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseStrictContentTypeValidation, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableV1, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ForceBasicAuth, [Parameter()] [String] $HttpPort, [Parameter()] [String] $HttpsPort ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/docker/group" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$UseStrictContentValidation } group = @{ memberNames = $GroupMembers writableMember = $WritableMember } docker = @{ v1Enabled = [bool]$EnableV1 forceBasicAuth = [bool]$ForceBasicAuth httpPort = $HttpPort httpsPort = $HttpsPort } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST if($ForceBasicAuth -eq $false){ Write-Warning "Docker Bearer Token Realm required since -ForceBasicAuth was not passed." Write-Warning "Use Add-NexusRealm to enable if desired." } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusDockerGroupRepository.ps1' 124 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusDockerHostedRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusDockerHostedRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Docker Hosted repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Docker Hosted repository .PARAMETER Name The name of the repository .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policies to apply to the repository .PARAMETER Online Marks the repository to accept incoming requests .PARAMETER BlobStoreName Blob store to use to store Docker packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls if deployments of and updates to artifacts are allowed .PARAMETER HasProprietaryComponents Components in this repository count as proprietary for namespace conflict attacks (requires Sonatype Nexus Firewall) .PARAMETER EnableV1 Whether to allow clients to use the V1 API to interact with this repository .PARAMETER ForceBasicAuth Whether to force authentication (Docker Bearer Token Realm required if false) .PARAMETER HttpPort Create an HTTP connector at specified port .PARAMETER HttpsPort Create an HTTPS connector at specified port .EXAMPLE New-NexusDockerHostedRepository -Name DockerHostedTest -DeploymentPolicy Allow -EnableV1 -ForceBasicAuth .EXAMPLE $RepoParams = @{ Name = MyDockerRepo CleanupPolicy = '90 Days' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseStrictContentValidation = $true ForceBasicAuth = $true HttpPort = '8082' EnableV1 = $true } New-NexusDockerHostedRepository @RepoParams .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('True', 'False')] [String] $UseStrictContentValidation = 'True', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $HasProprietaryComponents, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableV1, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ForceBasicAuth, [Parameter()] [String] $HttpPort, [Parameter()] [String] $HttpsPort ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/docker/hosted" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = $UseStrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } docker = @{ v1Enabled = [bool]$EnableV1 forceBasicAuth = [bool]$ForceBasicAuth httpPort = $HttpPort httpsPort = $HttpsPort } } if ($HasProprietaryComponents) { $Prop = @{ proprietaryComponents = 'True' } $Body.Add('component', $Prop) } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST if($ForceBasicAuth -eq $false){ Write-Warning "Docker Bearer Token Realm required since -ForceBasicAuth was not passed." Write-Warning "Use Add-NexusRealm to enable if desired." } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusDockerHostedRepository.ps1' 163 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusDockerProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusDockerProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Conda Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Conda Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name to give the repository .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied, e.g. .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached content is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached metadata is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use the built-in Negative Cache feature .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache Time To Live value. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policy to apply to this repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule Routing Rules you wish to apply to this repository .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The back-end blob store in which to store cached packages .PARAMETER UseStrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use certificates stored in the Nexus truststore to connect to external systems .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .PARAMETER EnableV1 Whether to allow clients to use the V1 API to interact with this repository .PARAMETER ForceBasicAuth Whether to force authentication (Docker Bearer Token Realm required if false) .PARAMETER HttpPort Create an HTTP connector at specified port .PARAMETER HttpsPort Create an HTTPS connector at specified port .PARAMETER ProxyIndexType Type of Docker Index .PARAMETER IndexUrl Url of Docker Index to use. Required only if ProxyIndexType is Custom .EXAMPLE New-NexusDockerProxyRepository -Name DockerProxyTest -ProxyRemoteUrl -Online .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseStrictContentValidation, [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableV1, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ForceBasicAuth, [Parameter()] [String] $HttpPort, [Parameter()] [String] $HttpsPort, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Hub', 'Registry', 'Custom')] [String] $ProxyIndexType = 'Registry', [Parameter()] [String] $IndexUrl ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/docker/proxy" } process { if($ProxyIndexType -eq 'Hub'){ $IndexUrl = '' } if($ProxyIndexType -eq 'Custom'){ if($null -eq $IndexUrl){ throw "IndexUrl is required when using a custom ProxyIndexType" } } switch($ProxyIndexType){ 'Hub' { $IndexUrl = ''} 'Registry' {$IndexUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl} default {$null} } $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } routingRule = $RoutingRule httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking connection = @{ retries = $ConnectionRetries userAgentSuffix = $CustomUserAgent timeout = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds enableCircularRedirects = [bool]$EnableCircularRedirects enableCookies = [bool]$EnableCookies useTrustStore = [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } } docker = @{ v1Enabled = [bool]$EnableV1 forceBasicAuth = [bool]$ForceBasicAuth httpPort = $HttpPort httpsPort = $HttpsPort } dockerProxy = @{ indexType = $ProxyIndexType.ToUpper() indexUrl = $IndexUrl } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch ($AuthenticationType) { 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType.ToLower() username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if (-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName) { throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST if ($ForceBasicAuth -eq $false) { Write-Warning "Docker Bearer Token Realm required since -ForceBasicAuth was not passed." Write-Warning "Use Add-NexusRealm to enable if desired." } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusDockerProxyRepository.ps1' 349 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusGitLfsHostedRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusGitlfsHostedRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new GitLfs Hosted repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new GitLfs Hosted repository .PARAMETER Name The name of the repository .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policies to apply to the repository .PARAMETER Online Marks the repository to accept incoming requests .PARAMETER BlobStoreName Blob store to use to store GitLfs packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls if deployments of and updates to artifacts are allowed .PARAMETER HasProprietaryComponents Components in this repository count as proprietary for namespace conflict attacks (requires Sonatype Nexus Firewall) .EXAMPLE New-NexusGitLfsHostedRepository -Name GitLfsHostedTest -DeploymentPolicy Allow .EXAMPLE $RepoParams = @{ Name = 'MyGitLfsRepo' CleanupPolicy = '90 Days' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseStrictContentValidation = $true } New-NexusGitLfsHostedRepository @RepoParams .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseStrictContentValidation, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $HasProprietaryComponents ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/gitlfs/hosted" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$UseStrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } } if ($HasProprietaryComponents) { $Prop = @{ proprietaryComponents = 'True' } $Body.Add('component', $Prop) } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusGitLfsHostedRepository.ps1' 114 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusGoGroupRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusGoGroupRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Go Group repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Go Group repository .PARAMETER Name The name of the repository .PARAMETER Online Marks the repository to accept incoming requests .PARAMETER BlobStoreName Blob store to use to store Go packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER GroupMembers Member repositories' names .EXAMPLE New-NexusGoGroupRepository -Name GoGroup -GroupMembers GoHostedLinux,GoProd -Online .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $GroupMembers, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseStrictContentTypeValidation ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/go/group" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$UseStrictContentValidation } group = @{ memberNames = $GroupMembers writableMember = $WritableMember } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusGoGroupRepository.ps1' 82 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusGoProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusGoProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Go Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Go Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name to give the repository .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied, e.g. .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached content is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached metadata is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use the built-in Negative Cache feature .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache Time To Live value. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policy to apply to this repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule Routing Rules you wish to apply to this repository .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The back-end blob store in which to store cached packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls whether packages can be overwritten .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use certificates stored in the Nexus truststore to connect to external systems .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'GoProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' } New-NexusGoProxyRepository @ProxyParameters .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'GoProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseAuthentication = $true AuthenticationType = 'Username' Credential = (Get-Credential) } New-NexusGoProxyRepository @ProxyParameters #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '', DefaultParameterSetname = "Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $StrictContentValidation = $true, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/go/proxy" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } routingRule = $RoutingRule httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking connection = @{ retries = $ConnectionRetries userAgentSuffix = $CustomUserAgent timeout = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds enableCircularRedirects = [bool]$EnableCircularRedirects enableCookies = [bool]$EnableCookies useTrustStore = [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch ($AuthenticationType) { 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType.ToLower() username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if (-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName) { throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusGoProxyRepository.ps1' 301 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusNugetHostedRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusNugetHostedRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new NuGet Hosted repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new NuGet Hosted repository .PARAMETER Name The name of the repository .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policies to apply to the repository .PARAMETER Online Marks the repository to accept incoming requests .PARAMETER BlobStoreName Blob store to use to store NuGet packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls if deployments of and updates to artifacts are allowed .PARAMETER HasProprietaryComponents Components in this repository count as proprietary for namespace conflict attacks (requires Sonatype Nexus Firewall) .EXAMPLE New-NexusNugetHostedRepository -Name NugetHostedTest -DeploymentPolicy Allow .EXAMPLE $RepoParams = @{ Name = MyNuGetRepo CleanupPolicy = '90 Days' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseStrictContentValidation = $true } New-NexusNugetHostedRepository @RepoParams .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('True', 'False')] [String] $UseStrictContentValidation = 'True', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $HasProprietaryComponents ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories" } process { $formatUrl = $urislug + '/nuget' $FullUrlSlug = $formatUrl + '/hosted' $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = $UseStrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } } if ($HasProprietaryComponents) { $Prop = @{ proprietaryComponents = 'True' } $Body.Add('component', $Prop) } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $FullUrlSlug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusNugetHostedRepository.ps1' 124 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusNugetProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusNugetProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new NuGet Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new NuGet Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name to give the repository .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied, e.g. .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached content is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached metadata is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER QueryCacheItemMaxAgeSeconds Time before the query cache expires. Defaults to 3600 .PARAMETER NugetVersion Upstream NuGet version. Can either be V2 or V3 .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use the built-in Negative Cache feature .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache Time To Live value. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policy to apply to this repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule Routing Rules you wish to apply to this repository .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The back-end blob store in which to store cached packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls whether packages can be overwritten .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use certificates stored in the Nexus truststore to connect to external systems .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'ChocoProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' NugetVersion = 'V2' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' } New-NexusNugetProxyRepository @ProxyParameters .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'ChocoProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' NugetVersion = 'V2' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseAuthentication = $true AuthenticationType = 'Username' Credential = (Get-Credential) } New-NexusNugetProxyRepository @ProxyParameters #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',DefaultParameterSetname="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $QueryCacheItemMaxAgeSeconds = '3600', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('V2', 'V3')] [String] $NugetVersion, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $StrictContentValidation = $true, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0,10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories" } process { $formatUrl = $urislug + "/nuget" $FullUrlSlug = $formatUrl + "/proxy" $AuthenticationType = $AuthenticationType.ToLower() $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } nugetProxy = @{ queryCacheItemMaxAge = $QueryCacheItemMaxAgSeconds nugetVersion = $NugetVersion } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking connection = @{ retries = $ConnectionRetries userAgentSuffix = $CustomUserAgent timeout = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds enableCircularRedirects = [bool]$EnableCircularRedirects enableCookies = [bool]$EnableCookies useTrustStore = [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch($AuthenticationType){ 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if(-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName){ throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $FullUrlSlug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusNugetProxyRepository.ps1' 328 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusRawGroupRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusRawGroupRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Raw Group repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a Raw Group repository .PARAMETER Name The name of the repository .PARAMETER GroupMembers The Raw Repositories to add as group members .PARAMETER Online Marks the repository as online .PARAMETER BlobStore The blob store to attach to the repository .PARAMETER UseStrictContentTypeValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER ContentDisposition Add Content-Disposition header as 'Attachment' to disable some content from being inline in a browser .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Required by the API, but thrown away by the underlying system. Use whatever you want here from the set .EXAMPLE New-NexusRawGroupRepository -Name AllArtifacts -GroupMembers BinaryArtifacts,Documentation -DeploymentPolicy Allow .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $GroupMembers, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStore = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseStrictContentTypeValidation, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Inline', 'Attachment')] [String] $ContentDisposition, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow_Once' ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/raw/group" } process { $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStore strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$UseStrictContentTypeValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy.ToLower() } group = @{ memberNames = $GroupMembers } raw = @{ contentDisposition = $ContentDisposition } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusRawGroupRepository.ps1' 101 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusRawHostedRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusRawHostedRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Raw Hosted repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Raw Hosted repository .PARAMETER Name The Name of the repository to create .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStore The blob store to attach the repository too. Defaults to 'default' .PARAMETER UseStrictContentTypeValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls if deployments of and updates to artifacts are allowed .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy Components that match any of the Applied policies will be deleted .PARAMETER HasProprietaryComponents Components in this repository count as proprietary for namespace conflict attacks (requires Sonatype Nexus Firewall) .PARAMETER ContentDisposition Add Content-Disposition header as 'Attachment' to disable some content from being inline in a browser. .EXAMPLE New-NexusRawHostedRepository -Name BinaryArtifacts -ContentDisposition Attachment .EXAMPLE $RepoParams = @{ Name = 'BinaryArtifacts' Online = $true UseStrictContentTypeValidation = $true DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' CleanupPolicy = '90Days', BlobStore = 'AmazonS3Bucket' } New-NexusRawHostedRepository @RepoParams .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '', DefaultParameterSetname = "Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStore = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseStrictContentTypeValidation, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny', 'Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow_Once', [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch] $HasProprietaryComponents, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Inline','Attachment')] [String] $ContentDisposition ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/raw/hosted" } process { $Body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStore strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$UseStrictContentTypeValidation writePolicy = $DeploymentPolicy.ToLower() } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } component = @{ proprietaryComponents = [bool]$HasProprietaryComponents } raw = @{ contentDisposition = $ContentDisposition.ToUpper() } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusRawHostedRepository.ps1' 124 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusRawProxyRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusRawProxyRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new NuGet Proxy Repository .DESCRIPTION Creates a new NuGet Proxy Repository .PARAMETER Name The name to give the repository .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl Location of the remote repository being proxied, e.g. .PARAMETER ContentDisposition Add Content-Disposition header as 'Attachment' to disable some content from being inline in a browser. .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached content is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes Time before cached metadata is refreshed. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER QueryCacheItemMaxAgeSeconds Time before the query cache expires. Defaults to 3600 .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use the built-in Negative Cache feature .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache Time To Live value. Defaults to 1440 .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The Cleanup Policy to apply to this repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule Routing Rules you wish to apply to this repository .PARAMETER Online Mark the repository as Online. Defaults to True .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The back-end blob store in which to store cached packages .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Validate that all content uploaded to this repository is of a MIME type appropriate for the repository format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls whether packages can be overwritten .PARAMETER UseNexusTrustStore Use certificates stored in the Nexus truststore to connect to external systems .PARAMETER UseAuthentication Use authentication for the upstream repository .PARAMETER AuthenticationType The type of authentication required by the upstream repository .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use to connecto to upstream repository .PARAMETER HostnameFqdn If using NTLM authentication, the Hostname of the NTLM host to query .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name of the NTLM host .PARAMETER BlockOutboundConnections Block outbound connections on the repository .PARAMETER EnableAutoBlocking Auto-block outbound connections on the repository if remote peer is detected as unreachable/unresponsive .PARAMETER ConnectionRetries Connection attempts to upstream repository before a failure .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds Amount of time to wait before retrying the connection to the upstream repository .PARAMETER EnableCircularRedirects Enable redirects to the same location (may be required by some servers) .PARAMETER EnableCookies Allow cookies to be stored and used .PARAMETER CustomUserAgent Custom fragment to append to "User-Agent" header in HTTP requests .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'ChocoProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' } New-NexusRawProxyRepository @ProxyParameters .EXAMPLE $ProxyParameters = @{ Name = 'ChocoProxy' ProxyRemoteUrl = '' DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow' UseAuthentication = $true AuthenticationType = 'Username' Credential = (Get-Credential) } New-NexusRawProxyRepository @ProxyParameters #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '', DefaultParameterSetname = "Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Inline','Attachment')] [String] $ContentDisposition, [Parameter()] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $QueryCacheItemMaxAgeSeconds = '3600', [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNegativeCache, [Parameter()] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter()] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter()] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Online = $true, [Parameter()] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter()] [Switch] $StrictContentValidation = $true, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseNexusTrustStore = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [Switch] $UseAuthentication, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Username', 'NTLM')] [String] $AuthenticationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication", Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $HostnameFqdn, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Authentication")] [String] $DomainName, [Parameter()] [Switch] $BlockOutboundConnections = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableAutoBlocking = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 10)] [String] $ConnectionRetries, [Parameter()] [String] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCircularRedirects = $false, [Parameter()] [Switch] $EnableCookies = $false, [Parameter()] [String] $CustomUserAgent ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories/raw/proxy" } process { $AuthenticationType = $AuthenticationType.ToLower() $body = @{ name = $Name online = [bool]$Online storage = @{ blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName strictContentTypeValidation = [bool]$StrictContentValidation } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy) } proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes } negativeCache = @{ enabled = [bool]$UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } httpClient = @{ blocked = [bool]$BlockOutboundConnections autoBlock = [bool]$EnableAutoBlocking connection = @{ retries = $ConnectionRetries userAgentSuffix = $CustomUserAgent timeout = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds enableCircularRedirects = [bool]$EnableCircularRedirects enableCookies = [bool]$EnableCookies useTrustStore = [bool]$UseNexusTrustStore } } routingRule = $RoutingRule raw = @{ contentDisposition = $ContentDisposition } } if ($UseAuthentication) { switch ($AuthenticationType) { 'Username' { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } 'NTLM' { if (-not $HostnameFqdn -and $DomainName) { throw "Parameter HostnameFqdn and DomainName are required when using WindowsNTLM authentication" } else { $authentication = @{ type = $AuthenticationType username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ntlmHost = $HostnameFqdn ntlmDomain = $DomainName } } $body.httpClient.Add('authentication', $authentication) } } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusRawProxyRepository.ps1' 311 #Region '.\public\Repository\New-NexusRepository.ps1' 0 function New-NexusRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new repository in your Nexus server .DESCRIPTION Creates a new repository of the specified type and settings in your Nexus server .PARAMETER Name The name to give to the new repository .PARAMETER Format The format of the new repository .PARAMETER Type The type of repository to create: Hosted,Group,Proxy .PARAMETER GroupMember Members to add to group repository types. Must be of the same repository format as the repository you are creating .PARAMETER ProxyRemoteUrl When setting a Proxy type repository, this is the upstream repository url to point the new repository .PARAMETER ContentMaxAgeMinutes When using a Proxy type repository, the length of time to cache package contents before reaching back out to the upstream url .PARAMETER MetadataMaxAgeMinutes When using a Proxy type repository, the length of time to cache package metadata before reaching back out to the upstream url .PARAMETER QueryCacheItemMaxAgSeconds When using a Proxy type repository, the length of time to cache upstream url repsonses .PARAMETER NugetVersion For Nuget proxy repositories the version of nuget packages your upstream url contains .PARAMETER UseNegativeCache Use Negative Cache for proxy url .PARAMETER NegativeCacheTTLMinutes The Negative Cache TTL value .PARAMETER CleanupPolicy The cleanup policy to apply to the new repository .PARAMETER RoutingRule The Routing Rule to apply to the new repository .PARAMETER Online Make the new repository immediately available for use. This basically means "Enabled", or "Disabled" .PARAMETER BlobStoreName The blob store to use with the new repository .PARAMETER StrictContentValidation Specify that uploaded artifacts adhere to the MIME type of the specified format .PARAMETER DeploymentPolicy Controls whether you can push the same package version repeatedly, or push packages at all .EXAMPLE New-NexusRepository -Name NugetCenter -Format nuget -Type hosted -DeploymentPolicy Allow .EXAMPLE New-NexusRepository -Name ChocoUpstream -Format nuget -Type proxy -ProxyRemoteUrl '' #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('apt','bower','cocoapods','conan','conda','docker','gitlfs','go','helm','maven2','npm','nuget','p2','pypi','r','raw','rubygems','yum')] [String] $Format, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Group")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Hosted")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [ValidateSet('hosted','proxy','group')] [String] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Group")] [String[]] $GroupMember, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $ProxyRemoteUrl, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $ContentMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes = '1440', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $QueryCacheItemMaxAgSeconds = '3600', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $NugetVersion = 'V3', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [ValidateSet('True','False')] [String] $UseNegativeCache = 'True', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes = '1440', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Group")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Hosted")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $CleanupPolicy, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Group")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Hosted")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $RoutingRule, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Group")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Hosted")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [ValidateSet('True','False')] [String] $Online = 'True', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Group")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Hosted")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [String] $BlobStoreName = 'default', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Group")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Hosted")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [ValidateSet('True','False')] [String] $StrictContentValidation = 'True', [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Hosted")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Proxy")] [ValidateSet('Allow','Deny','Allow_Once')] [String] $DeploymentPolicy ) begin { if(-not $header){ throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories" } process { $formatUrl = $urislug + "/$Format" $FullUrlSlug = $formatUrl + "/$Type" switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName){ 'Group' {} 'Hosted' { $Body = @{ name = $Name online = $Online cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy ) } storage = @{ strictContentTypeValidation = $StrictContentValidation blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName writePolicy = $($DeploymentPolicy.ToUpper()) } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $FullUrlSlug -Body $Body -Method POST } 'Proxy' { $Body = @{ name = $Name proxy = @{ remoteUrl = $ProxyRemoteUrl metadataMaxAge = $MetadataMaxAgeMinutes contentMaxAge = $ContentMaxAgeMinutes } online = $Online nugetProxy = @{ nugetVersion = $NugetVersion queryCacheItemMaxAge = $QueryCacheItemMaxAgSeconds } negativeCache = @{ enabled = $UseNegativeCache timeToLive = $NegativeCacheTTLMinutes } httpClient = @{ blocked = $false autoBlock = $true <#connection = @{ retries = 0 userAgentSuffix = '' timeout = 60 enableCircularRedirects = $false enableCookies = $false }#> <#authentication = @{ type = "username" username = '' ntlmHost = '' ntlmDomain = '' } #> } cleanup = @{ policyNames = @($CleanupPolicy ) } storage = @{ strictContentTypeValidation = $StrictContentValidation blobStoreName = $BlobStoreName } } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $FullUrlSlug -Body $Body -Method POST } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\New-NexusRepository.ps1' 245 #Region '.\public\Repository\Remove-NexusRepository.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a given repository from the Nexus instance .DESCRIPTION Removes a given repository from the Nexus instance .PARAMETER Repository The repository to remove .PARAMETER Force Disable prompt for confirmation before removal .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusRepository -Repository ProdNuGet .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusRepository -Repository MavenReleases -Force() #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '', SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Name')] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($command, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $repositories = (Get-NexusRepository).Name if ($WordToComplete) { $repositories.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" } } else { $repositories } })] [String[]] $Repository, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/repositories" } process { $Repository | Foreach-Object { $Uri = $urislug + "/$_" try { if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove Repository")) { $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'DELETE' -ErrorAction Stop [pscustomobject]@{ Status = 'Success' Repository = $_ } } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove Repository")) { $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $Uri -Method 'DELETE' -ErrorAction Stop [pscustomobject]@{ Status = 'Success' Repository = $_ Timestamp = $ } } } } catch { $_.exception.message } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\Remove-NexusRepository.ps1' 86 #Region '.\public\Repository\Cleanup Policy\Get-NexusCleanupPolicy.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusCleanupPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Nexus Cleanup Policy information .DESCRIPTION Gets Nexus Cleanup Policy information .PARAMETER Name The specific policy to retrieve .EXAMPLE Get-NexusCleanupPolicy .EXAMPLE Get-NexusCleanupPolicy -Name TestPol .EXAMPLE Get-NexusCleanupPolicy -Name TestPol,ProdPol .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [Alias('Policy','CleanupPolicy')] [String[]] $Name ) process { $urislug = "/service/rest/internal/cleanup-policies?_dc=$(([DateTime]::ParseExact("01/02/0001 21:08:29", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",$null)).Ticks)" if(-not $CleanupPolicy){ Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET } else { $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result | Where-Object { $ -in $CleanupPolicy} } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\Cleanup Policy\Get-NexusCleanupPolicy.ps1' 46 #Region '.\public\Repository\Cleanup Policy\New-NexusCleanupPolicy.ps1' 0 function New-NexusCleanupPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new Nexus Cleanup Policy .DESCRIPTION Create a new Nexus Cleanup Policy .PARAMETER Name Unique name for the cleanup policy .PARAMETER Format The format that this cleanup policy can be applied to .PARAMETER Notes Additional details about the policy .PARAMETER ComponentAge Remove components that were published over this many days .PARAMETER ComponentUsage Remove components that haven't been downloaded in this many days .PARAMETER AssetMatcher Remove components that have at least one asset name matching the following regular expression pattern .EXAMPLE New-NexusCleanupPolicy -Name SamplePol -Format nuget -ComponentAge 180 .EXAMPLE New-NexusCleanupPolicy -Name SamplePol -Format Go -ComponentUsage 90 -AssetMatcher '*.+' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Age', Mandatory)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Usage', Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Age', Mandatory)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Usage', Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('All', 'Apt', 'Bower', 'CocoaPods', 'Conan', 'Conda', 'Docker', 'GitLFS', 'Go', 'Helm', 'Maven2', 'Npm', 'Nuget', 'P2', 'PyPi', 'R', 'Raw', 'RubyGems', 'Yum')] [String] $Format, [Parameter()] [String] $Notes, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Age', Mandatory)] [Int] $ComponentAge, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Usage', Mandatory)] [Int] $ComponentUsage, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Age')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Usage')] [String] $AssetMatcher ) process { $urislug = "/service/rest/internal/cleanup-policies?_dc=$(([DateTime]::ParseExact("01/02/0001 21:08:29", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",$null)).Ticks)" switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Age' { $Body = @{ name = $Name notes = $Notes criteriaLastBlobUpdated = $ComponentAge format = $Format.ToLower() } } 'Usage' { $Body = @{ name = $Name notes = $Notes criteriaLastDownloaded = $ComponentUsage format = $Format.ToLower() } } } if ($AssetMatcher) { if ($Format -ne 'All') { $Body.Add('criteriaAssetRegex', $AssetMatcher) } else { Write-Warning "Asset matcher will be thrown out as it doesn't apply to All formats" } } Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\Cleanup Policy\New-NexusCleanupPolicy.ps1' 104 #Region '.\public\Repository\Cleanup Policy\Remove-NexusCleanupPolicy.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusCleanupPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a Nexus Cleanup Policy .DESCRIPTION Removes a Nexus Cleanup Policy .PARAMETER Name The policy to remove .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation before removal .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusCleanupPolicy -Name TestPolicy .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusCleanupPolicy -Name TestPolicy -Force .EXAMPLE Get-NexusCleanupPolicy -Name TestPol | Remove-NexusCleanupPolicy -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameters, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusCleanupPolicy).Name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) process { $Name | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/internal/cleanup-policies/$($_)?_dc=$(([DateTime]::ParseExact("01/02/0001 21=08=29", "MM/dd/yyyy HH=mm=ss",$null)).Ticks)" if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Cleanup Policy")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Cleanup Policy")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\Cleanup Policy\Remove-NexusCleanupPolicy.ps1' 68 #Region '.\public\Repository\Cleanup Policy\Set-NexusCleanupPolicy.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusCleanupPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a Nexus Cleanup Policy .DESCRIPTION Updates a Nexus Cleanup Policy .PARAMETER Name The cleanup policy to update .PARAMETER Format The format that this cleanup policy can be applied to .PARAMETER Notes Additional details about the policy .PARAMETER ComponentAge Remove components that were published over this many days .PARAMETER ComponentUsage Remove components that haven't been downloaded in this many days .PARAMETER AssetMatcher Remove components that have at least one asset name matching the following regular expression pattern .EXAMPLE Set-NexusCleanupPolicy -Name TestPol -Notes "New notes here" -ComponentAge 60 .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusCleanupPolicy).Name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String] $Name, [ValidateSet('All', 'Apt', 'Bower', 'CocoaPods', 'Conan', 'Conda', 'Docker', 'GitLFS', 'Go', 'Helm', 'Maven2', 'Npm', 'Nuget', 'P2', 'PyPi', 'R', 'Raw', 'RubyGems', 'Yum')] [String] $Format, [Parameter()] [String] $Notes, [Int] $ComponentAge, [Int] $ComponentUsage, [String] $AssetMatcher ) $currentSettings = Get-NexusCleanupPolicy -CleanupPolicy $Name $currentSettings = [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $Name Format = $currentSettings.format Notes = $currentSettings.notes CriteriaLastBlobUpdated = $currentSettings.criteriaLastBlobUpdated CriteriaLastDownloaded = $currentSettings.criteriaLastDownloaded CriteriaReleaseType = $currentSettings.criteriaReleaseType CriteriaAssetRegex = $currentSettings.criteriaAssetRegex InUseCount = $currentSettings.inUseCount } $urislug = "/service/rest/internal/cleanup-policies/$($Name)?_dc=$(([DateTime]::ParseExact("01/02/0001 21=08=29", "MM/dd/yyyy HH=mm=ss",$null)).Ticks)" $Body = @{ name = $Name notes = if($Notes){ $Notes } else { $currentSettings.Notes} criteriaLastDownloaded = if($ComponentUsage) { $ComponentUsage} else {$currentSettings.CriteriaLastDownloaded} criteriaLastBlobUpdated = if($ComponentAge) { $ComponentAge} else {$currentSettings.CriteriaLastBlobUpdated} criteriaAssetRegex = if($AssetMatcher) {$AssetMatcher} else { $currentSettings.CriteriaAssetRegex} format = if($Format) { $Format.ToLower()} else {$currentSettings.Format} } Write-Verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } #EndRegion '.\public\Repository\Cleanup Policy\Set-NexusCleanupPolicy.ps1' 97 #Region '.\public\RoutingRule\Get-NexusRoutingRule.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusRoutingRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Nexus Routing rule information .DESCRIPTION Get Nexus Routing rule information .PARAMETER Name Specific routing rule to return .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRoutingRule .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRoutingRule -Name NugetRule .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [String[]] $Name ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { if(-not $Name){ $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/routing-rules" $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method GET $result | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Description = $_.description Mode = $_.mode Matchers = $_.matchers } } } else { $name | ForEach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/routing-rules/$_" $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Description = $_.description Mode = $_.mode Matchers = $_.matchers } } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\RoutingRule\Get-NexusRoutingRule.ps1' 63 #Region '.\public\RoutingRule\New-NexusRoutingRule.ps1' 0 function New-NexusRoutingRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new Nexus routing rule .DESCRIPTION Create a new Nexus routing rule .PARAMETER Name The name of the rule .PARAMETER Description A brief explanation of the routing rule .PARAMETER Mode Allow the connection, or block the connection .PARAMETER Matchers Regex strings to match for the route .EXAMPLE New-NexusRoutingRule -Name BlockNuGet -Mode Block -Matchers 'NuGet','[\w]Nuget.+' .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Allow','Block')] [String] $Mode, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $Matchers ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/routing-rules" } process { $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description mode = $Mode.ToUpper() matchers = @($Matchers) } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\RoutingRule\New-NexusRoutingRule.ps1' 70 #Region '.\public\RoutingRule\Remove-NexusRoutingRule.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusRoutingRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Disable realms in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Disable realms in Nexus .PARAMETER Rule The realms you wish to activate .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusRoutingRule -Rule NugetRule .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusRoutingRule -Rule NugetRule -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusRoutingRule).name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } } )] [Alias('Name')] [String[]] $Rule, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $Rule | ForEach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/routing-rules/$_" try { if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove Routing rule")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove Routing rule")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } } catch { $_.exception.message } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\RoutingRule\Remove-NexusRoutingRule.ps1' 83 #Region '.\public\RoutingRule\Set-NexusRoutingRule.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusRoutingRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a Nexus routing rule .DESCRIPTION Updates a Nexus routing rule .PARAMETER Name The name of the rule .PARAMETER Description A brief explanation of the routing rule .PARAMETER Mode Allow the connection, or block the connection .PARAMETER Matchers Regex strings to match for the route .EXAMPLE Set-NexusRoutingRule -Name BlockNuGet -Mode Block -Matchers 'NuGet','[\w]Nuget.+' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusRoutingRule).name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } } )] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Allow','Block')] [String] $Mode, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $Matchers ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/routing-rules/$Name" } process { $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description mode = $Mode.ToUpper() matchers = @($Matchers) } Write-Verbose $($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\RoutingRule\Set-NexusRoutingRule.ps1' 82 #Region '.\public\Scripts\Get-NexusScript.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns scripts stored for execution in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Returns scripts stored for execution in Nexus .PARAMETER Name Return a specific script's details .EXAMPLE Get-NexusScript .EXAMPLE Get-NexusScript -Name SuperAwesomeScript .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()] [String[]] $Name ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { if (-not $Name) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/script" $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method GET $result | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Content = $_.content Type = $_.type } } } else { $Name | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/script/$_" $result = Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method GET $result | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Content = $_.content Type = $_.type } } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Scripts\Get-NexusScript.ps1' 64 #Region '.\public\Scripts\New-NexusScript.ps1' 0 function New-NexusScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Stores a new script in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Stores a new script in Nexus .PARAMETER Name The name of the script .PARAMETER Content The contents of the script .PARAMETER Type The language of the script .EXAMPLE New-NexusScript -Name TestScript -Content 'Get-ComputerInfo' -Type powershell .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Content, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Type ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/script" $body = @{ name = $Name content = $Content type = $Type } Write-Verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Scripts\New-NexusScript.ps1' 60 #Region '.\public\Scripts\Remove-NexusScript.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a stored script from Nexus .DESCRIPTION Deletes a stored script from Nexus .PARAMETER Name The script to remove .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation before removing .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusScript -Name TestScript .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusScript -Name TestScript -Force .EXAMPLE GetNexusScript | Remove-NexusScript -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusScript).name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" } } else { $r } } )] [String[]] $Name, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $Name | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/script/$_" if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove Script")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove Script")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Scripts\Remove-NexusScript.ps1' 78 #Region '.\public\Scripts\Set-NexusScript.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a script saved in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Updates a script saved in Nexus .PARAMETER Name The script to update .PARAMETER Content The new content of the script .PARAMETER Type The new type, if different .EXAMPLE Set-NexusScript -Name SuperAwesomeScript -Content "some awesome groovy code" -Type groovy .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Content, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Type ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/script/$Name" $body = @{ name = $Name content = $Content type = $Type } Write-Verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Scripts\Set-NexusScript.ps1' 61 #Region '.\public\Scripts\Start-NexusScript.ps1' 0 function Start-NexusScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes a saved script in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Executes a saved script in Nexus .PARAMETER Name The name of the script to execute .EXAMPLE Start-NexusScript -Name TestScript .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/script/$Name/run" Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -BodyAsString $Name -ContentType 'text/plain' -Method POST -ErrorAction Stop } } #EndRegion '.\public\Scripts\Start-NexusScript.ps1' 37 #Region '.\public\Security\APIKey\Get-NexusNuGetApiKey.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusNuGetApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the NuGet API key of the given user credential .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the NuGet API key of the given user credential .PARAMETER Credential The Nexus User whose API key you wish to retrieve .EXAMPLE Get-NexusNugetApiKey -Credential (Get-Credential) .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential] $Credential ) process { $token = Get-NexusUserToken -Credential $Credential $base64Token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($token)) $UriBase = "$($protocol)://$($Hostname):$($port)$($ContextPath)" $slug = "/service/rest/internal/nuget-api-key?authToken=$base64Token&_dc=$(([DateTime]::ParseExact("01/02/0001 21:08:29", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",$null)).Ticks)" $uri = $UriBase + $slug $credPair = "{0}:{1}" -f $Credential.UserName,$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($credPair)) $ApiKeyHeader = @{ Authorization = "Basic $encodedCreds"} Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $ApiKeyHeader -Method GET -ContentType 'application/json' -UseBasicParsing } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\APIKey\Get-NexusNuGetApiKey.ps1' 43 #Region '.\public\Security\ContentSelector\Get-NexusContentSelector.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusContentSelector { <# .SYNOPSIS List Nexus Content Selectors .DESCRIPTION List Nexus Content Selectors .PARAMETER Name The content selector name .EXAMPLE Get-NexusContentSelector .EXAMPLE Get-NexusContentSelector -Name 'MavenSelector' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [String[]] $Name ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { if($Name){ $Name | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/content-selectors/$_" $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET if($result){ [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Description = $result.Description Expression = $result.expression } } } } else { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/content-selectors' $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET if($result){ [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Description = $result.Description Expression = $result.expression } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\ContentSelector\Get-NexusContentSelector.ps1' 65 #Region '.\public\Security\ContentSelector\New-NexusContentSelector.ps1' 0 function New-NexusContentSelector { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Content Selector in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Content Selector in Nexus .PARAMETER Name The content selector name cannot be changed after creation .PARAMETER Description A human-readable description .PARAMETER Expression The expression used to identify content .EXAMPLE New-NexusContentSelector -Name MavenContent -Expression 'format == "maven2" and path =^ "/org/sonatype/nexus"' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Expression ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/content-selectors' $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description expression = $Expression } Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\ContentSelector\New-NexusContentSelector.ps1' 57 #Region '.\public\Security\ContentSelector\Remove-NexusContentSelector.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusContentSelector { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a Nexus Content Selector .DESCRIPTION Removes a Nexus Content Selector .PARAMETER Name The Content Selector to remove .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation before removing .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusContentSelector -Name MavenContent .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusContentSelect -Name MavenContent -Force .EXAMPLE Get-NexusContentSelector | Remove-NexusContentSelector -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusContentSelector).Name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String[]] $Name, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $Name | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/content-selectors/$_" if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Content Selector")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Content Selector")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\ContentSelector\Remove-NexusContentSelector.ps1' 75 #Region '.\public\Security\ContentSelector\Set-NexusContentSelector.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusContentSelector { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a Content Selector in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Updates a Content Selector in Nexus .PARAMETER Name The content selector to update .PARAMETER Description A human-readable description .PARAMETER Expression The expression used to identify content .EXAMPLE Set-NexusContentSelector -Name MavenContent -Expression 'format == "maven2" and path =^ "/org/sonatype/nexus"' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusContentSelector).Name if($WordToComplete){ $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $Description, [Parameter()] [String] $Expression ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $CurrentSettings = Get-NexusContentSelector -Name $Name if(-not $Description){ $Description = $CurrentSettings.Description } if(-not $Expression){ $Expression = $CurrentSettings.Expression } $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/content-selectors/$Name" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description expression = $Expression } Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\ContentSelector\Set-NexusContentSelector.ps1' 78 #Region '.\public\Security\LDAP\Get-NexusLDAPServer.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusLDAPServerConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of conigured LDAP sources .DESCRIPTION Returns a list of configured LDAP sources. does not include the name .PARAMETER Name The name of the LDAP source to retrieve. You'll have to know this value, as it isn't returned by the API when you run wthis command without any parameters .EXAMPLE Get-NexusLDAPServerConnection .EXAMPLE Get-NexusLDAPServerConnection -Name ActiveDirectoryConnection .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [String[]] $Name ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { if (-not $Name) { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/ldap' $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET [pscustomobject]@{ Protocol = $result.protocol UseTrustStore = $result.useTrustStore Host = $ Port = $result.port SearchBase = $result.searchBase AuthScheme = $result.authScheme AuthRealm = $result.authRealm AuthUsername = $result.authUsername ConnectionTimeoutSeconds = $result.connectionTimeoutSeconds ConnectionRetryDelaySeconds = $result.connectionRetryDelaySeconds MaxIncidentsCount = $result.maxIncidentsCount UserBaseDn = $result.userBaseDn UserSubtree = $result.userSubtree UserObjectClass = $result.userObjectClass UserLdapFilter = $result.userLdapFilter UserIdAttribute = $result.userIdAttribute UserRealNameAttribute = $result.userRealNameAttribute UserEmailAddressAttribute = $result.userEmailAddressAttribute UserPasswordAttribute = $result.userPasswordAttribute LdapGroupsAsRoles = $result.ldapGroupsAsRoles GroupType = $result.groupType GroupBaseDn = $result.groupBaseDn GroupSubtree = $result.groupSubtree GroupObjectClass = $result.groupObjectClass GroupIdAttribute = $result.groupIdAttribute GroupMemberAttribute = $result.groupMemberAttribute GroupMemberFormat = $result.groupMemberFormat UserMemberOfAttribute = $result.userMemberOfAttribute Id = $ Order = $result.order } } else { $Name | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/ldap/$_" $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Protocol = $_.protocol UseTrustStore = $_.useTrustStore Host = $ Port = $_.port SearchBase = $_.searchBase AuthScheme = $_.authScheme AuthRealm = $_.authRealm AuthUsername = $_.authUsername ConnectionTimeoutSeconds = $_.connectionTimeoutSeconds ConnectionRetryDelaySeconds = $_.connectionRetryDelaySeconds MaxIncidentsCount = $_.maxIncidentsCount UserBaseDn = $_.userBaseDn UserSubtree = $_.userSubtree UserObjectClass = $_.userObjectClass UserLdapFilter = $_.userLdapFilter UserIdAttribute = $_.userIdAttribute UserRealNameAttribute = $_.userRealNameAttribute UserEmailAddressAttribute = $_.userEmailAddressAttribute UserPasswordAttribute = $_.userPasswordAttribute LdapGroupsAsRoles = $_.ldapGroupsAsRoles GroupType = $_.groupType GroupBaseDn = $_.groupBaseDn GroupSubtree = $_.groupSubtree GroupObjectClass = $_.groupObjectClass GroupIdAttribute = $_.groupIdAttribute GroupMemberAttribute = $_.groupMemberAttribute GroupMemberFormat = $_.groupMemberFormat UserMemberOfAttribute = $_.userMemberOfAttribute Id = $ Order = $_.order } } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\LDAP\Get-NexusLDAPServer.ps1' 118 #Region '.\public\Security\LDAP\New-NexusLDAPServer.ps1' 0 function New-NexusLDAPServerConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new LDAP Connection in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Creates a new LDAP connection in Nexus, allowing domain users to authenticate .PARAMETER Name The Name of the LDAP Connection .PARAMETER LdapProtocol The LDAP Protocol to use .PARAMETER UseTrustStore Whether to use certificates stored in Nexus Repository Manager's truststore .PARAMETER LdapHost LDAP server connection hostname .PARAMETER LdapPort Typically 389 for ldap:// and 636 for ldaps:// .PARAMETER SearchBase LDAP location to be added to the connection URL .PARAMETER AuthenticationScheme Authentication scheme used for connecting to LDAP server .PARAMETER AuthenticationRealm The SASL realm to bind to. Required if authScheme is CRAM_MD5 or DIGEST_MD5 .PARAMETER Credential Used to generate the authUsername and authPassword fields required when using an Authentication Scheme other than 'None' .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds How long to wait before timeout .PARAMETER RetryDelaySeconds How long to wait before retrying .PARAMETER MaxIncidentCount The number of retries before failure .PARAMETER UserBaseDN The relative DN where user objects are found (e.g. ou=people). This value will have the Search base DN value appended to form the full User search base DN. .PARAMETER WalkUserSubtree Are users located in structures below the user base DN? .PARAMETER UserObjectClass LDAP class for user objects .PARAMETER UserLDAPFilter LDAP search filter to limit user search (e.g. (|(mail=**)) ) .PARAMETER UserIdAttribute This is used to find a user given its user ID (e.g. 'uid') .PARAMETER UserRealNameAttribute This is used to find a real name given the user ID (e.g. 'cn') .PARAMETER UserEmailAddressAttribute This is used to find an email address given the user ID (e.g. 'mail') .PARAMETER UserPasswordAttribute If this field is blank the user will be authenticated against a bind with the LDAP server .PARAMETER LDAPGroupsAsRoles Denotes whether LDAP assigned roles are used as Nexus Repository Manager roles .PARAMETER GroupType Defines a type of groups used: static (a group contains a list of users) or dynamic (a user contains a list of groups). Required if ldapGroupsAsRoles is true. .PARAMETER GroupBaseDN The relative DN where group objects are found (e.g. ou=Group). This value will have the Search base DN value appended to form the full Group search base DN. .PARAMETER WalkGroupSubtree Are groups located in structures below the group base DN .PARAMETER GroupObjectClass LDAP class for group objects. Required if groupType is static .PARAMETER GroupIdAttribute This field specifies the attribute of the Object class that defines the Group ID. Required if groupType is static .PARAMETER GroupMemberAttribute LDAP attribute containing the usernames for the group. Required if groupType is static .PARAMETER GroupMemberFormat The format of user ID stored in the group member attribute. Required if groupType is static (e.g. uid=${username},ou=people,dc=example,dc=com) .PARAMETER UserMemberOfAttribute Set this to the attribute used to store the attribute which holds groups DN in the user object. Required if groupType is dynamic (e.g. 'memberOf') .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Name = 'ExampleLDAPConnection' LdapProtocol = 'Ldap' LdapHost = 'domaincontroller' LdapPort = 389 SearchBase = "OU=Sales,DC=domain,DC=com" ConnectionTimeoutSeconds = 50 RetryDelaySeconds = 50 MaxIncidentCount = 50 UserBaseDN = "CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com" WalkUserSubtree = $true UserObjectClass = 'user' UserLDAPFilter = 'phone=foo' UserIdAttribute = 'samAccountName' UserRealNameAttribute = 'cn' UserEmailAddressAttribute = 'mail' LDAPGroupsAsRoles = $true GroupType = 'Dynamic' WalkGroupSubtree = $true } New-NexusLDAPServerConnection @params .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName = "default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Ldap', 'Ldaps')] [String] $LdapProtocol, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseTrustStore, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $LdapHost, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Int] $LdapPort, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $SearchBase, [Parameter()] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Auth')] [ValidateSet('None', 'Simple', 'DigestMD5', 'CramMD5')] [String] $AuthenticationScheme, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Auth')] [Alias('Domain')] [String] $AuthenticationRealm, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Auth')] [PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateRange(0, 3600)] [Int] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Int] $RetryDelaySeconds, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Int] $MaxIncidentCount, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $UserBaseDN, [Parameter()] [Switch] $WalkUserSubtree, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $UserObjectClass, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $UserLDAPFilter, [Parameter()] [String] $UserIdAttribute = 'uid', [Parameter()] [String] $UserRealNameAttribute = 'cn', [Parameter()] [String] $UserEmailAddressAttribute = 'mail', [Parameter()] [String] $UserPasswordAttribute, [Parameter()] [Switch] $LDAPGroupsAsRoles, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Static', 'Dynamic')] [String] $GroupType = 'Static', [Parameter()] [String] $GroupBaseDN, [Parameter()] [Switch] $WalkGroupSubtree, [Parameter()] [String] $GroupObjectClass, [Parameter()] [String] $GroupIdAttribute, [Parameter()] [String] $GroupMemberAttribute, [Parameter()] [String] $GroupMemberFormat, [Parameter()] [String] $UserMemberOfAttribute = 'memberOf' ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/ldap' $body = @{ name = $Name protocol = $LdapProtocol.ToLower() useTrustStore = [bool]$UseTrustStore host = $LdapHost port = $LdapPort searchBase = $SearchBase connectionTimeoutSeconds = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds connectionRetryDelaySeconds = $RetryDelaySeconds maxIncidentsCount = $MaxIncidentCount userBaseDn = $UserBaseDN userSubtree = [bool]$WalkUserSubtree userObjectClass = $UserObjectClass userLdapFilter = $UserLDAPFilter userIdAttribute = $UserIdAttribute userRealNameAttribute = $UserRealNameAttribute userEmailAddressAttribute = $UserEmailAddressAttribute userPasswordAttribute = $UserPasswordAttribute ldapGroupsAsRoles = [bool]$LDAPGroupsAsRoles groupType = $GroupType.ToLower() groupBaseDn = $GroupBaseDN groupSubtree = [bool]$WalkGroupSubtree groupObjectClass = $GroupObjectClass groupIdAttribute = $GroupIdAttribute groupMemberAttribute = $GroupMemberAttribute groupMemberFormat = $GroupMemberFormat userMemberOfAttribute = $UserMemberOfAttribute } if ($AuthenticationScheme -ne 'None' -and $null -ne $AuthenticationScheme) { $AuthenticationUsername = $Credential.UserName $AuthenticationPassword = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } switch ($AuthenticationScheme) { 'None' { $body.Add('authScheme', 'NONE') } 'Simple' { $body.Add('authScheme', "$($AuthenticationScheme.ToUpper())") $body.Add('authRealm', $AuthenticationRealm) $body.Add('authUsername', $AuthenticationUsername) $body.Add('authPassword', $AuthenticationPassword) } 'DigestMD5' { $body.Add('authScheme', "$($AuthenticationScheme.ToUpper())") $body.Add('authRealm', $AuthenticationRealm) $body.Add('authUsername', $AuthenticationUsername) $body.Add('authPassword', $AuthenticationPassword) } 'DigestMD5' { $body.Add('authScheme', "$($AuthenticationScheme.ToUpper())") $body.Add('authRealm', $AuthenticationRealm) $body.Add('authUsername', $AuthenticationUsername) $body.Add('authPassword', $AuthenticationPassword) } 'CramMD5' { $body.Add('authScheme', "$($AuthenticationScheme.ToUpper())") $body.Add('authRealm', $AuthenticationRealm) $body.Add('authUsername', $AuthenticationUsername) $body.Add('authPassword', $AuthenticationPassword) } default { $body.Add('authScheme', 'NONE') } } Write-Verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\LDAP\New-NexusLDAPServer.ps1' 329 #Region '.\public\Security\LDAP\Remove-NexusLDAPServer.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusLDAPServerConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Renove LDAP Connection from Nexus .DESCRIPTION Renove LDAP Connection from Nexus .PARAMETER Name The LDAP Connection you wish to remove .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusLDAPServerConnection -Name DevLDAP .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusLDAPServerConnection -Name DevLDAP -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [String[]] $Name, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $Name | ForEach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/ldap/$_" try { if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove LDAP Connection")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$_", "Remove LDAP Connection")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } } catch { $_.exception.message } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\LDAP\Remove-NexusLDAPServer.ps1' 73 #Region '.\public\Security\LDAP\Set-NexusLDAPServerConnection.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusLDAPServerConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a new LDAP Connection in Nexus .DESCRIPTION Updates a new LDAP connection in Nexus, allowing domain users to authenticate .PARAMETER Name The Name of the LDAP Connection .PARAMETER LdapProtocol The LDAP Protocol to use .PARAMETER UseTrustStore Whether to use certificates stored in Nexus Repository Manager's truststore .PARAMETER LdapHost LDAP server connection hostname .PARAMETER LdapPort Typically 389 for ldap:// and 636 for ldaps:// .PARAMETER SearchBase LDAP location to be added to the connection URL .PARAMETER AuthenticationScheme Authentication scheme used for connecting to LDAP server .PARAMETER AuthenticationRealm The SASL realm to bind to. Required if authScheme is CRAM_MD5 or DIGEST_MD5 .PARAMETER Credential Used to generate the authUsername and authPassword fields required when using an Authentication Scheme other than 'None' .PARAMETER ConnectionTimeoutSeconds How long to wait before timeout .PARAMETER RetryDelaySeconds How long to wait before retrying .PARAMETER MaxIncidentCount The number of retries before failure .PARAMETER UserBaseDN The relative DN where user objects are found (e.g. ou=people). This value will have the Search base DN value appended to form the full User search base DN. .PARAMETER WalkUserSubtree Are users located in structures below the user base DN? .PARAMETER UserObjectClass LDAP class for user objects .PARAMETER UserLDAPFilter LDAP search filter to limit user search (e.g. (|(mail=**)) ) .PARAMETER UserIdAttribute This is used to find a user given its user ID (e.g. 'uid') .PARAMETER UserRealNameAttribute This is used to find a real name given the user ID (e.g. 'cn') .PARAMETER UserEmailAddressAttribute This is used to find an email address given the user ID (e.g. 'mail') .PARAMETER UserPasswordAttribute If this field is blank the user will be authenticated against a bind with the LDAP server .PARAMETER LDAPGroupsAsRoles Denotes whether LDAP assigned roles are used as Nexus Repository Manager roles .PARAMETER GroupType Defines a type of groups used: static (a group contains a list of users) or dynamic (a user contains a list of groups). Required if ldapGroupsAsRoles is true. .PARAMETER GroupBaseDN The relative DN where group objects are found (e.g. ou=Group). This value will have the Search base DN value appended to form the full Group search base DN. .PARAMETER WalkGroupSubtree Are groups located in structures below the group base DN .PARAMETER GroupObjectClass LDAP class for group objects. Required if groupType is static .PARAMETER GroupIdAttribute This field specifies the attribute of the Object class that defines the Group ID. Required if groupType is static .PARAMETER GroupMemberAttribute LDAP attribute containing the usernames for the group. Required if groupType is static .PARAMETER GroupMemberFormat The format of user ID stored in the group member attribute. Required if groupType is static (e.g. uid=${username},ou=people,dc=example,dc=com) .PARAMETER UserMemberOfAttribute Set this to the attribute used to store the attribute which holds groups DN in the user object. Required if groupType is dynamic (e.g. 'memberOf') .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Name = 'ExampleLDAPConnection' LdapProtocol = 'Ldap' LdapHost = 'domaincontroller' LdapPort = 389 SearchBase = "OU=Sales,DC=domain,DC=com" ConnectionTimeoutSeconds = 50 RetryDelaySeconds = 50 MaxIncidentCount = 50 UserBaseDN = "CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com" WalkUserSubtree = $true UserObjectClass = 'user' UserLDAPFilter = 'phone=foo' UserIdAttribute = 'samAccountName' UserRealNameAttribute = 'cn' UserEmailAddressAttribute = 'mail' LDAPGroupsAsRoles = $true GroupType = 'Dynamic' WalkGroupSubtree = $true } Set-NexusLDAPServerConnection @params .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '', DefaultParameterSetName = "default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $NewName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Ldap', 'Ldaps')] [String] $LdapProtocol, [Parameter()] [Switch] $UseTrustStore, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $LdapHost, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Int] $LdapPort, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $SearchBase, [Parameter()] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Auth')] [ValidateSet('None', 'Simple', 'DigestMD5', 'CramMD5')] [String] $AuthenticationScheme, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Auth')] [Alias('Domain')] [String] $AuthenticationRealm, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Auth')] [PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateRange(0, 3600)] [Int] $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Int] $RetryDelaySeconds, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Int] $MaxIncidentCount, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $UserBaseDN, [Parameter()] [Switch] $WalkUserSubtree, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $UserObjectClass, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $UserLDAPFilter, [Parameter()] [String] $UserIdAttribute = 'uid', [Parameter()] [String] $UserRealNameAttribute = 'cn', [Parameter()] [String] $UserEmailAddressAttribute = 'mail', [Parameter()] [String] $UserPasswordAttribute, [Parameter()] [Switch] $LDAPGroupsAsRoles, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Static', 'Dynamic')] [String] $GroupType = 'Static', [Parameter()] [String] $GroupBaseDN, [Parameter()] [Switch] $WalkGroupSubtree, [Parameter()] [String] $GroupObjectClass, [Parameter()] [String] $GroupIdAttribute, [Parameter()] [String] $GroupMemberAttribute, [Parameter()] [String] $GroupMemberFormat, [Parameter()] [String] $UserMemberOfAttribute = 'memberOf' ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/ldap/$Name' $UpdatedName = if ($NewName) { $NewName } else { $Name } $body = @{ name = $UpdatedName protocol = $LdapProtocol.ToLower() useTrustStore = [bool]$UseTrustStore host = $LdapHost port = $LdapPort searchBase = $SearchBase connectionTimeoutSeconds = $ConnectionTimeoutSeconds connectionRetryDelaySeconds = $RetryDelaySeconds maxIncidentsCount = $MaxIncidentCount userBaseDn = $UserBaseDN userSubtree = [bool]$WalkUserSubtree userObjectClass = $UserObjectClass userLdapFilter = $UserLDAPFilter userIdAttribute = $UserIdAttribute userRealNameAttribute = $UserRealNameAttribute userEmailAddressAttribute = $UserEmailAddressAttribute userPasswordAttribute = $UserPasswordAttribute ldapGroupsAsRoles = [bool]$LDAPGroupsAsRoles groupType = $GroupType.ToLower() groupBaseDn = $GroupBaseDN groupSubtree = [bool]$WalkGroupSubtree groupObjectClass = $GroupObjectClass groupIdAttribute = $GroupIdAttribute groupMemberAttribute = $GroupMemberAttribute groupMemberFormat = $GroupMemberFormat userMemberOfAttribute = $UserMemberOfAttribute } if ($AuthenticationScheme -ne 'None' -and $null -ne $AuthenticationScheme) { $AuthenticationUsername = $Credential.UserName $AuthenticationPassword = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } switch ($AuthenticationScheme) { 'None' { $body.Add('authScheme', 'NONE') } 'Simple' { $body.Add('authScheme', "$($AuthenticationScheme.ToUpper())") $body.Add('authRealm', $AuthenticationRealm) $body.Add('authUsername', $AuthenticationUsername) $body.Add('authPassword', $AuthenticationPassword) } 'DigestMD5' { $body.Add('authScheme', "$($AuthenticationScheme.ToUpper())") $body.Add('authRealm', $AuthenticationRealm) $body.Add('authUsername', $AuthenticationUsername) $body.Add('authPassword', $AuthenticationPassword) } 'DigestMD5' { $body.Add('authScheme', "$($AuthenticationScheme.ToUpper())") $body.Add('authRealm', $AuthenticationRealm) $body.Add('authUsername', $AuthenticationUsername) $body.Add('authPassword', $AuthenticationPassword) } 'CramMD5' { $body.Add('authScheme', "$($AuthenticationScheme.ToUpper())") $body.Add('authRealm', $AuthenticationRealm) $body.Add('authUsername', $AuthenticationUsername) $body.Add('authPassword', $AuthenticationPassword) } default { $body.Add('authScheme', 'NONE') } } Write-Verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\LDAP\Set-NexusLDAPServerConnection.ps1' 340 #Region '.\public\Security\LDAP\Switch-NexusLdapOrder.ps1' 0 function Switch-NexusLdapOrder { <# .SYNOPSIS Reorders LDAP Server priority if there are multiple .DESCRIPTION Reorders LDAP Server priority if there are multiple .PARAMETER NewOrder The new order of LDAP Server Names. You can't retrieve these via API, so you'll need to look in the web interface or know what they are .EXAMPLE Switch-NexusLdapOrder -NewOrder ProductionLDAP,EuropeLDAP,AsiaLDAP .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Array] $NewOrder ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/ldap/change-order' Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -BodyAsArray $NewOrder -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\LDAP\Switch-NexusLdapOrder.ps1' 37 #Region '.\public\Security\Privileges\Get-NexusPrivilege.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusPrivilege { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve Privilege information from Nexus .DESCRIPTION Retrieve Privilege information from Nexus .PARAMETER PrivilegeId The id of the privilege to retrieve. .EXAMPLE Get-NexusPrivilege .EXAMPLE Get-NexusPrivilege -PrivilegeId NuGetProdAdmin .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [String] $PrivilegeId ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { if ($PrivilegeId) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$PrivilegeId" try { $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Type = $result.type Description = $result.description ReadOnly = $result.readonly Actions = $result.actions Domain = $result.domain } } catch { $_.Exception.Message } } else { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/privileges' $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $ Type = $_.type Description = $_.description ReadOnly = $_.readOnly Pattern = $_.pattern } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Privileges\Get-NexusPrivilege.ps1' 75 #Region '.\public\Security\Privileges\New-NexusPrivilege.ps1' 0 function New-NexusPrivilege { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Nexus privilege which can be assigned to Roles .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Nexus privilege which can be assigned to Roles .PARAMETER Type Privilege type to create .PARAMETER Name The name of the privilege. This value cannot be changed. .PARAMETER Description Brief description for the new privilege .PARAMETER Action A collection of actions to associate with the privilege, using BREAD syntax (browse,read,edit,add,delete,all) as well as 'run' for script privileges. .PARAMETER Repository The name of the repository this privilege will grant access to (or * for all). .PARAMETER Format The repository format (i.e 'nuget', 'npm') this privilege will grant access to (or * for all). .PARAMETER ScriptName The name of a script to give access to. .PARAMETER Domain The domain (i.e. 'blobstores', 'capabilities' or even '*' for all) that this privilege is granting access to. Note that creating new privileges with a domain is only necessary when using plugins that define their own domain(s). .PARAMETER ContentSelector Name of a ContentSelector for Content Selector privilege type .PARAMETER WildcardPattern A colon separated list of parts that create a permission string. .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Application' Name = 'ApplicationPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse,Edit' Domain = 'blobstores'' } New-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Repository-Admin' Name = 'RepositoryAdminPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse,Edit' Format = 'npm' Repository = 'npmWebDevRepo' } New-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Repository-Content-Selector' Name = 'RepoContentSelectorPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse,Edit' Format = 'nuget' Repository = 'NuGetProductionRepo' ContentSelector = 'LargeNupkgContent' } New-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Repository-View' Name = 'RepoViewPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse,Edit' Format = 'nuget' Repostiory = 'NuGetProductionRepo' } New-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Script' Name = 'ScriptPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse','Read','Edit' ScriptName = 'GroovySurfaceApiKeyDetails' } New-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Wildcard' Name = 'WildcardPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' WildcardPattern = 'nuget:npm:*' } New-NexusPrivilege @params .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Default")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Application")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Content")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetname="Wildcard")] [ValidateSet('Application','Repository-Admin','Repository-Content-Selector','Repository-View','Script','Wildcard')] [String] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Default")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [ValidateSet('Read','Browse','Edit','Add','Delete','Run','Associate','Disassociate','All')] [String[]] $Action, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusRepository).Name if($WordToComplete){ $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String] $Repository, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [String] $Format, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [String] $ScriptName, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Application")] [String] $Domain, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Content")] [String] $ContentSelector, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetname="Wildcard")] [String] $WildcardPattern ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { switch($Type){ 'Application' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) domain = $Domain } } 'Repository-Admin' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) format = $Format repository = $Repository } } 'Repository-Content-Selector' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) format = $Format repository = $Repository contentSelector = $ContentSelector } } 'Repository-View' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) format = $Format repository = $Repository } } 'Script' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) scriptName = $ScriptName } } 'Wildcard' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description pattern = $WildcardPattern } } } Write-Verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Privileges\New-NexusPrivilege.ps1' 278 #Region '.\public\Security\Privileges\Remove-NexusPrivilege.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusPrivilege { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a Nexus Privilege .DESCRIPTION Remove a Nexus Privilege .PARAMETER PrivilegeId The id of the privilege to delete. .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation before removal .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusPrivilege -PrivilegeId NuGetSuperAdmin .EXAMPLE Get-NexusPrivilege -PrivilegeId NuGetSuperAdmin | Remove-NexusPrivilege .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusPrivilege -PrivilegeId NuGetSuperAdmin -Force .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact="High")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusPrivilege).Name if($WordToComplete){ $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String[]] [Alias('Name')] $PrivilegeId, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) process { $PrivilegeId | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($_)" if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Privilege")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Privilege")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Privileges\Remove-NexusPrivilege.ps1' 69 #Region '.\public\Security\Privileges\Set-NexusPrivilege.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusPrivilege { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a Nexus privilege which can be assigned to Roles .DESCRIPTION Updates a Nexus privilege which can be assigned to Roles .PARAMETER Type Privilege type to update .PARAMETER Name The name of the privilege to update. .PARAMETER Description Brief description for the new privilege .PARAMETER Action A collection of actions to associate with the privilege, using BREAD syntax (browse,read,edit,add,delete,all) as well as 'run' for script privileges. .PARAMETER Repository The name of the repository this privilege will grant access to (or * for all). .PARAMETER Format The repository format (i.e 'nuget', 'npm') this privilege will grant access to (or * for all). .PARAMETER ScriptName The name of a script to give access to. .PARAMETER Domain The domain (i.e. 'blobstores', 'capabilities' or even '*' for all) that this privilege is granting access to. Note that creating new privileges with a domain is only necessary when using plugins that define their own domain(s). .PARAMETER ContentSelector Name of a ContentSelector for Content Selector privilege type .PARAMETER WildcardPattern A colon separated list of parts that create a permission string. .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Application' Name = 'ApplicationPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse','Edit' Domain = 'blobstores'' } Set-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Repository-Admin' Name = 'RepositoryAdminPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse','Edit' Format = 'npm' Repository = 'npmWebDevRepo' } Set-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Repository-Content-Selector' Name = 'RepoContentSelectorPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse','Edit' Format = 'nuget' Repository = 'NuGetProductionRepo' ContentSelector = 'LargeNupkgContent' } Set-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Repository-View' Name = 'RepoViewPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse','Edit' Format = 'nuget' Repository = 'NuGetProductionRepo' } Set-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Script' Name = 'ScriptPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' Action = 'Browse','Read','Edit' ScriptName = 'GroovySurfaceApiKeyDetails' } Set-NexusPrivilege @params .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Type = 'Wildcard' Name = 'WildcardPrivilegeExample' Description = 'Briefly describe the privilege' WildcardPattern = 'nuget:npm:*' } Set-NexusPrivilege @params .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',DefaultParameterSetName="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Default")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Application")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Content")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetname="Wildcard")] [ValidateSet('Application','Repository-Admin','Repository-Content-Selector','Repository-View','Script','Wildcard')] [String] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Default")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [ValidateSet('Read','Browse','Edit','Add','Delete','Run','Associate','Disassociate','All')] [String[]] $Action, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusRepository).Name if($WordToComplete){ $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String] $Repository, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Repo")] [String] $Format, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Script")] [String] $ScriptName, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Application")] [String] $Domain, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Content")] [String] $ContentSelector, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetname="Wildcard")] [String] $WildcardPattern ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { switch($Type){ 'Application' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())/$Name" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) domain = $Domain } } 'Repository-Admin' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())/$Name" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) format = $Format repository = $Repository } } 'Repository-Content-Selector' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())/$Name" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) format = $Format repository = $Repository contentSelector = $ContentSelector } } 'Repository-View' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())/$Name" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) format = $Format repository = $Repository } } 'Script' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())/$Name" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description actions = @($Action) scriptName = $ScriptName } } 'Wildcard' { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/privileges/$($Type.ToLower())/$Name" $Body = @{ name = $Name description = $Description pattern = $WildcardPattern } } } Write-Verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Privileges\Set-NexusPrivilege.ps1' 278 #Region '.\public\Security\Roles\Get-NexusRole.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve Nexus Role information .DESCRIPTION Retrieve Nexus Role information .PARAMETER Role The role to retrieve .PARAMETER Source The source to retrieve from .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRole .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRole -Role ExampleRole .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [Alias('id')] [String] $Role, [Parameter()] [String] $Source ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw 'Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first.' } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/roles' if ($Role) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/roles/$Role" } if ($Source) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/roles?source=$Source" } if ($Role -and $Source) { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/roles/$($Role)?source=$Source" } Write-verbose $urislug $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $ Source = $_.source Name = $ Description = $_.description Privileges = $_.privileges Roles = $_.roles } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Roles\Get-NexusRole.ps1' 67 #Region '.\public\Security\Roles\New-NexusRole.ps1' 0 function New-NexusRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Nexus Role .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Nexus Role .PARAMETER Id The ID of the role .PARAMETER Name The friendly name of the role .PARAMETER Description A description of the role .PARAMETER Privileges Included privileges for the role .PARAMETER Roles Included nested roles .EXAMPLE New-NexusRole -Id SamepleRole .EXAMPLE New-NexusRole -Id SampleRole -Description "A sample role" -Privileges nx-all .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Id, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $Privileges, [Parameter()] [String[]] $Roles ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw 'Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first.' } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/roles' $Body = @{ id = $Id name = $Name description = $Description privileges = @($Privileges) roles = $Roles } Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST | Foreach-Object { [PSCustomobject]@{ Id = $ Name = $ Description = $_.description Privileges = $_.privileges Roles = $_.roles } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Roles\New-NexusRole.ps1' 87 #Region '.\public\Security\Roles\Remove-NexusRole.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a Nexus Role .DESCRIPTION Remove a Nexus Role .PARAMETER Role The role to remove .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation prior to removal .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusRole -Role SampleRole .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusRole -Role SampleRole -Force .EXAMPLE Get-NexusRole -Role SampleRole | Remove-Nexus Role .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusRole).id if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [Alias('Id', 'Name')] [String[]] $Role, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) process { $Role | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/roles/$($_)" if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Role")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove Role")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE -ErrorAction Stop } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Roles\Remove-NexusRole.ps1' 70 #Region '.\public\Security\Roles\Set-NexusRole.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Modifies an existing Nexus Role .DESCRIPTION Modifies an existing Nexus Role .PARAMETER Role The role to modify .PARAMETER Name The new name of the role .PARAMETER Description Update the description .PARAMETER Privileges Update privileges .PARAMETER Roles Update nested roles .EXAMPLE Set-NexusRole -Role Example -Description "This is an updated description" .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusRole).id if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String] $Role, [Parameter()] [String] $Name = $Role, [Parameter()] [String] $Description, [Parameter()] [String[]] $Privileges, [Parameter()] [String[]] $Roles ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw 'Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first.' } } process { $Id = $Role $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/roles/$Id" $CurrentSetting = Get-NexusRole -Role $Role if (-not $Name) { $Name = $Role } $Privileges = if (-not $Privileges) { @($($CurrentSetting.privileges)) } else { @($Privileges) } $Roles = if (-not $Roles -eq $null) { if ($null -ne $($CurrentSetting.roles)) { $null } } else { @($Roles) } $Body = @{ id = $Id name = $Name description = $Description privileges = $Privileges roles = $Roles } Write-Verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Roles\Set-NexusRole.ps1' 113 #Region '.\public\Security\User Sources\Get-NexusUserSource.ps1' 0 Function Get-NexusUserSource { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a list of available user sources .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a list of available user sources. These sources are things that can handle authentication to Nexus .EXAMPLE Get-NexusUserSource .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param() begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/user-sources' $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Id = $ Name = $_.Name } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\User Sources\Get-NexusUserSource.ps1' 37 #Region '.\public\Security\Users\Get-NexusUser.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a list of users. Note if the source is not 'default' the response is limited to 100 users. .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a list of users. Note if the source is not 'default' the response is limited to 100 users. .PARAMETER User The username to fetch .PARAMETER Source The source to fetch from .EXAMPLE Get-NexusUser .EXAMPLE Get-NexusUser -User bob .EXAMPLE Get-NexusUser -Source default .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [String] $User, [Parameter()] [String] $Source ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/users' if($User){ $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/users?userId=$User" } if($Source){ $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/users?source=$Source" } if($User -and $Source){ $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/users?userId=$User&source=$Source" } $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET $result | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Username = $_.userId FirstName = $_.firstName LastName = $_.lastName EmailAddress = $_.emailAddress Source = $_.source Status = $_.status ReadOnly = $_.readOnly Roles = $_.roles ExternalRoles = $_.externalRoles } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Users\Get-NexusUser.ps1' 76 #Region '.\public\Security\Users\New-NexusUser.ps1' 0 function New-NexusUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new user in the default source. .DESCRIPTION Create a new user in the default source. .PARAMETER Username The userid which is required for login. This value cannot be changed. .PARAMETER Password The password for the new user. .PARAMETER FirstName The first name of the user. .PARAMETER LastName The last name of the user. .PARAMETER EmailAddress The email address associated with the user. .PARAMETER Status The user's status, e.g. active or disabled. .PARAMETER Roles The roles which the user has been assigned within Nexus. .EXAMPLE $params = @{ Username = 'jimmy' Password = ("sausage" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) FirstName = 'Jimmy' LastName = 'Dean' EmailAddress = '' Status = Active Roles = 'nx-admin' } New-NexusUser @params .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Username, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [SecureString] $Password, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $FirstName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $LastName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $EmailAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Active', 'Locked', 'Disabled', 'ChangePassword')] [String] $Status, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) (Get-NexusRole).Id.Where{$_ -like "*$WordToComplete*"} })] [String[]] $Roles ) process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/security/users' $Body = @{ userId = $Username firstName = $FirstName lastName = $LastName emailAddress = $EmailAddress password = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new($Username, $Password).Password status = $Status roles = $Roles } Write-Verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST [pscustomObject]@{ Username = $result.userId FirstName = $result.firstName LastName = $result.lastName EmailAddress = $result.emailAddress Source = $result.source Status = $result.status Roles = $result.roles ExternalRoles = $result.externalRoles } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Users\New-NexusUser.ps1' 110 #Region '.\public\Security\Users\Remove-NexusUser.ps1' 0 function Remove-NexusUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Nexus user. .DESCRIPTION Delete a Nexus user. .PARAMETER Username The userid the request should apply to. .PARAMETER Force Don't prompt for confirmation before deleting .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusUser -Username jimmy .EXAMPLE Remove-NexusUser -Username jimmy -Force .EXAMPLE Get-NexusUser -User jimmy | Remove-NexusUser -Force .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='',SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('userId')] [String[]] $Username, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Force ) process { $Username | Foreach-Object { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/users/$_" if ($Force -and -not $Confirm) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove User")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_)", "Remove User")) { Invoke-Nexus -UriSlug $urislug -Method DELETE } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Users\Remove-NexusUser.ps1' 56 #Region '.\public\Security\Users\Set-NexusUser.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Update an existing user. .DESCRIPTION Update an existing user. .PARAMETER Username The userid the request should apply to. .PARAMETER FirstName The first name of the user. .PARAMETER LastName The last name of the user. .PARAMETER EmailAddress The email address associated with the user. .PARAMETER Source The user source which is the origin of this user. This value cannot be changed. .PARAMETER Status The user's status, e.g. active or disabled. .PARAMETER ReadOnly Indicates whether the user's properties could be modified by the Nexus Repository Manager. When false only roles are considered during update. .PARAMETER Roles The roles which the user has been assigned within Nexus. .PARAMETER ExternalRoles The roles which the user has been assigned in an external source, e.g. LDAP group. These cannot be changed within the Nexus Repository Manager. .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusUser).UserName if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [String] $Username, [Parameter()] [String] $FirstName, [Parameter()] [String] $LastName, [Parameter()] [String] $EmailAddress, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Active', 'Locked', 'Disabled', 'ChangePassword')] [String] $Status, [Parameter()] [Switch] $ReadOnly, [Parameter()] [String[]] $Roles ) process { $user = Get-NexusUser -User $Username $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/users/$Username" if($Username -notin $((Get-nexusUser).Username)){ throw "Username cannot be changed or not found in list of existing users" } switch($null){ $FirstName { $FirstName = $user.FirstName} $LastName { $LastName = $user.LastName } $EmailAddress { $EmailAddress = $user.EmailAddress } $Status { $Status = $user.Status } $ReadOnly {[bool]$ReadOnly = $user.ReadOnly } $Roles { $Roles = $user.Roles} } $Body = @{ userId = $Username firstName = $FirstName lastName = $LastName emailAddress = $EmailAddress status = $Status.ToLower() readOnly = [bool]$ReadOnly roles = $Roles source = $($user.Source) } Write-Verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method PUT } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Users\Set-NexusUser.ps1' 119 #Region '.\public\Security\Users\Set-NexusUserPassword.ps1' 0 function Set-NexusUserPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Change a user's password. .DESCRIPTION Change a user's password. .PARAMETER Username The userid the request should apply to .PARAMETER NewPassword The new password to use. .EXAMPLE Set-NexusUserPassword -Username jimmy -NewPassword ("Sausage2021" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Username, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [SecureString] $NewPassword ) process { $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/security/users/$Username/change-password" Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -BodyAsSecureString $NewPassword -Method PUT -ContentType 'text/plain' } } #EndRegion '.\public\Security\Users\Set-NexusUserPassword.ps1' 38 #Region '.\public\Status\Get-NexusStatus.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns Nexus System Status information .DESCRIPTION Returns Nexus System Status information .PARAMETER VerifyRead Verifies that Nexus can accept read requests .PARAMETER VerifySystem Returns system information .PARAMETER VerifyWrite Verifies that Nexus can accpet write requests .EXAMPLE Get-NexusStatus Returns system information .EXAMPLE Get-NexusStatus -VerifyRead .EXAMPLE Get-NexusStatus -VerifySystem .EXAMPLE Get-NexusStatus -VerifyWrite .EXAMPLE Get-NexusStatus -VerifyRead -VerifyWrite -VerifySystem .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()] [Switch] $VerifyRead, [Parameter()] [Switch] $VerifySystem, [Parameter()] [Switch] $VerifyWrite ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { switch ($true) { $VerifyRead { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/status' try { Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET Write-Host "System can accept read requests" } catch { $_.Exception.Message } } $VerifySystem { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/status/check' try { $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET [pscustomobject]@{ 'Available CPUs' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Available CPUs'.healthy Message = $result.'Available CPUs'.message Error = $result.'Available CPUs'.error Details = $result.'Available CPUs'.details Time = $result.'Available CPUs'.time Duration = $result.'Available CPUs'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Available CPUs'.timestamp } 'Blob Stores' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Blob Stores'.healty Message = $result.'Blob Stores'.message Error = $result.'Blob Stores'.error Details = $result.'Blob Stores'.details Time = $result.'Blob Stores'.time Duration = $result.'Blob Stores'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Blob Stores'.timestamp } 'Default Admin Credentials' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.healthy Message = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.message Error = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.error Details = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.details Time = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.time Duration = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.timestamp } DefaultRoleRealm = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.healthy Message = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.message Error = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.error Details = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.details Time = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.time Duration = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.duration Timestamp = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.timestamp } 'File Blob Stores Path' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.healthy Message = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.message Error = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.error Details = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.details Time = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.time Duration = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.duration Timestamp = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.timestamp } 'File Descriptors' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'File Descriptors'.healthy Message = $result.'File Descriptors'.message Error = $result.'File Descriptors'.error Details = $result.'File Descriptors'.details Time = $result.'File Descriptors'.time Duration = $result.'File Descriptors'.duration Timestamp = $result.'File Descriptors'.timestamp } 'Lifecycle Phase' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.healthy Message = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.message Error = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.error Details = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.details Time = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.time Duration = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.timestamp } 'Read-Only Detector' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.healthy Message = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.message Error = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.error Details = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.details Time = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.time Duration = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.timestamp } Scheduler = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.Scheduler.healthy Message = $result.Scheduler.message Error = $result.Scheduler.error Details = $result.Scheduler.details Time = $result.Scheduler.time Duration = $result.Scheduler.duration Timestamp = $result.Scheduler.timestamp } 'Thread Deadlock Detector' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.healthy Message = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.message Error = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.error Details = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.details Time = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.time Duration = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.timestamp } Transactions = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.Transactions.healthy Message = $result.Transactions.message Error = $result.Transactions.error Details = $result.Transactions.details Time = $result.Transactions.time Duration = $result.Transactions.duration Timestamp = $result.Transactions.timestamp } } } catch { $_.Exception.Message } } $VerifyWrite { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/status/writable' try { Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET Write-Host "System can accept write requests" } catch { $_.Exception.Message } } default { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/status/check' try { $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method GET [pscustomobject]@{ 'Available CPUs' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Available CPUs'.healthy Message = $result.'Available CPUs'.message Error = $result.'Available CPUs'.error Details = $result.'Available CPUs'.details Time = $result.'Available CPUs'.time Duration = $result.'Available CPUs'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Available CPUs'.timestamp } 'Blob Stores' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Blob Stores'.healty Message = $result.'Blob Stores'.message Error = $result.'Blob Stores'.error Details = $result.'Blob Stores'.details Time = $result.'Blob Stores'.time Duration = $result.'Blob Stores'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Blob Stores'.timestamp } 'Default Admin Credentials' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.healthy Message = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.message Error = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.error Details = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.details Time = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.time Duration = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Default Admin Credentials'.timestamp } DefaultRoleRealm = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.healthy Message = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.message Error = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.error Details = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.details Time = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.time Duration = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.duration Timestamp = $result.DefaultRoleRealm.timestamp } 'File Blob Stores Path' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.healthy Message = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.message Error = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.error Details = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.details Time = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.time Duration = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.duration Timestamp = $result.'File Blob Stores Path'.timestamp } 'File Descriptors' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'File Descriptors'.healthy Message = $result.'File Descriptors'.message Error = $result.'File Descriptors'.error Details = $result.'File Descriptors'.details Time = $result.'File Descriptors'.time Duration = $result.'File Descriptors'.duration Timestamp = $result.'File Descriptors'.timestamp } 'Lifecycle Phase' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.healthy Message = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.message Error = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.error Details = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.details Time = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.time Duration = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Lifecycle Phase'.timestamp } 'Read-Only Detector' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.healthy Message = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.message Error = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.error Details = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.details Time = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.time Duration = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Read-Only Detector'.timestamp } Scheduler = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.Scheduler.healthy Message = $result.Scheduler.message Error = $result.Scheduler.error Details = $result.Scheduler.details Time = $result.Scheduler.time Duration = $result.Scheduler.duration Timestamp = $result.Scheduler.timestamp } 'Thread Deadlock Detector' = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.healthy Message = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.message Error = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.error Details = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.details Time = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.time Duration = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.duration Timestamp = $result.'Thread Deadlock Detector'.timestamp } Transactions = [pscustomobject]@{ Healthy = $result.Transactions.healthy Message = $result.Transactions.message Error = $result.Transactions.error Details = $result.Transactions.details Time = $result.Transactions.time Duration = $result.Transactions.duration Timestamp = $result.Transactions.timestamp } } } catch { $_.Exception.Message } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Status\Get-NexusStatus.ps1' 310 #Region '.\public\Support\New-NexusSupportZip.ps1' 0 function New-NexusSupportZip { <# .SYNOPSIS Prepares a support zip file on your Nexus Server .DESCRIPTION Prepares a support zip file on your Nexus Server .PARAMETER IncludeSystemInfo Includes system info in the zip .PARAMETER IncludeThreadDump Includes a thread dump in the zip .PARAMETER IncludeMetrics Includes metrics in the zip .PARAMETER IncludeConfiguration Includes server configuration in the zip .PARAMETER IncludeSecurity Include security information in the zip .PARAMETER IncludeNexusLog Include the nexus log in the zip .PARAMETER IncludeTaskLog Include the task log in the zip .PARAMETER IncludeAuditLog Include the audit log in the zip .PARAMETER IncludeJmx Include the jmx configuration in the zip .PARAMETER LimitFileSize Limit the output size of files in the zip .PARAMETER LimitZipSizes Limit the overall size of the zip .EXAMPLE New-NexusSupportZip -IncludeNexusLog -IncludeConfiguration .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri='')] Param( [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeSystemInfo, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeThreadDump, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeMetrics, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeConfiguration, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeSecurity, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeNexusLog, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeTaskLog, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeAuditLog, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeJmx, [Parameter()] [Switch] $LimitFileSize, [Parameter()] [Switch] $LimitZipSizes ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $Body = @{ systemInformation = [bool]$IncludeSystemInfo threadDump = [bool]$IncludeThreadDump metrics = [bool]$IncludeMetrics configuration = [bool]$IncludeConfiguration security = [bool]$IncludeSecurity log = [bool]$IncludeNexusLog taskLog = [bool]$IncludeTaskLog auditLog = [bool]$IncludeAuditLog jmx = [bool]$IncludeJmx limitFileSizes = [bool]$LimitFileSize limitZipSize = [bool]$LimitZipSizes } $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/support/supportzippath' Write-Verbose ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Body $Body -Method POST [pscustomobject]@{ File = $result.file Name = $ Size = "$([Math]::Round($result.size,2)) MB" Truncated = $result.truncated } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Support\New-NexusSupportZip.ps1' 130 #Region '.\public\Tasks\Get-NexusTask.ps1' 0 function Get-NexusTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of Nexus tasks .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of Nexus tasks .PARAMETER Type The type of task to return .EXAMPLE Get-NexusTask .EXAMPLE Get-NexusTask -Type repository.cleanup .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter()] [String[]] $Type ) begin { if (-not $header) { throw "Not connected to Nexus server! Run Connect-NexusServer first." } } process { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/tasks' if ($Type) { $Type | Foreach-Object { $urislug = '/service/rest/v1/tasks' $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -BodyAsString $_ -Method Get $result.items | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Id = $ Name = $ Type = $_.type Message = $_.message CurrentState = $_.currentState LastRunResult = $_.lastRunResult NextRun = $_.nextRun LastRun = $_.lastRun } } } } else { $result = Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method Get $result.items | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Id = $ Name = $ Type = $_.type Message = $_.message CurrentState = $_.currentState LastRunResult = $_.lastRunResult NextRun = $_.nextRun LastRun = $_.lastRun } } } } } #EndRegion '.\public\Tasks\Get-NexusTask.ps1' 73 #Region '.\public\Tasks\Start-NexusTask.ps1' 0 function Start-NexusTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts a Nexus Task .DESCRIPTION Starts a Nexus Task .PARAMETER Task The task to start .EXAMPLE Stop-NexusTask -Task 'Cleanup Service' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusTask).Name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [Alias('Name')] [String] $Task ) process { $id = (Get-NexusTask | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Task }).Id $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/tasks/$id/run" Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Tasks\Start-NexusTask.ps1' 46 #Region '.\public\Tasks\Stop-NexusTask.ps1' 0 function Stop-NexusTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Stops a running Nexus Task .DESCRIPTION Stops a running Nexus Task .PARAMETER Task The task to stop .EXAMPLE Stop-NexusTask -Task 'Cleanup Service' .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ArgumentCompleter( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) $r = (Get-NexusTask).Name if ($WordToComplete) { $r.Where($_ -match "^$WordToComplete") } else { $r } })] [Alias('Name')] [String] $Task ) process { $id = (Get-NexusTask | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Task }).Id $urislug = "/service/rest/v1/tasks/$id/stop" Invoke-Nexus -Urislug $urislug -Method POST } } #EndRegion '.\public\Tasks\Stop-NexusTask.ps1' 46 |