# This file tests CMDLets that wrap REST API calls with standard tests. # WHAT THESE TESTS COVER # * The correct REST method is called # * The content type is set correctly # * The URI is correctly formed # * A body is only passed when using a Post method # * When a body is passed, it contains the expected attributes # # ADDING TESTS # To add a CMDLet to test, create a new pscustom object in the TestCases array in RestCall.TestsCases.ps1. # Make sure to include the Module name, Method, and any Params that should be passed when the CMDLet is run. # # OTHER TESTS # All tests for additional coverage should be placed in the test file associated with the CMDLet's module. BeforeAll { Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.AlertPolicies.psm1' -Force Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.NotificationChannels.psm1' -Force Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.Dashboards.psm1' -Force Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions.psm1' -Force Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.SyntheticMonitors.psm1' -Force Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.SyntheticLocationConditions.psm1' -Force Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.SyntheticSecureCredentials.psm1' -Force } Describe 'REST API wrapper CMDLets' { # Get list of test cases $testCases = & ".\tests\testCases\RestCalls.ps1" BeforeAll { Function Start-CMDLet { param( $ModuleName, $CMDLet ) # Mock is created inside the IT because the module name may change Mock Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName {} & $CMDLet @Params } } Context 'All wrapper CMDLets' { It '<CMDLET>: Has a valid URI' -TestCases $testCases { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $uri -match $ExpectedURL } } # Every call must have API key in headers It '<CMDLet>: Has required auth data in headers' -TestCases $testCases { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet # GraphQL query API has a static URL and requires a different type of API Key If ('https://api.newrelic.com/graphql' -match $ExpectedURL ) { $KeyType = 'API-Key' } Else { $KeyType = 'X-API-Key' } Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $headers.$KeyType -eq $Params.APIKey } } } Context 'CMDLets wrapping Get method calls' { It '<CMDLet>: Uses Get Method' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Get' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $method -eq 'Get' } } It '<CMDLet>: Has no body' -TestCases ($TestCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Get' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $null -eq $body } } } Context 'CMDLets wrapping Post method calls' { It '<CMDLet>: Has a valid body' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Post' -and $null -ne $_.BodyTests }) { # Verify each of the items listed in BodyTests is passed into the Invoke-RestMethod call as expected foreach ($key in $BodyTests.Keys) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { ($body | ConvertFrom-Json).$key -eq $BodyTests[$key] | ConvertTo-Json } } } It '<CMDLet>: Is using the correct content type' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Post' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $contentType -eq 'application/json' } } It '<CMDLet>: Uses Post Method' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Post' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $method -eq 'Post' } } It '<CMDLet>: Has a body' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Post' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $null -ne $body } } } Context 'CMDLets wrapping Put method calls' { It '<CMDLet>: Is using the correct content type' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Put' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $contentType -eq 'application/json' } } It '<CMDLet>: Uses Post Method' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Put' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $method -eq 'Put' } } } Context 'CMDlets wrapping Delete method calls' { It '<CMDLet>: Uses Delete Method' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Delete' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'Delete' } } It '<CMDLet>: Has no body' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object { $_.Method -eq 'Delete' }) { Start-CMDLet -ModuleName $ModuleName -CMDLet $CMDLet Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName $ModuleName -ParameterFilter { $null -eq $Body } } } } |