BeforeAll { Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions.psm1' -Force Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.GraphQLQueries.psm1' -Force $apiKey = 'Fake-API-Key' $accountId = '12345678' $conditionId = '4321' $policyId = '1234' $name = 'MyCondition' $nrqlQuery = 'SELECT count(*) FROM AwsLambdaInvocation' $criticalThreshold = '100' $warningThreshold = '90' $valueFunction = 'single_value' } Describe 'NRQL Conditions CMDLets Logic' { $testCases = @( @{ TestType = 'PSFilter' ParameterName = 'Type' PropertyName = 'Type' ExpectedResult = 'BASELINE' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ Type = 'BASELINE' } }, @{ TestType = 'PSFilter' ParameterName = 'Type' PropertyName = 'type' ExpectedResult = 'STATIC' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ Type = 'STATIC' } } @{ TestType = 'PSFilter' ParameterName = 'Type' PropertyName = 'type' ExpectedResult = 'OUTLIER' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ Type = 'OUTLIER' } }, @{ TestType = 'PSFilter' ParameterName = 'ConditionId' PropertyName = 'id' ExpectedResult = '1' PARAMS = [pscustomobject] @{ ConditionId = '1' } }, @{ TestType = 'GraphQLFilter' ParameterName = 'PolicyId' PropertyName = 'policyId' ExpectedResult = '5678' PARAMS = [pscustomobject] @{ PolicyId = '5678' } } @{ TestType = 'GraphQLFilter' ParameterName = 'Name' PropertyName = 'name' ExpectedResult = '"one"' PARAMS = [pscustomobject] @{ Name = 'one' } } @{ TestType = 'GraphQLFilter' ParameterName = 'Query' PropertyName = 'query' ExpectedResult = '"SELECT count(*) FROM AwsLambdaInvocation"' PARAMS = [pscustomobject] @{ Query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM AwsLambdaInvocation' } } ) BeforeAll { Mock Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' { Return @{ data = @{ actor = @{ account = @{ alerts = @{ nrqlConditionsSearch = @{ nrqlConditions = @( [pscustomobject]@{ name = 'one' type = 'BASELINE' id = '1' }, [pscustomobject]@{ name = 'two' type = 'STATIC' id = '2' }, [pscustomobject]@{ name = 'three' type = 'OUTLIER' id = '3' } ) } } } } } } } Mock Get-GraphQLQueryGetNRQLCondition -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' {} } It 'Get-NRQLCondition: Returns all results filter parameters not given' { $result = Get-NRQLCondition -APIKey $apiKey -AccountId $accountId $result.count | Should -Be 3 } It 'Get-NRQLCondition: Returns only the requested item when parameter <ParameterName> is set to <ExpectedResult>' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object {$_.TestType -eq 'PSFilter'}) { $result = $Params | Get-NRQLCondition -APIKey $apiKey -AccountId $accountId $result.count | Should -Be 1 $result.$PropertyName | Should -Be $ExpectedResult } It 'Get-NRQLCondition: Passes the correct searchCriteria to get the GraphQL query when parameter <ParameterName> is set to <ExpectedResult>' -TestCases ($testCases | Where-Object {$_.TestType -eq 'GraphQLFilter'}) { $Params | Get-NRQLCondition -APIKey $apiKey -AccountId $accountId Assert-MockCalled Get-GraphQLQueryGetNRQLCondition -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' -ParameterFilter { $searchCriteria -like "*$PropertyName`: $ExpectedResult*" } } It 'New-NRQLCondition: Sends warning threshold data when WarningThreshold specified' { New-NRQLCondition -AccountId $accountId -APIKey $apiKey -Type 'Static' -PolicyID $policyId -Name $name -Query $nrqlquery -CriticalThreshold $criticalThreshold -WarningThreshold $warningThreshold Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' -ParameterFilter { ($body | ConvertFrom-Json).query -like "*priority: WARNING*" } } It 'New-NRQLCondition: Does not add warning threhold data when no WarningThreshold specified' { New-NRQLCondition -AccountId $accountId -APIKey $apiKey -Type 'Static' -PolicyID $policyId -Name $name -Query $nrqlquery -CriticalThreshold $criticalThreshold Assert-MockCalled Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' -ParameterFilter { ($Body | ConvertFrom-Json).query -notlike "*priority: WARNING*" } } } Describe 'Update-NRQLCondition:'{ $TestCases = @( @{ CaseName = 'WarningThreshold' ExpectedUpdateText = '*threshold: 90*' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ WarningThreshold = '90' Type = 'Static' } }, @{ CaseName = 'CriticalThreshold' ExpectedUpdateText = '*thresholdDuration: 10*' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ CriticalDuration = '10' Type = 'Outlier' } }, @{ CaseName = 'BaselineDirection, Description, and Enabled' ExpectedUpdateText = 'baselineDirection: UPPER_AND_LOWER, description: "Testing", enabled: true' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ BaseLineDirection = 'UPPER_AND_LOWER' Description = 'Testing' Enabled = $True Type = 'Baseline' } }, @{ CaseName = 'Name and ViolationTimeLimit' ExpectedUpdateText = 'name: "MyTestCondition", violationTimeLimit: TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ Name = 'MyTestCondition' ViolationTimeLimit = 'TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS' Type = 'Outlier' } }, @{ CaseName = 'CloseViolationsOnExpiration, ExpirationDuration, and OpenViolationOnExpiration' ExpectedUpdateText = 'expiration: {closeViolationsOnExpiration: false expirationDuration: 600 openViolationOnExpiration: true }' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ CloseViolationsOnExpiration = $false ExpirationDuration = '600' OpenViolationOnExpiration = $true Type = 'Baseline' } } @{ CaseName = 'Query and EvaluationOffset' ExpectedUpdateText = 'nrql: {evaluationOffset: 6 query: "Select count(*) From somerecord"}' Params = [pscustomobject] @{ Query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM somerecord' EvaluationOffset = '6' Type = 'Static' } } ) BeforeAll { Mock Get-GraphQLQueryUpdateNRQLCondition -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' {} Mock Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' {} Mock Get-NRQLCondition -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' { $true } } It 'Adds field data as expected when <CaseName> specified' -TestCases $TestCases{ $Params | Update-NRQLCondition -APIKey $apiKey -AccountId $accountId -ConditionId $conditionId Assert-MockCalled Get-GraphQLQueryUpdateNRQLCondition -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.NRQLConditions' -ParameterFilter { $FieldsToUpdate -like $ExpectedUpdateText } } } |