
# New-TextMenu.ps1

.GUID 083e9407-4c18-470b-b0ce-f972fc58315c
.AUTHOR Bill Riedy
.TAGS text menu console

    Creates the logic for a new simple text based menu.
    Creates the logic for a new simple text based menu and sends to output. Can be redirected to a file.
    An array of [string] indicating the menu options. If you need to create a menu with a single option enclose the option in @().
    The title of the menu. Defaults to 'Menu Title'.
.PARAMETER ChoiceVarName
    The name of the choice variable. Defaults to 'choice'.
    Author: Bill Riedy
    New-TextMenu.ps1 -Title 'Menu Title' -Option 'One', 'Two', 'Three'
    Creates a 3 option menu.
    New-TextMenu.ps1 -Title 'My Menu' -Option 'One' -ChoiceVarName 'choice2'
    Creates a 1 option menu that looks like:
$choice2 = ''
while ($choice2 -ne 'q') {
    write-host 'My Menu'
    write-host '======='
    write-host ' '
    write-host '1 - One'
    write-host 'Q - Quit'
    write-host ' '
    $choice2 = read-host 'Selection'
    switch ($choice2) {
        q { 'Exit message and code' }
        1 { 'Option 1 code' }
        default { write-host 'Please enter a valid selection' }
    New-TextMenu.ps1 -Option 'Uno'
    Creates a 1 option menu that looks like:
$choice = ''
while ($choice -ne 'q') {
    write-host 'Menu Title'
    write-host '=========='
    write-host ' '
    write-host '1 - Uno'
    write-host 'Q - Quit'
    write-host ' '
    $choice = read-host 'Selection'
    switch ($choice) {
        q { 'Exit message and code' }
        1 { 'Option 1 code' }
        default { write-host 'Please enter a valid selection' }

    #region Parameter
        DefaultParameterSetName = '',
        ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $True,
            HelpMessage = 'Enter the text of the menu option.',
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)
            [string[]] $Option,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = '')]
            [string] $Title = 'Menu Title',
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = '')]
            [string] $ChoiceVarName = 'choice'
    #endregion Parameter

    $result = @()
    $result += "`$$ChoiceVarName = ''"
    $result += "while (`$$ChoiceVarName -ne 'q') {"
    $result += " write-host '$title'"
    $result += " write-host '$('='*$title.length)'"
    $result += " write-host ' '"
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $option.count; $i++) { $result += " write-host '$($i+1) - $($option[$i])'" }
    $result += " write-host 'Q - Quit'"
    $result += " write-host ' '"
    $result += " `$$ChoiceVarName = read-host 'Selection'"
    $result += " switch (`$$ChoiceVarName) {"
    $result += " q { 'Exit message and code' }"
    #$result += " break }"
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $option.count; $i++) { $result += " $($i+1) { 'Option $($i+1) code' }" }
    $result += " default { write-host 'Please enter a valid selection' }"
    $result += ' }'
    $result += '}'


# EOF New-TextMenu.ps1