
    Pester tests to general validation of the New-OutputObject module - e.g. help, PSScriptAnalyzer results, style rules
    AUTHOR: Wojciech Sciesinski, wojciech[at]sciesinski[dot]net
    KEYWORDS: PowerShell, Pester, psd1, New-OutputObject
    - 0.9.10 - 2017.07.23

$ModuleName = "New-OutputObject"

$RelativePathToModuleRoot = "{0}\.." -f $PSScriptRoot

$RelativePathToModuleManifest = "{0}\{1}.psd1" -f $RelativePathToModuleRoot, $ModuleName

Describe "General tests for the $ModuleName module"  {

    BeforeAll {

        # If BeforeAll fails, Skip everything

        #Remove module if it's currently loaded
        Get-Module -Name $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Module -Force

        it "$ModuleName should load without error" -Skip:$false {

            {Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName $RelativePathToModuleManifest -Force -Scope Global } | should not throw

            Get-Module -Name $ModuleName | should not be null

            # Since BeforeAll has passed, set skip to false




#Section mostly based on the blog post http://www.lazywinadmin.com/2016/05/using-pester-to-test-your-comment-based.html
#Author: Fran"ois-Xavier Cat fxcat[at]lazywinadmin[dot]com
#Corrected by Wojciech Sciesinski wojciech[at]sciesinski[dot]net

Describe "Module $ModuleName functions help" -Tags "Help" {

    $FunctionsList = (get-command -Module $ModuleName | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.CommandType -eq 'Function'} ).Name

    ForEach ($Function in $FunctionsList)

        # Retrieve the Help of the function
        $Help = Get-Help -Name $Function -Full

        #Parsing Notes can be added also
        #$Notes = ($Help.alertSet.alert.text -split '\n')

        # Parse the function using AST
        $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput((Get-Content function:$Function), [ref]$null, [ref]$null)

        Context "$Function - Help"{

            It "Synopsis"{ $help.Synopsis | Should not BeNullOrEmpty }

            It "Description"{ $help.Description | Should not BeNullOrEmpty }

            # Get the parameters declared in the Comment Based Help
            $RiskMitigationParameters = 'Whatif', 'Confirm'
            [String[]]$HelpParameters = $help.parameters.parameter | Where-Object name -NotIn $RiskMitigationParameters

            # Get the parameters declared in the AST PARAM() Block
            [String[]]$ASTParameters = $AST.ParamBlock.Parameters.Name.variablepath.userpath

            It "Parameter - Compare amount of parameters Help vs AST" {

                $HelpParameters.count -eq $ASTParameters.count | Should Be $true


            # Parameter Description
            $help.parameters.parameter | ForEach-Object {

                It "Parameter $($_.Name) - Should contains description"{

                    $_.description | Should not BeNullOrEmpty



            # Examples
            it "Example - Count should be greater than 0"{

                $Help.examples.example.code.count | Should BeGreaterthan 0


            # Examples - Remarks (small description that comes with the example)
            foreach ($Example in $Help.examples.example) {

                it "Example - Remarks on $($Example.Title)"{

                    $Example.remarks | Should not BeNullOrEmpty






#Section mostly based on the blog post https://blog.kilasuit.org/2016/03/29/invoking-psscriptanalyzer-in-pester-tests-for-each-rule/
#Author: Ryan Yates ryan[dot]yates[at]kilasuit[dot]org
#Corrected by Wojciech Sciesinski wojciech[at]sciesinski[dot]net

$Here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

$Scripts = Get-ChildItem "$here\..\" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.name -NotMatch "Tests.ps1"}

$Modules = Get-ChildItem "$here\..\" -Filter "*.psm1" -Recurse

$Excluderules = @()

Import-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -ErrorAction Stop

$Rules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.RuleName -notin $Excluderules }

if ($Modules.count -gt 0) {

    Describe "Testing all Modules in this Repo to be be correctly formatted" -Tag "PSScriptAnalyzer" {

        foreach ($module in $modules) {

            Context "Testing Module $($module.BaseName) for Standard Processing" {

                foreach ($rule in $rules) {

                    It "passes the PSScriptAnalyzer Rule $rule" {

                        (Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $module.FullName -IncludeRule $rule.RuleName ).Count | Should Be 0







if ($Scripts.count -gt 0) {

    Describe 'Testing all Scripts in this Repo to be be correctly formatted' -Tag "PSScriptAnalyzer" {

        foreach ($Script in $scripts) {

            Context "Testing Script $($script.BaseName) for Standard Processing" {

                foreach ($rule in $rules) {

                    It "passes the PSScriptAnalyzer Rule $rule" {

                        (Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $script.FullName -IncludeRule $rule.RuleName ).Count | Should Be 0







#Style rules based on Pester v. 4.0.2-rc2
Describe 'Style rules' -Tags "Style"{

    $files = @(
        Get-ChildItem $RelativePathToModuleRoot\* -Include *.ps1, *.psm1
        Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $RelativePathToModuleRoot 'Public') -Include *.ps1, *.psm1 -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $RelativePathToModuleRoot 'Private') -Include *.ps1, *.psm1 -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $RelativePathToModuleRoot 'Tests') -Include *.ps1, *.psm1 -Recurse

    It "$ModuleName source files contain no trailing whitespace" {

        $badLines = @(
            foreach ($file in $files) {

                $lines = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($file.FullName)

                $lineCount = $lines.Count

                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $lineCount; $i++) {

                    if ($lines[$i] -match '\s+$') {

                        'File: {0}, Line: {1}' -f $file.FullName, ($i + 1)





        if ($badLines.Count -gt 0) {

            throw "The following $($badLines.Count) lines contain trailing whitespace: `r`n`r`n$($badLines -join "`r`n")"



    It "$ModuleName source files lines start with a tab character" {

        $badLines = @(

            foreach ($file in $files) {

                $lines = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($file.FullName)

                $lineCount = $lines.Count

                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $lineCount; $i++) {

                        if ($lines[$i] -match '^[ ]*\t|^\t|^\t[ ]*') {

                            'File: {0}, Line: {1}' -f $file.FullName, ($i + 1)





        if ($badLines.Count -gt 0) {

            throw "The following $($badLines.Count) lines start with a tab character: `r`n`r`n$($badLines -join "`r`n")"



    It "$ModuleName source files all end with a newline" {

        $badFiles = @(

            foreach ($file in $files) {

                $string = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($file.FullName)

                if ($string.Length -gt 0 -and $string[-1] -ne "`n") {





        if ($badFiles.Count -gt 0) {

            throw "The following files do not end with a newline: `r`n`r`n$($badFiles -join "`r`n")"


