.VERSION 1.4.3 .GUID d5766e62-9beb-42d3-93ed-d615c3fc0a00 .AUTHOR @stephanevg .COMPANYNAME District .COPYRIGHT All rights reserved .TAGS osd tattoo sccm deployment registry wmi environmentvariable .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS [INFO] to get the latest help / version of this script use --> get-help .\New-OSDTattoo.ps1 -Online[/INFO] This script will set a tatoo information into an OS image during OSD deployment. To get detailed help, use Get-Help .\New-OSDTattoo.ps1 -Online .DESCRIPTION This script will tatoo the Windows Image with specefic values into one or all of the following locations: --> Registry --> environment variable --> WMI Repository .PARAMETER ALL This switch will tatoo the values in the following locations: --> Registry --> environment variable --> WMI Repository .PARAMETER Registry This switch will tatoo the value only in the following location: --> Registry .PARAMETER EnvironmentVariable This switch will tatoo the value only in the following location: --> environment variable .PARAMETER WMI This switch will tatoo the value only in the following location: --> WMI Repository .PARAMETER Online Will redirect you to the web page containing all the latest help, infos, and script updates from the New-OSDTattoo.ps1 script. .Example New-OSDTatoo.ps1 -All Will tatoo all the data in the following locations: --> Registry --> environment variable --> WMI Repository .Example New-OSDTatoo.ps1 -WMI -Registry Will tatoo all the data in the following locations: --> Registry --> WMI Repository .Example New-OSDTatoo.ps1 This is equivalent to -All. It Will tatoo all the data in the following locations: --> Registry --> environment variable --> WMI Repository .NOTES -Author: Stéphane van Gulick -Email : -CreationDate: 12.01.2014 -LastModifiedDate: 04.14.2015 -Version: 1.4.3 -History: 1.4.3 ; 16/08/2015 ; Added -Online help support Commented OSDBuildversion variable out since it was a custom TS variable. 1.4.2 ; 04.14.2015 ; Changed variable name: PSDistrict_TaskSequenceInstallationName --> PSDistrict_TSName 1.4.2 ; 04.14.2015 ; Changed variable name: PSDistrict_TaskSequenceInstallationID --> PSDistrict_TSID 1.4.1 ; 02.11.2015 ; Corrected minor bug with old write-log function 1.4 ; 02.11.2015 ; Added WMI instance creation #> [cmdletBinding( HelpURI='' )] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$All, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$WMI, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$Registry, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$EnvironmentVariable, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$Root = "OsBuildInfo" ) #region helperFunctions $PSDistrict_TattooScriptVersion = "1.4.3" Function Set-EnvironmentVariable { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a system envirnment variable. .DESCRIPTION The system environment variable can contain a value, or if not spécified, it will just be empty. .PARAMETER Name Parameter that identifies which variables should be retrived from the line server configuration file. .PARAMETER Value .EXAMPLE Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name plop -Value 1234 Creates a variable called "plop" whit a value of "1234" #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$Value = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$Force ) Begin{ } Process{ #Verifying if variable exists if ($env:name){ #Variable is existing if ($force){ #Forcing to change the variable write-verbose "Variable $($name)is already existing. Forcing new value $($value)." try{ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($($name), $($value), "Machine") } catch{ write-warning $_ } } else{ write-warning "Variable $($name) is already existing. If you still want to force the new variable setting call this function whit parameter -force" } } else{ #Variable is not existing [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($($name), $($value), "Machine") write-verbose "New environment variable $($name) has been created whit value $($value)" } } End{} } Function New-RegistryItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Set's a registry item. .DESCRIPTION Set's a registry item in a specefic hvye. .PARAMETER RegistryPath Specefiy the registry path. Default it is in HKLM:SOFTWARE\Company\ hyve. /!\Important note /!\ Powershell requires that the following registry format is respected : "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" <-- the "HKLM:" is important and CANNOT be "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (notice the ':' also!!). .PARAMETER RegistryString This parameter will is used in order to give the name to the registry string that is needed to be tatooted and that will contain information that can later be reported on through SCCM. ex : DisplayName ex : InstallDate Use the parameter "RegistryValue" to give a value to the "registryString". .PARAMETER RegistryValue This parameter is used in order to give a value to a registry string that is already existing or has been previously created. example : a date for a registry string called "InstalledDate". .Example New-RegistryItem -RegistryString PowerShellDistrictURL -RegistryValue "" .NOTES -Author: Stéphane van Gulick -Email : -CreationDate: 12.01.2014 -LastModifiedDate: 12.01.2014 -Version: 1.0 #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$RegistryPath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$RegistryString, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$RegistryValue ) begin{ } Process{ ##Creating the registry node if (!(test-path $RegistryPath)){ write-verbose "Creating the registry node at : $($RegistryPath)." try{ if ($RegistryPath -ne "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"){ New-Item -Path $RegistryPath -force -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null }else{ write-verbose "The registry path that is tried to be created is the uninstall string.HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\." write-verbose "Creating this here would have as consequence to erase the whole content of the Uninstall registry hive." exit } } catch [System.Security.SecurityException] { write-warning "No access to the registry. Please launch this function with elevated privileges." } catch{ write-host "An unknowed error occured : $_ " } } else{ write-verbose "The registry hyve already exists at $($registrypath)" } ##Creating the registry string and setting its value if ($RegistryPath -ne "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\") { write-verbose "Setting the registry string $($RegistryString) with value $($registryvalue) at path : $($registrypath) ." try{ New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name $RegistryString -PropertyType STRING -Value $RegistryValue -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch [System.Security.SecurityException] { write-host "No access to the registry. Please launch this function with elevated privileges." } catch{ write-host "An uncatched error occured : $_ " } } else{ write-verbose "The registry path that is tried to be created is the uninstall string. HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\." write-verbose "Creating this here would have as consequence to erase the whole content of the Uninstall registry hive." exit } } End{} } Function Get-WMIClass{ <# .SYNOPSIS get information about a specefic WMI class. .DESCRIPTION returns the listing of a WMI class. .PARAMETER ClassName Specify the name of the class that needs to be queried. .PARAMETER NameSpace Specify the name of the namespace where the class resides in (default is "Root\cimv2"). .EXAMPLE get-wmiclass List all the Classes located in the root\cimv2 namespace (default location). .EXAMPLE get-wmiclass -classname win32_bios Returns the Win32_Bios class. .EXAMPLE get-wmiclass -classname MyCustomClass Returns information from MyCustomClass class located in the default namespace (Root\cimv2). .EXAMPLE Get-WMIClass -NameSpace root\ccm -ClassName * List all the Classes located in the root\ccm namespace .EXAMPLE Get-WMIClass -NameSpace root\ccm -ClassName ccm_client Returns information from the cm_client class located in the root\ccm namespace. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Stephane van Gulick Creation date:23.07.2014 Last modification date: 23.07.2014 .LINK .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,valueFromPipeLine=$true)][string]$ClassName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$NameSpace = "root\cimv2" ) begin{ write-verbose "Getting WMI class $($Classname)" } Process{ if (!($ClassName)){ $return = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $NameSpace -Class * -list }else{ $return = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $NameSpace -Class $ClassName -list } } end{ return $return } } Function New-WMIClass { <# .SYNOPSIS This function help to create a new WMI class. .DESCRIPTION The function allows to create a WMI class in the CimV2 namespace. Accepts a single string, or an array of strings. .PARAMETER ClassName Specify the name of the class that you would like to create. (Can be a single string, or a array of strings). .PARAMETER NameSpace Specify the namespace where class the class should be created. If not specified, the class will automatically be created in "Root\cimv2" .EXAMPLE New-WMIClass -ClassName "PowerShellDistrict" Creates a new class called "PowerShellDistrict" .EXAMPLE New-WMIClass -ClassName "aaaa","bbbb" Creates two classes called "aaaa" and "bbbb" in the Root\cimv2 .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Stephane van Gulick Creation date:16.07.2014 Last modification date: 16.07.2014 .LINK .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,valueFromPipeLine=$true)][string[]]$ClassName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$NameSpace = "root\cimv2" ) foreach ($NewClass in $ClassName){ if (!(Get-WMIClass -ClassName $NewClass -NameSpace $NameSpace)){ write-verbose "Attempting to create class $($NewClass)" $WMI_Class = "" $WMI_Class = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass($NameSpace, $null, $null) $ = $NewClass $WMI_Class.Put() | out-null write-output "Class $($NewClass) created." }else{ write-output "Class $($NewClass) is already present. Skiping.." } } } Function New-WMIProperty { <# .SYNOPSIS This function help to create new WMI properties. .DESCRIPTION The function allows to create new properties and set their values into a newly created WMI Class. Event though it is possible, it is not recommended to create WMI properties in existing WMI classes ! .PARAMETER ClassName Specify the name of the class where you would like to create the new properties. .PARAMETER PropertyName The name of the property. .PARAMETER PropertyValue The value of the property. .EXAMPLE New-WMIProperty -ClassName "PowerShellDistrict" -PropertyName "WebSite" -PropertyValue "" .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Stephane van Gulick Creation date:16.07.2014 Last modification date: 16.07.2014 .LINK .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ $_ -ne "" })] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$NameSpace="Root\cimv2", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$PropertyName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$PropertyValue="" ) begin{ [wmiclass]$WMI_Class = Get-WmiObject -Class $ClassName -Namespace $NameSpace -list } Process{ write-verbose "Attempting to create property $($PropertyName) with value: $($PropertyValue) in class: $($ClassName)" $WMI_Class.Properties.add($PropertyName,$PropertyValue) | Out-Null Write-verbose "Added $($PropertyName) with to $($PropertyValue) in class: $($ClassName)." } end{ $WMI_Class.Put() | Out-Null [wmiclass]$WMI_Class = Get-WmiObject -Class $ClassName -list return $WMI_Class } } Function Set-WMIPropertyQualifier { <# .SYNOPSIS This function sets a WMI property qualifier value. .DESCRIPTION The function allows to set a new property qualifier on an existing WMI property. .PARAMETER ClassName Specify the name of the class where the property resides. .PARAMETER PropertyName The name of the property. .PARAMETER QualifierName The name of the qualifier. .PARAMETER QualifierValue The value of the qualifier. .EXAMPLE Set-WMIPropertyQualifier -ClassName "PowerShellDistrict" -PropertyName "WebSite" -QualifierName Key -QualifierValue $true Sets the propertyQualifier "Key" on the property "WebSite" .NOTES Version: 1.1 Author: Stephane van Gulick Creation date:16.07.2014 Last modification date: 27.01.2015 .LINK .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ $_ -ne "" })] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$NameSpace="Root\cimv2", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ $_ -ne "" })] [string]$PropertyName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $QualifierName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $QualifierValue, [switch]$key, [switch]$IsAmended=$false, [switch]$IsLocal=$true, [switch]$PropagatesToInstance=$true, [switch]$PropagesToSubClass=$false, [switch]$IsOverridable=$true ) write-verbose "Setting qualifier $($QualifierName) with value $($QualifierValue) on property $($propertyName) located in $($ClassName) in Namespace $($NameSpace)" $Class = Get-WMIClass -ClassName $ClassName -NameSpace $NameSpace if ($Class.Properties[$PropertyName]){ write-verbose "Property $($PropertyName) has been found." if ($Key){ write-verbose "Setting Key property on $($PropertyName)" $Class.Properties[$PropertyName].Qualifiers.Add("Key",$true) $Class.put() | out-null }else{ write-verbose "Setting $($QualifierName) with qualifier value $($QualifierValue) on property $($PropertyName)" $Class.Properties[$PropertyName].Qualifiers.add($QualifierName,$QualifierValue, $IsAmended,$IsLocal,$PropagatesToInstance,$PropagesToSubClass) $Class.put() | out-null } $return = Get-WMIProperty -NameSpace $Namespace -ClassName $ClassName -PropertyName $PropertyName return $return }else{ write-warning "Could not find any propertyname named $($PropertyName)." } } Function New-WMIClassInstance { <# .SYNOPSIS creates a new WMI class instance. .DESCRIPTION The function allows to retrieve a specefic WMI class instance. If none is specified, all will be retrieved. .PARAMETER ClassName Specify the name of the class where the instance resides. .PARAMETER NameSpace Specify the name of the namespace where the class is located (default is Root\cimv2). .PARAMETER InstanceName Name of the Instance to retrieve. .PARAMETER PutInstance This parameter needs to be called once the instance has all of its properties set up. .EXAMPLE $MyNewInstance = New-WMIClassInstance -ClassName PowerShellDistrict -InstanceName "Instance01" Creates a new Instance name "Instance01" of the WMI custom class "PowerShellDistrict" and sets it in a variable for future use. The at least the key property set to a value. To get the key property of a class, use the Get-WMIKeyPropertyQualifier cmdlet. .EXAMPLE New-WMIClassInstance -ClassName PowerShellDistrict -PutInstance $MyNewInstance Validates the changes and writes the new Instance persistantly into memory. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Stéphane van Gulick Creation date:16.07.2014 Last modification date: 21.08.2014 .LINK My blog. .LINK My other projects and contributions. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ $_ -ne "" })] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$NameSpace="Root\cimv2", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({ $_ -ne "" })] [string[]]$InstanceName, [Parameter(valueFromPipeLine=$true)]$PutInstance ) Begin{ $WmiClass = Get-WMIClass -NameSpace $NameSpace -ClassName $ClassName } Process{ if ($PutInstance){ $PutInstance.Put() }else{ $Return = $WmiClass.CreateInstance() } } End{ If ($Return){ return $Return } } } Function New-OSDTattoo{ <# .SYNOPSIS Will tatoo an Image during OSD deployment. .DESCRIPTION This function will have the possibility to tatoo an information in the Windows image in one (or all) of the following locations: --> Registry --> Environment variable --> WMI Repository .PARAMETER PropertyName This parameter will be is used in order to give the name of the tatoo. ex : DisplayName ex : InstallDate .PARAMETER PropertyValue This parameter is used in order to give a value the tatoo. ex : "12/01/2015" for a tatoo name called "InstalledDate". .PARAMETER ALL This switch will tatoo the value in the following locations: --> Registry --> environment variable --> WMI Repository .PARAMETER Registry This switch will tatoo the value only in the following location: --> Registry .PARAMETER EnvironmentVariable This switch will tatoo the value only in the following location: --> environment variable .PARAMETER WMI This switch will tatoo the value only in the following location: --> WMI Repository .PARAMETER RegistryRoot Specify the registry path. This parameter will automatically be combined with the value of "Root" which should be the name of the company, or the project you are working on. Default it is in HKLM:SOFTWARE\ hyve. /!\Important note /!\ Powershell requires that the following registry format is respected : "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" <-- the "HKLM:" is important and CANNOT be "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (notice the ':' also!!). .Example New-RegistryItem -RegistryString PowerShellDistrictURL -RegistryValue "" .NOTES -Author: Stéphane van Gulick -Email : -CreationDate: 12.01.2014 -LastModifiedDate: 12.01.2014 -Version: 1.0 .LINK .LINK #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$Root="Woop", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$PropertyName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$PropertyValue, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$RegistryRoot = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$All, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$WMI, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$Registry, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$EnvironmentVariable ) begin{} Process{ $FullRegPath = join-path -Path $RegistryRoot -ChildPath $Root switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys){ "All"{ New-WMIClass -ClassName $Root New-WMIProperty -ClassName $Root -PropertyName $PropertyName -PropertyValue $PropertyValue New-RegistryItem -RegistryPath $FullRegPath -RegistryString $PropertyName -RegistryValue $PropertyValue Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $PropertyName -Value $PropertyValue -Force break } "WMI" { New-WMIClass -ClassName $Root New-WMIProperty -ClassName $Root -PropertyName $PropertyName -PropertyValue $PropertyValue Break } "Registry"{ New-RegistryItem -RegistryPath $FullRegPath -RegistryString $PropertyName -RegistryValue $PropertyValue Break } "EnvironmentVariable"{ Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $PropertyName -Value $PropertyValue -Force break } default{ New-WMIClass -ClassName $Root New-WMIProperty -ClassName $Root -PropertyName $PropertyName -PropertyValue $PropertyValue New-RegistryItem -RegistryPath $FullRegPath -RegistryString $PropertyName -RegistryValue $PropertyValue Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $PropertyName -Value $PropertyValue -Force break } } } End{} } Function Get-WMIProperty { <# .SYNOPSIS This function gets a WMI property. .DESCRIPTION The function allows return a WMI property from a specefic WMI Class and located in a specefic NameSpace. .PARAMETER NameSpace Specify the name of the namespace where the class resides in (default is "Root\cimv2"). .PARAMETER ClassName Specify the name of the class. .PARAMETER PropertyName The name of the property. .EXAMPLE Get-WMIProperty -ClassName "PowerShellDistrict" -PropertyName "WebSite" Returns the property information from the WMI propertyName "WebSite" .EXAMPLE Get-WMIProperty -ClassName "PowerShellDistrict" Returns all the properties located in the "PowerShellDistrict" WMI class. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Stephane van Gulick Creation date:29.07.2014 Last modification date: 12.08.2014 .LINK .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ $_ -ne "" })] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$NameSpace="Root\cimv2", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PropertyName ) begin{ } process{ If ($PropertyName){ write-verbose "Returning WMI property $($PropertyName) from class $($ClassName) and NameSpace $($NameSpace)." $return = (Get-WMIClass -ClassName $ClassName -NameSpace $NameSpace ).properties["$($PropertyName)"] }else{ write-verbose "Returning list of WMI properties from class $($ClassName) and NameSpace $($NameSpace)." $return = (Get-WMIClass -ClassName $ClassName -NameSpace $NameSpace ).properties } } end{ Return $return } } #endregion #region mainScript #Loading task sequence COM object $LogFile = "C:\System\logs\OSD_Tattoo.log" if (!(Test-Path $LogFile)){ #Creating log file New-Item -Path $LogFile -ItemType file -Force } "Starting operations" >> $LogFile $tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment "Script version is $($PSDistrict_TattooScriptVersion)">> $LogFile $PSDistrict_TSName = $tsenv.Value("_SMSTSPackageName") $PSDistrict_BootImageVersion = $tsenv.Value("_SMSTSBootImageID") $PSDistrict_DeploymentID = $tsenv.Value("_SMSTSPackageID") $PSDistrict_InstallationMethod = $tsenv.Value("_SMSTSMediaType") $PSDistrict_TSID = $tsenv.Value("_SMSTSPackageID") $PSDistrict_SiteCode = $tsenv.Value("_SMSTSSiteCode") #$PSDistrict_OsBuildversion = $tsenv.Value("OsBuildVersion") $PSDistrict_InstallationDate = get-date -uformat "%Y%m%d-%T" $CustomVariables = @() $CustomVariables = $tsenv.getVariables() | ? {$_ -match "PSDistrict_*"} Foreach ($CustomVariable in $CustomVariables){ New-Variable -Name $CustomVariable -Value $tsenv.value($CustomVariable) } $VarTatoos = Get-Variable -Name "PSDistrict_*" foreach ($Tatoo in $VarTatoos){ switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys){ "All"{ "Tattooing: $($Tatoo.Name) with value: $($Tatoo.value) --> in WMI, Registry and environment variables." >> $LogFile New-OSDTattoo -Root $Root -PropertyName $($Tatoo.Name) -PropertyValue $($Tatoo.value) -All break } "WMI" { "Tattooing: $($Tatoo.Name) with value: $($Tatoo.value) --> in WMI." >> $LogFile New-OSDTattoo -Root $Root -PropertyName $($Tatoo.Name) -PropertyValue $($Tatoo.value) -wmi break } "Registry"{ "Tattooing: $($Tatoo.Name) with value: $($Tatoo.value) --> in Registry." >> $LogFile New-OSDTattoo -Root $Root -PropertyName $($Tatoo.Name) -PropertyValue $($Tatoo.value) -Registry Break } "EnvironmentVariable"{ "Tattooing: $($Tatoo.Name) with value: $($Tatoo.value) --> in environment variables." >> $LogFile New-OSDTattoo -Root $Root -PropertyName $($Tatoo.Name) -PropertyValue $($Tatoo.value) -EnvironmentVariable break } default{ "Tattooing: $($Tatoo.Name) with value: $($Tatoo.value) --> in WMI, Registry and environment variables.">> $LogFile New-OSDTattoo -Root $Root -PropertyName $($Tatoo.Name) -PropertyValue $($Tatoo.value) -All break } }#End switch }#End foreach. if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("WMI") -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("All")){ #Creating WMI instance "Creating WMI instance.">> $LogFile Set-WMIPropertyQualifier -className $Root -PropertyName "PSDistrict_TattooScriptVersion" -key $Instance = New-WMIClassInstance -ClassName $Root $Instance.put() | out-null } "End of script...">> $LogFile "For more information or detailed help please visit:" >> $logfile #endregion |