<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0.4 .GUID 55ef3a83-4365-4e5e-844b-6ab2d323963b .AUTHOR Christian Hoejsager .COMPANYNAME ScriptingChris .COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2021 ScriptingChris .TAGS module project build .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES First deployment of the script Help documentation and use cases for the Script can be found here: #> <# .SYNOPSIS Script for easily creating a new module projects folder .DESCRIPTION Script which quickly creates a folder structure, Module Manifest and downloads a build.ps1 script to use with Invoke-Build module for easy developing, maintaining, building and publishing your powershell module. Follow project at: For in-depth help: .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-ModuleProject.ps1 -Path ".\" -ModuleName "MyTestModule" -Prerequisites -Initialize -Scripts This script will create a new folder structure in the path: ".\" It will create the following folder structure: MyTestModule\ |_Docs\ |_Output\ |_Source\ | |_Public\ | |_Private\ | |_MyTestModule.psd1 |_Tests\ |_build.ps1 It will then make sure you have to follwoing modules installed: - PowerSehllGet (For publishing modules) - PlatyPS (For managing Help documentation) - Pester (For Unit Testing) - PSScriptAnalyzer (For Lint analyzing scripts) - InvokeBuild (For building the module) It will then download the build.ps1 script from the GitHub repository The build script will be used for testing, building and publishing the module. Help to use the build script can be found here: .PARAMETER Path Provide the Path to where the module should be placed (without the module name itself) .PARAMETER ModuleName Provice the name of your module .PARAMETER Prerequisites Parameter which will tricker installing of several modules: - PowerShellGet - PlatyPS - Pester - InvokeBuild .PARAMETER Initialize Parameter which will tricker the creation of the Module folder structure. .PARAMETER Scripts Parameter which will tricker the download of the default build script from: .INPUTS N/A .OUTPUTS N/A .NOTES N/A #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][String]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][String]$ModuleName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$Prerequisites, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Switch]$Initialize, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$Scripts ) #Region - Prerequisites if($Prerequisites.IsPresent){ Write-Verbose -Message "Initializing Module PowerSehllGet" if (-not(Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet -ListAvailable)){ Write-Warning "Module 'PowerShellGet' is missing or out of date. Installing module now." Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Scope CurrentUser -Force } Write-Verbose -Message "Initializing Module PSScriptAnalyzer" if (-not(Get-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -ListAvailable)){ Write-Warning "Module 'PSScriptAnalyzer' is missing or out of date. Installing module now." Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -Scope CurrentUser -Force } Write-Verbose -Message "Initializing Module Pester" if (-not(Get-Module -Name Pester -ListAvailable)){ Write-Warning "Module 'Pester' is missing or out of date. Installing module now." Install-Module -Name Pester -Scope CurrentUser -Force } Write-Verbose -Message "Initializing platyPS" if (-not(Get-Module -Name platyPS -ListAvailable)){ Write-Warning "Module 'platyPS' is missing or out of date. Installing module now." Install-Module -Name platyPS -Scope CurrentUser -Force } Write-Verbose -Message "Initializing InvokeBuild" if (-not(Get-Module -Name InvokeBuild -ListAvailable)){ Write-Warning "Module 'InvokeBuild' is missing or out of date. Installing module now." Install-Module -Name InvokeBuild -Scope CurrentUser -Force } } #EndRegion - Prerequisites #Region - Initialize if($Initialize.IsPresent){ Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Module folder structure" try { Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Module root folder" New-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)" -ItemType Directory } catch { Write-Error -Message "Error - Failed creating the module root folder" } if(Test-Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)"){ try { Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Source, Tests, Output, Docs folders" New-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\Source" -ItemType Directory New-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\Tests" -ItemType Directory New-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\Output" -ItemType Directory New-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\Docs" -ItemType Directory } catch { Write-Error -Message "Error - Failed creating Source, Test, Output and Docs folder" } Try { Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Private and Public functions folder" New-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\Source\Private" -ItemType Directory New-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\Source\Public" -ItemType Directory } catch { Write-Error -Message "Error - Failed creating private and public functions folders" } } } #EndRegion - Initialize #Region - Scripts if($Scripts.IsPresent){ if(Test-Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)"){ Write-Verbose -Message "Creating the Module Manifest" New-ModuleManifest -Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\Source\$($ModuleName).psd1" -ModuleVersion "0.0.1" } Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading build script from:" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\build.ps1" if(Test-Path "$($Path)\$($ModuleName)\build.ps1"){ Write-Verbose -Message "Build script was downloaded successfully" } else { throw "Failed to downlaod the buildscript from:" } } #EndRegion - Scripts |