# SF version to skip $script:SKIP = "7.0.470.9590" # SF version to update to after update to 7.0.470.9590 is skipped $script:SKIPPED = "7.1.409.9590" function Update-NetworkControllerServiceFabric { <# .SYNOPSIS Update Service Fabric incrementally to the most recent supported version of Service Fabric. .PARAMETER NodeName hostname of NetworkController node to run Service Fabric updates on. Can be omitted if script is invoked from NetworkController node. .PARAMETER CabLocation Location of CAB on NetworkController node of $NodeName. .PARAMETER Credentials Credentials for NetworkController node of $NodeName. Can be omitted if script is invoked from NetworkController node. .EXAMPLE Update-NetworkControllerServiceFabric -NodeName qntpf0jl-1 -CabLocation c:\ -Credential $credential ^ Script invoked from host .EXAMPLE Update-NetworkControllerServiceFabric -CabLocation c:\ ^ Script invoked from Network Controller node .Inputs None. .Outputs None. .NOTES - Service Fabric version prior to upgrade must be one of the following: 6.2.301.9494 6.4.664.9590 7.1.409.9590 7.1.510.9590 8.0.536.9590 9.0.1017.9590 9.0.1155.9590 - Operating system must be one of the following: Windows Server 2022, AZ Stack HCI 21H2, AZ Stack HCI 22H2, AZ Stack HCI 23H2 - If the OS is AZ Stack HCI 23H2, Service Fabric will be updated to V9.1.1436.9590. Otherwise it will be updated to V7.1.510.9590. - If Powershell constrained language mode (CLM) is enabled, the script must be invoked from the Network Controller node and the initial Service Fabric version must be at least 7.1.510.9590. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CabLocation, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$NodeName=[string]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PSCredential]$Credential=[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$LogLocation="$($env:SystemDrive)\Windows\tracing" ) $Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss") $logFile = $LogLocation + "\UpgradeNCSFVersion_" + $Stamp + ".log" try { Stop-Transcript -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null } catch { Write-Log "Exception thrown while stopping transcript. Continuing anyway."} try { Remove-Item $logFile -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null } catch { Write-Log "Exception thrown while removing log file. Continuing anyway."} Start-Transcript -Path $logFile -ErrorAction Ignore try { if ($NodeName -eq [string]::Empty) { $NodeName=hostname Write-Log "Parameter NodeName was not supplied. Using hostname: $NodeName instead." } Write-Log "Validating setup prior to starting upgrades." $SFVersionToUpgradeTo = GetSFVersionToUpgradeTo -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential # Element at position i of $UpdateSequenceValues is the next version of SF to update to given current SF version (element at position i of $UpdateSequenceKeys) $UpdateSequenceKeys = @("", "6.2.301.9494", "6.4.664.9590", "7.0.470.9590", "7.1.409.9590", "7.1.510.9590", "8.0.536.9590", "9.0.1155.9590") $UpdateSequenceValues = @("6.2.301.9494", "6.4.664.9590", "7.0.470.9590", "7.1.409.9590", "7.1.510.9590", "8.0.536.9590", "9.0.1155.9590", "9.1.1436.9590") # What if the NC01 is not reachable, well we should not continue in that case anyway $remoteSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential if (!$remoteSession) { throw "Could not establish remote session with $NodeName. All NC VMs should be healthy and accessible at this time. Exiting." } $sb = (Get-Item function:ValidateSetup).ScriptBlock Invoke-Command -Session $remoteSession -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList @($CabLocation, $SFVersionToUpgradeTo, $script:SKIP, $UpdateSequenceKeys, $UpdateSequenceValues) Invoke-NCServiceFabricUpdate -RemoteSession $remoteSession -Credential $Credential -NodeName $NodeName -CabLocation $CabLocation -UpdateSequenceKeys $UpdateSequenceKeys -UpdateSequenceValues $UpdateSequenceValues } finally { if ($remoteSession) { $remoteSession | Remove-Pssession -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null } Stop-Transcript } } function Write-Log { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$Message ) $Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:fff") Write-Output "$Stamp $Message" } function ValidateSetup { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CabLocation, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SFVersionToUpgradeTo, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$skip, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $UpdateSequenceKeys, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $UpdateSequenceValues ) Write-Output "Path to CAB is $CabLocation" if (!(Test-Path $CabLocation -PathType leaf) -or !($CabLocation.ToLower() -Like "*.cab")) { throw "Path to CAB $CabLocation is not valid." } $parentDir = Split-Path $CabLocation -parent cmd.exe /c "expand $CabLocation -F:* $parentDir" # Set Fabric.Code path if it is not already set. if (!$env:Path.Contains("$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\Fabric\Fabric.Code")) { $env:Path=$env:Path+";"+"$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\Fabric\Fabric.Code;" } try { Connect-ServiceFabricCluster } catch { throw "Connect-ServiceFabricCluster failed. Please ensure Service Fabric cluster is installed." } $sfVersion = Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade $currVersionIndex = $UpdateSequenceKeys.IndexOf($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion) Write-Output "Verifying that each required version of Service Fabric is present in extracted CAB." foreach ($k in $UpdateSequenceKeys) { $upgradeTo = $UpdateSequenceValues[$UpdateSequenceKeys.IndexOf($k)] if ($k -eq $SFVersionToUpgradeTo) { break } if (($UpdateSequenceKeys.IndexOf($k) -lt $currVersionIndex) -or ($upgradeTo -eq $skip)) { continue } $filename = "MicrosoftServiceFabric." + $upgradeTo + ".cab" $fullPath = Join-Path $parentDir $filename -resolve if (!$fullPath) { throw "Missing $filename. $filename must be included in order to upgrade." } } Write-Output "Setup validated succesfully." } function Invoke-NCServiceFabricUpdate { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $RemoteSession, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NodeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CabLocation, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $UpdateSequenceKeys, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $UpdateSequenceValues ) try { $sFVersionToUpgradeTo = GetSFVersionToUpgradeTo -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential Write-Log "Starting Service Fabric updates to update to $sFVersionToUpgradeTo." Write-Log "Creating session to NC node - $NodeName" $null = Invoke-Command -Session $RemoteSession -ScriptBlock {Connect-ServiceFabricCluster} $sfVersion = Invoke-Command -Session $RemoteSession -ScriptBlock {Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade} Write-Log "sfVersion retrieved is $($sfVersion), with target code version: $($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion)." if (($sfVersion.UpgradeState -like "RollingForwardInProgress") -or ($sfVersion.UpgradeState -like "RollingForwardPending")) { # A previous SF upgrade is already in progress Write-Log "NC Ring is still updating to version $($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion). Waiting for upgrade to finish." #Wait for SF upgrade to finish WaitForNCServiceFabricUpgrade -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -UpgradeState RollingForwardCompleted -UpgradeVersion $sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion #WaitFor NC cluster to be healthy WaitForNCApplicationHealthState -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -HealthState Ok #Wait for SF cluster to be healthy WaitForSFClusterHealthState -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -HealthState Ok } elseif (!($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion -in $UpdateSequenceKeys) -and !($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion -like $sFVersionToUpgradeTo)) { throw "Upgrades are not supported for $($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion)." } else { Write-Log "NC version is $($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion), Checking Nodestatus and SF health before proceeding to upgrade SF version." #make sure all the NC nodes and SF is healthy before upgrading the servicefabric ring $badNodes = Invoke-Command -Session $RemoteSession -ScriptBlock {Get-ServiceFabricNode | Where-Object { $_.NodeStatus -ne 'Up' }} if ($badNodes) { throw "One or more NC nodes are not healthy: $badNodes. Exiting" } #if aggregated status is not OK, don't continue WaitForNCApplicationHealthState -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -HealthState Ok WaitForSFClusterHealthState -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -HealthState Ok $updateComplete = $false while (!($updateComplete)) { if ($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion -like $sFVersionToUpgradeTo) { Write-Log "Upgrade is complete! Service Fabric version is: $($sfVersion.TargetCodeVersion)." break } $versionToUpgradeTo = $UpdateSequenceValues[$UpdateSequenceKeys.IndexOf($SFVersion.TargetCodeVersion)] if ($versionToUpgradeTo -like $script:SKIP) { Write-Log "Fetching the Service Fabric cluster manifest to determine if FileStoreService parameters PrimaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint and SecondaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint are present. If present, will upgrade directly to $script:SKIPPED. Otherwise, the cluster will be automatically updated to include the parameters." $thumbprintsExist = DoThumbprintsExist -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential Write-Log "Thumbprints exist: $thumbprintsExist." if ($thumbprintsExist) { $versionToUpgradeTo = $script:SKIPPED } } PerformUpdate -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -NCSFVersion $versionToUpgradeTo -CabLocation $CabLocation if ($RemoteSession) { $RemoteSession | Remove-Pssession -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null } $RemoteSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential if (!$RemoteSession) { throw "Could not establish remote session with $NodeName. All NC VMs should be healthy and accessible at this time. Exiting." } $sfVersion = Invoke-Command -Session $RemoteSession -ScriptBlock {Connect-ServiceFabricCluster | Out-Null; Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade} } } } catch { Write-Log "Invoke-NCServiceFabricUpdate failed with exception: $_" throw } } function DoThumbprintsExist { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NodeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential ) $sb = { $connectAttempt = 5 do { try { Connect-ServiceFabricCluster | out-null $currentFile = "$env:windir\temp\ClusterManifest_current.xml" Remove-Item -Path $currentFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Get-ServiceFabricClusterManifest > $currentFile $xml = [xml](get-content $currentFile) break } catch { if($connectAttempt -eq 0) { Write-Output "$_.Exception.Message" throw } else { Write-Output "$_.Exception.Message" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } $connectAttempt-- } } while($connectAttempt -gt 0) $fileStoreSection = $xml.ClusterManifest.FabricSettings.Section | Where-Object { $_.Name -imatch "FileStoreService" } if (-Not($fileStoreSection)) { throw "FileStoreService section could not be found in cluster manifest. It must be present to upgrade to next SF version." } $params = @("PrimaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint", "SecondaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint") $restCert = (Get-NetworkController).ServerCertificate foreach ($p in $params) { $param = $fileStoreSection.Parameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -imatch $p } if (-Not($param) -or !($param.Value -like $restCert.Thumbprint)) { return $false } } return $true } $thumbprintsExist = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock $sb return $thumbprintsExist } function UpdateNCServiceFabricVersion { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NCSFVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CabLocation ) Connect-ServiceFabricCluster | out-null $SFInstallerCab = "MicrosoftServiceFabric." + $NCSFVersion + ".cab" $SF_CAB_DIR = Split-Path -Path $CabLocation $ServicefabricInstallerPath = Join-Path $SF_CAB_DIR $SFInstallerCab -resolve Write-Output "Path to service fabric cab is: $ServicefabricInstallerPath" if (!$ServicefabricInstallerPath) { Write-Output "Path for service fabric installer is NULL. Exiting." } Write-Output "Copy package file and register new version with SF Cluster." Copy-ServiceFabricClusterPackage -Code -CodePackagePath $ServicefabricInstallerPath -ImageStoreConnectionString "fabric:ImageStore" try { Register-ServiceFabricClusterPackage -Code -CodePackagePath $SFInstallerCab } catch [System.Fabric.FabricElementAlreadyExistsException] {$ServicefabricInstallerPath Write-Output "Service Fabric package is already registered. Continuing." } Write-Output "Start-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade to SF version $NCSFVersion" Start-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade -Code -CodePackageVersion $NCSFVersion -Monitored -FailureAction Rollback $SFUpgradestarted = Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade if (!($SFUpgradestarted.TargetCodeVersion -like $NCSFVersion) -or !($SFUpgradestarted.UpgradeState -like "RollingForwardInProgress")) { throw "ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade did not start. Exiting." } Write-Output "Successfully started ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade. SF Upgrade is in Progress." } function PerformUpdate { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NodeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NCSFVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CabLocation ) if ($NCSFVersion -like $script:SKIP) { $sb=(Get-Item function:SetServiceFabricClusterManifest).ScriptBlock $a=@() } else { $sb=(Get-Item function:UpdateNCServiceFabricVersion).ScriptBlock $a=@($NCSFVersion, $CabLocation) } $maxRetries = 3 $retryCount = 0 while ($retryCount -lt $maxRetries) { try { if ($NCSFVersion -like $script:SKIP) { Write-Log "Running cluster upgrade on $NodeName to add FileStoreService parameters PrimaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint and SecondaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint. These parameters are necesary to upgrade directly to $script:SKIPPED, retry attempt# $retryCount." } else { Write-Log "Running ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade to version $NCSFVersion on $NodeName, retry attempt# $retryCount." } Invoke-Command -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $a Write-Log "Successfully started cluster upgrade on $NodeName. Upgrade is in Progress." break } catch { Write-Log "PerformUpdate failed with exception $_" $retryCount++ Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } } if ($NCSFVersion -like $script:SKIP) { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock { $currentFile = "$env:windir\temp\ClusterManifest_current.xml" $newFile= "$env:windir\temp\ClusterManifest_new.xml" Remove-Item -Path $currentFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Path $newFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } if ($retryCount -eq $maxRetries) { throw "PerformUpdate failed after maxretries." } #Wait for SF upgrade to finish WaitForNCServiceFabricUpgrade -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -UpgradeState RollingForwardCompleted -UpgradeVersion $NCSFVersion #WaitFor NC app cluster to be healthy again WaitForNCApplicationHealthState -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -HealthState Ok #Wait for SF cluster to be healthy WaitForSFClusterHealthState -NodeName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -HealthState Ok } function WaitForNCServiceFabricUpgrade { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NodeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('RollingForwardCompleted', 'RollingForwardInProgress','RollingForwardPending')] [string]$UpgradeState, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$UpgradeVersion, # Time out in seconds [Int32]$TimeOut = 2500, # Retry interval in seconds [Int32]$Interval = 30 ) Write-Log "Wait for NC ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade to version $UpgradeVersion to finish on $NodeName" $waitSuccess = $false $responseNC = $false $endTime = [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds($TimeOut) while ([DateTime]::Now -lt $endTime) { try { Write-Log "Using Invoke-Command to query SF Upgrade Status." $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock { Connect-ServiceFabricCluster Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade } $responseNC = $true } catch { Write-Log "Caught error: $_" $responseNC = $false } if ($responseNC) { $SFUpgradeState = $result.UpgradeState Write-Log "NC ServiceFabric UpgradeState on $NodeName is $SFUpgradeState" if ($SFUpgradeState -ilike $UpgradeState) { Write-Log "NC ServiceFabric UpgradeState on $NodeName matches $UpgradeState. Finish Waiting." $waitSuccess = $true break } else { Write-Log "NC ServiceFabric UpgradeState on $NodeName does not match $UpgradeState. Continue Waiting." } } Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval } if (-not $waitSuccess) { $info = $result | out-string Write-Log "NC ServiceFabric UpgradeState: $info" throw "Failed waiting for NC ServiceFabric UpgradeState on $NodeName to change to $UpgradeState in $TimeOut seconds." } if (-Not($UpgradeVersion -like $script:SKIP)) { if ($result.TargetCodeVersion -icontains $UpgradeVersion) { Write-Log "NC ServiceFabric UpgradeVersion on $NodeName matches $UpgradeVersion. Finish Waiting." } else { $info = $result | out-string Write-Log "NC ServiceFabric UpgradeVersion: $info" throw "NC ServiceFabric UpgradeVersion on $NodeName does not match $UpgradeVersion." } } } # Note: If a replica is down for a while, aggregate health switches to "Error" even with quorum. # Please check with update team before calling this in NC scale in. function WaitForNCApplicationHealthState { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NodeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Invalid', 'Ok', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Unknown')] [string]$HealthState, # Time out in seconds [Int32]$TimeOut = 1500, # Retry interval in seconds [Int32]$Interval = 30 ) Write-Log "Wait for NC AggregatedHealthState to turn $HealthState on $NodeName" $waitSuccess = $false $endTime = [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds($TimeOut) while ([DateTime]::Now -lt $endTime) { try { Write-Log "Using Invoke-Command to query NC AggregatedHealthState" $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock { Connect-ServiceFabricCluster Get-ServiceFabricApplicationHealth -ApplicationName "fabric:/NetworkController" } } catch { Write-Log "Caught error: $_" } $aggregatedHealthState = $result.AggregatedHealthState Write-Log "NC AggregatedHealthState on $NodeName is $aggregatedHealthState" if ($aggregatedHealthState -icontains $HealthState) { Write-Log "NC AggregatedHealthState on $NodeName matches $HealthState. Finish Waiting." $waitSuccess = $true return } else { Write-Log "NC AggregatedHealthState on $NodeName does not match $HealthState. Continue Waiting." Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval } } if (-not $waitSuccess) { $info = $result | out-string Write-Log "Aggregate Information: $info" throw "Failed waiting for NC AggregatedHealthState on $NodeName to change to $HealthState in $TimeOut seconds." } } function WaitForSFClusterHealthState { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NodeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Invalid', 'Ok', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Unknown')] [string]$HealthState, # Time out in seconds [Int32]$TimeOut = 1500, # Retry interval in seconds [Int32]$Interval = 30 ) Write-Log "Wait for ServiceFabric Cluster Health to turn $HealthState on $NodeName" $waitSuccess = $false $endTime = [DateTime]::Now.AddSeconds($TimeOut) while ([DateTime]::Now -lt $endTime) { try { Write-Log "Using Invoke-Command to query ServiceFabric Cluster Health" $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock { Connect-ServiceFabricCluster Get-ServiceFabricApplicationHealth -ApplicationName "fabric:/System" } } catch { Write-Log "Caught error: $_" } $aggregatedHealthState = $result.AggregatedHealthState Write-Log "SF cluster AggregatedHealthState on $NodeName is $aggregatedHealthState" if ($aggregatedHealthState -icontains $HealthState) { Write-Log "SF cluster AggregatedHealthState on $NodeName matches $HealthState. Finish Waiting." $waitSuccess = $true return } else { Write-Log "SF cluster AggregatedHealthState on $NodeName does not match $HealthState. Continue Waiting." Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval } } if (-not $waitSuccess) { $info = $result | out-string Write-Log "Aggregate Information: $info" throw "Failed waiting for SF cluster AggregatedHealthState on $NodeName to change to $HealthState in $TimeOut seconds." } } # Creates a new manifest file containing the PrimaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint and SecondaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint so the SF70CU4 can be skipped. function SetServiceFabricClusterManifest { $connectAttempt = 5 do { try { Connect-ServiceFabricCluster | out-null $currentFile = "$env:windir\temp\ClusterManifest_current.xml" $newFile= "$env:windir\temp\ClusterManifest_new.xml" Remove-Item -Path $currentFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Path $newFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Get-ServiceFabricClusterManifest > $currentFile $xml = [xml](get-content $currentFile) $newVersion="" break } catch { if($connectAttempt -eq 0) { Write-Output "$_.Exception.Message" throw } else { Write-Output "$_.Exception.Message" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } $connectAttempt-- } }while($connectAttempt -gt 0) $splitVersion = $($xml.ClusterManifest.Version).Split('.') $splitVersion[$splitVersion.Count - 1] = [int]$($splitVersion[$splitVersion.Count - 1]) + 1 $newVersion = $splitVersion -join '.' Write-Output "New SF cluster manifest version: $newVersion old version: $($xml.ClusterManifest.Version)" $xml.ClusterManifest.Version = $newVersion $fileStoreSection = $xml.ClusterManifest.FabricSettings.Section | Where-Object { $_.Name -imatch "FileStoreService" } if (-Not($fileStoreSection)) { throw "FileStoreService section could not be found. It must be present." } $params = @("PrimaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint", "SecondaryAccountNTLMX509Thumbprint") $restCert= (Get-NetworkController).ServerCertificate foreach ($p in $params) { $param = $fileStoreSection.Parameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -imatch $p } if (-Not($param) -or !($param.Value -like $restCert.Thumbprint)) { $paramNode = $xml.CreateElement("Parameter") $paramNode.SetAttribute("Name", $p) $paramNode.SetAttribute("Value", $restCert.Thumbprint) $fileStoreSection.appendchild($paramNode) } else { $param.SetAttribute("Value", $restCert.Thumbprint) } } Write-Output "Save NC service fabric cluster manifest" $xml = [xml]$($xml.OuterXml.Replace('xmlns=""',"")) $$newFile) Write-Output "Calling Get-ServiceFabricRegisteredClusterConfigVersion to check for duplicated versions." $config = Get-ServiceFabricRegisteredClusterConfigVersion -ConfigVersion $newVersion if($null -ne $config) { Write-Output "Unregister-ServiceFabricClusterPackage $($newVersion) from previous attempts." Unregister-ServiceFabricClusterPackage -Config -ClusterManifestVersion $newVersion -Force } Write-Output "Calling Test-ServiceFabricClusterManifest to test manifest changes." # Test new SF cluster manifest file and then apply it if(Test-ServiceFabricClusterManifest -ClusterManifestPath $newFile -OldClusterManifestPath $currentFile -ErrorAction Stop) { Write-Output "Tested ServiceFabricClusterManifest succesfully. Calling Copy and Register clusterpackage." try { Copy-ServiceFabricClusterPackage -Config -ImageStoreConnectionString "fabric:ImageStore" -ClusterManifestPath $newFile -ClusterManifestPathInImageStore "ClusterManifest.xml" Register-ServiceFabricClusterPackage -Config -ClusterManifestPath "ClusterManifest.xml" } catch [Exception] { $message = "Exception: $($_), $($_.Exception), $($_.ScriptStackTrace), $($_.ErrorDetails), $($_.Exception.Message), $($_.Exception.StackTrace), $($_.Exception.InnerException)" throw $message } Write-Output "Calling Start-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade." Start-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade -ClusterManifestVersion "$newVersion" -Config -FailureAction Rollback -Monitored $SFUpgradestarted = Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade if (!($SFUpgradestarted.UpgradeState -like "RollingForwardInProgress")) { throw "ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade did not start. Exiting." } Write-Output "Successfully started ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade. SF Upgrade is in Progress." } else { throw "Testing NC service fabric cluster manifest failed" } } function GetSFVersionToUpgradeTo { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NodeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential]$Credential ) $sb = { $computerInfo = Get-ComputerInfo $azStack = "ServerAzureStackHCICor" $winServer = @("ServerDatacenter", "ServerDatacenterCor", "ServerDatacenterEval", "ServerDatacenterEvalCor") if (($computerInfo.WindowsEditionId -eq $azStack) -and ($computerInfo.OSDisplayVersion -eq "23H2")) { return "9.1.1436.9590" } elseif ((($computerInfo.WindowsEditionId -eq $azStack) -and ($computerInfo.OSDisplayVersion -eq "21H2"))` -or (($computerInfo.WindowsEditionId -eq $azStack) -and ($computerInfo.OSDisplayVersion -eq "22H2"))` -or (($computerInfo.WindowsEditionId -in $winServer) -and ($computerInfo.OSDisplayVersion -eq "21H2"))` -or (($computerInfo.WindowsEditionId -in $winServer) -and ($computerInfo.OSDisplayVersion -eq "22H2"))) { return "7.1.510.9590" } throw "Service Fabric upgrades on the $($computerInfo.WindowsProductName) operating system aren't supported." } $sfVersion = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $NodeName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock $sb return $sfVersion } |