class CidrIpAddress { #region CONTRUCTORS CidrIpAddress( [string] $value ) { # Validate the input string to ensure it is a valid CIDR IP address if ($value -match '^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\/(\d{1,2})$') { $this.IP = [IPAddress]::Parse($value.Split('/')[0]) $this.PrefixLength = [Convert]::ToInt32($value.Split('/')[1]) [IPAddress]$this.Mask = (([string]'1' * $this.PrefixLength + [string]'0' * (32 - $this.PrefixLength)) -split "(\d{8})" -match "\d" | Foreach-Object { [convert]::ToInt32($_, 2) }) -split "\D" -join "." $SplitIPAddress = [int[]]@($this.IP -split "\." -match "\d") # $SplitIPAddress = $this.IPAddress -split "\." -match "\d" $this.ToDecimal = ($SplitIPAddress | ForEach-Object -Begin { $i = 3 } -Process { ([Math]::Pow(256, $i)) * $_; $i-- } | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum $SplitMask = $this.Mask -split "\." -match "\d" $this.IPBin = ($SplitIPAddress | ForEach-Object { [convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, "0") }) -join "." $this.MaskBin = ($SplitMask | ForEach-Object { [convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, "0") }) -join "." if ((($this.MaskBin -replace "\.").TrimStart("1").Contains("1")) -and (!$this.WildCard)) { Write-Warning "Mask Length error, you can try put WildCard"; break } $this.WildCard = ($SplitMask | ForEach-Object { 255 - $_ }) -join "." $myWildCard = $this.WildCard $this.Subnet = ((0..31 | Foreach-Object { @($this.IPBin -split "" -match "\d")[$_] -band @($this.MaskBin -split "" -match "\d")[$_] }) -join '' -split "(\d{8})" -match "\d" | Foreach-Object { [convert]::ToInt32($_, 2) }) -join "." $SplitSubnet = [int[]]@($this.Subnet -split "\." -match "\d") $this.SubnetBin = ($SplitSubnet | ForEach-Object { [convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, "0") }) -join "." $this.Broadcast = (0..3 | ForEach-Object { [int]$(@($this.Subnet -split "\." -match "\d")[$_]) + [int]$(@($myWildCard -split "\." -match "\d")[$_]) }) -join "." $SplitBroadcast = [int[]]@($this.Broadcast -split "\." -match "\d") $this.BroadcastBin = ($SplitBroadcast | ForEach-Object { [convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, "0") }) -join "." $this.CIDR = $this.Subnet + '/' + $this.PrefixLength $this.IPcount = [math]::Pow(2, $(32 - $this.PrefixLength)) } else { # Throw an error if the input string is not a valid CIDR IP address throw "Error: Invalid CIDR IP address" } } #endregion #region PROPERTIES $IP $Mask $PrefixLength $WildCard $IPcount $Subnet $Broadcast $CIDR $ToDecimal $IPBin $MaskBin $SubnetBin $BroadcastBin #endregion #region METHODS [object] GetIpArray() { $SplitSubnet = $this.Subnet -split "\." -match "\d" $SplitBroadcast = $this.Broadcast -split "\." -match "\d" $w, $x, $y, $z = @($SplitSubnet[0]..$SplitBroadcast[0]), @($SplitSubnet[1]..$SplitBroadcast[1]), @($SplitSubnet[2]..$SplitBroadcast[2]), @($SplitSubnet[3]..$SplitBroadcast[3]) return $w | Foreach-Object { $wi = $_; $x | Foreach-Object { $xi = $_; $y | Foreach-Object { $yi = $_; $z | Foreach-Object { $zi = $_; $wi, $xi, $yi, $zi -join '.' } } } } } [bool] IsInRange( $hostAddress ) { return $this.GetIpArray() -contains $hostAddress } #endregion } |