
    This function parses each file in the specified directory for
    the given tool. The data is packaged into an array, one entry
    per file, along with meta data.
    Path to the directory with the data files.
    Name of the tool that generated the data. (NTTTCP, etc.)

function Get-RawData {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $DirName, 
        [Parameter()] [String] $Tool

    $output = @{}
    $files = Get-ChildItem -File $DirName
    if ($files.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Error "'$DirName' does not contain any data files."

    switch ($Tool) {
        "NTTTCP" {
            $parseFunc = ${Function:Parse-NTTTCP}

            $output."meta" = @{
                "units" = @{
                    "cycles"     = "cycles/byte"
                    "throughput" = "Gbps"
                "goal" = @{
                    "throughput" = "increase"
                    "cycles"     = "decrease"
                "format" = @{
                    "throughput" = "0.00"
                    "cycles"     = "0.00"
                    "% change"   = "+#.0%;-#.0%;0.0%"
                "noTable"  = [Array] @("filename", "sessions", "bufferLen", "bufferCount")
        "LATTE" {
            $parseFunc = ${Function:Parse-LATTE}

            $output."meta" = @{
                "units" = @{
                    "latency"  = "us"
                "goal" = @{
                    "latency"  = "decrease"
                "format" = @{
                    "latency"  = "#.0"
                "noTable"  = [Array]@("filename", "sendMethod", "protocol")
        "CTStraffic" {
            $parseFunc = ${Function:Parse-CTSTraffic}

            $output."meta" = @{
                "units" = @{
                    "throughput" = "Gbps"
                "goal" = @{
                    "throughput" = "increase"
                "format" = @{
                    "throughput" = "0.00"
                    "% change"   = "+#.0%;-#.0%;0.0%"
                "noTable"  = [Array]@("filename", "sessions")

    $output."data" = $files | foreach {&$parseFunc -FileName $_.FullName} | where {$_}
    if ($output."data".Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Error "Failed to parse any file in '$DirName'."

    return $output

    Parses XML format NTTTCP output.
    Path of file to be parsed.

function Parse-NTTTCP ([String] $FileName) {
    if ($FileName -notlike "*.xml") {

    $file = (Get-Content $FileName) -as [XML]
    if (-not $file) {
        Write-Warning "Skipped '$FileName' because it is not valid XML."

    [Decimal] $cycles = $file.ChildNodes.cycles.'#text'
    [Decimal] $throughput = ($file.ChildNodes.throughput | where {$_.metric -eq "mbps"})."#text" / 1000
    [Int] $sessions = $file.ChildNodes.parameters.max_active_threads
    [Int] $bufferLen = $file.ChildNodes.bufferLen
    [Int] $bufferCount = $

    $dataEntry = @{
        "sessions"    = $sessions
        "throughput"  = $throughput
        "cycles"      = $cycles
        "filename"    = $FileName
        "bufferLen"   = $bufferLen
        "bufferCount" = $bufferCount

    return $dataEntry

    Parses CTSTraffic output.
    This function parses a CTStraffic status log file, generated from
    the -StatusFilename option. Desired data is collected and returned
    in a Hashtable.
    Path of the status log file to parse.

function Parse-CTStraffic {
        [String] $Filename

    $data = (Get-Content $Filename) -replace '^"|"$','' | ConvertFrom-Csv

    if (-not ($data | Get-Member -Name "In-Flight" -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue")) {
        Write-Warning "Skipped '$Filename' because it's not a valid ctsTraffic status log. Please verify that it was generated by the -StatusFilename option."

    $bytesToGigabits = 8 / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)

    $throughput = ($data.SendBps | measure -Average).Average * $bytesToGigabits
    $maxSessions = ($data."In-Flight" | measure -Max).Max

    $dataEntry = @{
        "sessions"   = $maxSessions
        "throughput" = $throughput
        "filename"   = $Filename

    return $dataEntry

# Parse-LATTE
# ----------
# This function parses a single file containing LATTE data. This function can parse files
# containing either raw LATTE data, or a LATTA summary. For raw data, each line contains
# a latency sample which is extracted into an array, packaged into a dataEntry
# object, and returned. For summary data, the latency histogram and a few other measures
# are parsed from the file, packaged into a dataEntry object, and returned.
# Parameters
# ----------
# Filename (String) - Path of file to be parsed
# Return
# ------
# HashTable - Object containing extracted data
function Parse-LATTE ([string] $FileName) {
    $file = Get-Content $FileName

    $dataEntry = @{
        "filename" = $FileName

    $splitline = Remove-EmptyStrings -Arr (([Array]$file)[0]).split(' ')
    if ($splitline[0] -eq "Protocol") {
        $histogram = $false

        foreach ($line in $file) {
            $splitLine = Remove-EmptyStrings -Arr $line.split(' ')

            if ($splitLine.Count -eq 0) {

            if ($splitLine[0] -eq "Protocol") {
                $dataEntry.protocol = $splitLine[-1]
            if ($splitLine[0] -eq "MsgSize") {
                $dataEntry.msgSize = $splitLine[-1]  # Not currently used for anything

            if ($splitLine[0] -eq "Interval(usec)") {
                $dataEntry.latency = [HashTable] @{} 
                $histogram = $true

            if ($histogram) {
                $dataEntry.latency.([Int32]$splitLine[0]) = [Int32] $splitLine[-1]

        if (-not $histogram) {
            Write-Warning "No histogram in file $filename"

    else {
        [Array] $latency = @()
        foreach ($line in $file) {
            if (-not ($line -match "\d+")) {
                Write-Warning "Error Parsing file $FileName"
            $latency += ,[int]$line
        $dataEntry.latency = $latency
        $dataEntry.protocol = (($FileName.Split('\'))[-1].Split('.'))[0].ToUpper()

    $dataEntry.sendMethod = (($FileName.Split('\'))[-1].Split('.'))[2]

    return $dataEntry

# Remove-EmptyStrings
# -------------------
# This function removes all empty strings from the given array
# Parameters
# ----------
# Arr (string[]) - Array of strings
# Return
# ------
# Array of strings with all empty strings removed
function Remove-EmptyStrings ($Arr) {
    $newArr = [Array] @()
    foreach ($val in $arr) {
        if ($val -ne "") {
            $newArr += $val.Trim()
    return $newArr