. "$PSScriptRoot.\Data-Parser.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot.\Data-Processor.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot.\Data-Formatters.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot.\Excel-Plotter.ps1" $NTTTCPPivots = @("sessions", "bufferLen", "bufferCount", "none") $LATTEPivots = @("protocol", "sendMethod", "none") $CTSPivots = @("sessions", "none") # # Define atrribute that dynamically tab completes pivot params. # This is not a form of validation like [ValidateScript()] # [ScriptBlock] $Global:PACScript = { param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters) if ($FakeBoundParameters.ContainsKey("NTTTCP")) { return $NTTTCPPivots | where {$_ -like "$WordToComplete*"} } elseif ($FakeBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LATTE")) { return $LATTEPivots | where {$_ -like "$WordToComplete*"} } elseif ($FakeBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CTStraffic")) { return $CTSPivots | where {$_ -like "$WordToComplete*"} } else { return @("") } } class PivotArgumentCompleter : ArgumentCompleter { PivotArgumentCompleter() : base($Global:PACScript) { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Visualizes network performance data via excel tables and charts .Description This cmdlet parses raw data files produced from various network performance monitoring tools, processes them, and produces visualizations of the data. This tool is capable of visualizing data from the following tools: NTTTCP LATTE CTStraffic This tool can aggregate data over several iterations of test runs, and can be used to visualize comparisons between a baseline and test set of data. .PARAMETER NTTTCP Flag that sets New-Visualization command to run in NTTTCP mode .PARAMETER LATTE Flag that sets New-Visualization command to run in LATTE mode .PARAMETER CTStraffic Flag that sets New-Visualization command to run in CTStraffic mode .PARAMETER BaselineDir Path to directory containing network performance data files to be consumed as baseline data. .PARAMETER TestDir Path to directory containing network performance data files to be consumed as test data. Providing this parameter runs the tool in comparison mode. .PARAMETER InnerPivot Name of the property to use as a pivot variable. Valid values for this parameter are: NTTTCP: sessions, bufferLen, bufferCount, none LATTE: protocol, sendMethod, none CTSTraffic: sessions, none The default for all cases is none. The inner pivot varies in value within each worksheet; the different pivot values are used as table column labels. .PARAMETER OuterPivot Name of the property to use as a pivot variable. This parameter has the same valid values as InnerPivot. The outer pivot varies in value across different worksheets and remains constant within each worksheet. .PARAMETER SavePath Full path to excel output file (with extension) where the report should be generated. ex: C:\TempDirName\Filename.xlsx .PARAMETER SubsampleRate Only relevant when run running tool in LATTE context. Sets the subsampling rate used to create the raw data chart displaying the latency distribution over time. .LINK #> function New-NetworkVisualization { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("New-NetVis")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="NTTTCP")] [Switch] $NTTTCP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="LATTE")] [Switch] $LATTE, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="CTStraffic")] [Switch] $CTStraffic, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $BaselineDir, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $TestDir = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PivotArgumentCompleter()] [String] $InnerPivot = "none", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PivotArgumentCompleter()] [String] $OuterPivot = "none", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidatePattern('[.]*\.xl[txms]+')] [String] $SavePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "LATTE")] [Int] $SubsampleRate = 50 ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $tool = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName Confirm-Pivots -Tool $tool -InnerPivot $InnerPivot -OuterPivot $OuterPivot # Temporarily replace "none" with empty string to ensure compat. $InnerPivot = if ($InnerPivot -eq "none") {""} else {$InnerPivot} $OuterPivot = if ($OuterPivot -eq "none") {""} else {$OuterPivot} Add-ExcelTypes # Parse Data $baselineRaw = Get-RawData -Tool $tool -DirName $BaselineDir $testRaw = $null if ($TestDir) { $testRaw = Get-RawData -Tool $tool -DirName $TestDir } $processedData = Process-Data -BaselineRawData $baselineRaw -TestRawData $testRaw -InnerPivot $InnerPivot -OuterPivot $OuterPivot foreach ($oPivotKey in $ { if ($tool -in @("NTTTCP", "CTStraffic")) { $tables += Format-RawData -DataObj $processedData -OPivotKey $oPivotKey -Tool $tool $tables += Format-Stats -DataObj $processedData -OPivotKey $oPivotKey -Tool $tool -Metrics @("min", "mean", "max", "std dev") $tables += Format-Quartiles -DataObj $processedData -OPivotKey $oPivotKey -Tool $tool -NoNewWorksheets $tables += Format-MinMaxChart -DataObj $processedData -OPivotKey $oPivotKey -Tool $tool -NoNewWorksheets } elseif ($tool -in @("LATTE")) { $tables += Format-Distribution -DataObj $processedData -OPivotKey $oPivotKey -Tool $tool -SubSampleRate $SubsampleRate $tables += Format-Stats -DataObj $processedData -OPivotKey $oPivotKey -Tool $tool $tables += Format-Histogram -DataObj $processedData -OPivotKey $oPivotKey -Tool $tool } $tables += Format-Percentiles -DataObj $processedData -OPivotKey $oPivotKey -Tool $tool } $fileName = Create-ExcelFile -Tables $tables -SavePath $SavePath Write-Host "Created report at $filename" } <# .SYNOPSIS This function loads Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll from the GAC so exported enums can be accessed. #> function Add-ExcelTypes { $gac = "$env:WINDIR\assembly\GAC_MSIL" $version = (Get-ChildItem "$gac\office" | select -Last 1).Name # e.g. Add-Type -Path "$gac\office\$version\office.dll" Add-Type -Path "$gac\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel\$version\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll" } <# .SYNOPSIS Check if user-provided pivots are valid pivots given the chosen context, and that the two pivots are not the same. .PARAMETER Tool Name of the tool that .PARAMETER InnerPivot Property to be used as the inner pivot variable .PARAMETER OuterPivot Property to be used as the outer pivot variable #> function Confirm-Pivots ($Tool, $InnerPivot, $OuterPivot) { $validPivots = switch ($Tool) { "NTTTCP" { $NTTTCPPivots break } "LATTE" { $LATTEPivots break } "CTSTraffic" { $CTSPivots break } } foreach ($curPivot in @($InnerPivot, $OuterPivot)) { if ($curPivot -notin $validPivots) { Write-Error "Invalid pivot property '$curPivot'. Supported pivots for $Tool are: $($validPivots -join ", ")." -ErrorAction "Stop" } } if (($InnerPivot -eq $OuterPivot) -and ($InnerPivot -ne "none")) { Write-Error "Cannot use the same property for both inner and outer pivots." -ErrorAction "Stop" } } |