Describe 'UrlAcl' { BeforeAll { Get-UrlAcl -Url http://+:99/ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object { [pscustomobject]$_.Url } | Remove-UrlAcl -Confirm:$false Add-UrlAcl -Url http://+:99/ -User (whoami) } AfterAll { Get-UrlAcl -Url http://+:99/ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-UrlAcl -Confirm:$false } It 'can get urlacl entries' { $entries = @(Get-UrlAcl) $entries.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } It 'can get a single urlacl' { $list = @(Get-UrlAcl -Url http://+:99/) $list.Count | Should -BeExactly 1 } It 'fails when an entry is not found' { { Get-Urlacl -Url http://+:100/ -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw } It 'fails when removing a non-existing urlacl entry' { { Remove-UrlAcl -Url http://+:100/ -ErrorAction Stop -Confirm:$false } | Should -Throw } It 'succeeds at removing an existing urlacl entry' { Remove-UrlAcl -Url http://+:99/ -Confirm:$false (Get-UrlAcl -Url http://+:99/ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It 'can create a new urlacl entry with PassThru and pipe it to Remove-UrlAcl without error' { { $acl = Add-UrlAcl -Url http://+:100/ -User (whoami) -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop $acl | Remove-UrlAcl -ErrorAction Stop -Confirm:$false } | Should -Not -Throw } } |