
    .VERSION 1.0.0
    .GUID 1abcbef0-1c9d-4aad-a00a-d4b17040b3f5
    .AUTHOR Darren R. Starr
    .COMPANYNAME Conscia Norway AS
    .COPYRIGHT 2016 Conscia Norway AS
    .TAGS netsh
          - Initial release of a NetShell class

        Powershell classes to process output of NetShell as powershell objects


        Base class for refering to NetShell binding representations

class NetShellBindingDefinition
            The port bound to

    [int] $Port

        Representation of the Central Certificate Store binding
        This class represents the central certificate store binding
        as displayed on the output of netsh http show sslcert. This class
        is not intended to be used directly, but instead is meant to be
        called by parsing functions in the NetShell class

class NetShellBindingCentralCertificateStore : NetShellBindingDefinition
            Parses and returns a Central Certificate Store binding object

    static [NetShellBindingCentralCertificateStore] Parse([string]$input)
        [System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection] $matches = [RegEx]::Matches($input, '[0-9]+')

            ($null -eq $matches) -or 
            ($matches.Count -ne 1) -or
            ($matches[0].Success -ne $true) -or
            ($matches[0].Groups.Count -ne 1)
          ) {
            throw 'Invalid input passed to Central Certificate Store binding parser'

        return [NetShellBindingCentralCertificateStore] @{
            Port = [Convert]::ToInt32($matches[0].Groups[0].Value)

            Returns a string representation of the object

    [string] ToString()
        return ('Central Certificate Store Port :' + $this.Port.ToString())

        Representation of an IP Address and Port binding
        This class represents a IP address and port binding
        as displayed on the output of netsh http show sslcert. This class
        is not intended to be used directly, but instead is meant to be
        called by parsing functions in the NetShell class

class NetShellBindingIPAddressPort : NetShellBindingDefinition
            The IP address of the binding

    [System.Net.IPAddress] $IPAddress

            Parses and returns a IP Address and port binding object

    static [NetShellBindingIPAddressPort] Parse([string]$input)
        # TODO : Make a better regular expression for matching IP Address
        [System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection] $matches = [RegEx]::Matches($input, '([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\:([0-9]+)')

            ($null -eq $matches) -or 
            ($matches.Count -ne 1) -or
            ($matches[0].Success -ne $true) -or
            ($matches[0].Groups.Count -ne 3)
          ) {
            throw 'Invalid input passed to IP:Port binding parser'

        return [NetShellBindingIPAddressPort] @{
            IPAddress = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($matches[0].Groups[1].Value)
            Port = [Convert]::ToInt32($matches[0].Groups[2].Value)

            Returns a string representation of the object

    [string] ToString()
        return ($this.IPAddress.ToString() + ':' + $this.Port.ToString())

        Representation of a Hostname and Port binding
        This class represents a Hostname and port binding
        as displayed on the output of netsh http show sslcert. This class
        is not intended to be used directly, but instead is meant to be
        called by parsing functions in the NetShell class

class NetShellBindingHostnamePort : NetShellBindingDefinition
            The Hostname of the binding

    [string] $Hostname

            Parses and returns a Hostname and port binding object

    static [NetShellBindingHostnamePort] Parse([string]$input)
        # TODO : Make a better regular expression for matching hostname
        [System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection] $matches = [RegEx]::Matches($input, '([^:]+)\:([0-9]+)')

            ($null -eq $matches) -or 
            ($matches.Count -ne 1) -or
            ($matches[0].Success -ne $true) -or
            ($matches[0].Groups.Count -ne 3)
          ) {
            throw 'Invalid input passed to Hostname:Port binding parser'

        return [NetShellBindingHostnamePort] @{
            IPAddress = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($matches[0].Groups[1].Value)
            Hostname = $matches[0].Groups[2].Value

            Returns a string representation of the object

    [string] ToString()
        return ($this.Hostname + ':' + $this.Port.ToString())

        Representation of record from the output of netsh show sslcert

class NetshellSSLBinding
    [NetshellBindingDefinition]$PortBinding = $null

        A class wrapper around netsh from Windows
        This class implements functions as static members to execute
        and structure the output from netsh from within Windows.
        The progress of development of this class is directly in relation
        to the necessity of adding functionality where it is not readily
        available elsewhere in standard Powershell scripts.
        This class was written initially because WebManagement and xWebManagement
        modules from the OneGet repository lacked any method of finding
        the thumbprint of an SSL binding not directly connected to and IIS
        website. This made construction of a DSC resource to bind to
        configure a certificate for the Web Management Service of IIS

class NetShell
            Returns a the full path of the netsh.exe found in the path

    hidden static [string] NetshPath() {
        return (Get-Command -Name 'netsh.exe').Source

            Returns a GUID or null given a string input

    hidden static [Guid] ParseGuid([string]$input)
        if(($null -eq $input) -or ($input -eq '(null)')) {
            return $null
        return [Guid]::Parse($input)

            Returns a string value or null given a string input

    hidden static [string] ParseString([string]$input)
        if(($null -eq $input) -or ($input -eq '(null)')) {
            return $null
        return $input

            Returns a string list or null given a string input
            As I don't have example data to test against (even
            after a few creative google searches, this function
            is incomplete.

    hidden static [string[]] ParseStringList([string]$input)
        if(($null -eq $input) -or ($input -eq '(null)')) {
            return $null

        # TODO : Find an example of multiple CTL Identifiers to learn to parse it properly

        return @($input)

            Returns a enabled/disabled boolean or null given a string input

    hidden static [bool] ParseEnabled([string]$input)
        if(($null -eq $input) -or ($input -eq '(null)')) {
            return $null

        switch ($input)
            'Enabled' { return $true }
            'Disabled' { return $false }
            default { throw 'Invalid value for enabled/disabled field' }

        throw "Powershell ISE shouldn't generate warning for this"

            Returns a timespan or null given a seconds count as a string input

    hidden static [TimeSpan] ParseSeconds([string]$input)
        if(($null -eq $input) -or ($input -eq '(null)')) {
            return $null

        $value = [Convert]::ToInt32($input)

        return [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($value)

            Returns a timespan or null given a milliseconds count as a string input

    hidden static [TimeSpan] ParseMilliseconds([string]$input)
        if(($null -eq $input) -or ($input -eq '(null)')) {
            return $null

        $value = [Convert]::ToInt32($input)

        return [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($value)

            Parses the values from a single netsh http show sslcert entry
            The input of this function is extracted from the netsh http show sslcert
            command. Each line is expected to be formated as 'name ; value' instead of
            a dumb key/value store, this function parses and where convenient verifies
            the content of each field syntactically where the acceptable values are known.

    hidden static [NetshellSSLBinding] ParseShowSSLCertBlock([string]$input)
        [string[]] $lines = [regex]::Split($input, '\r?\n')

        [NetshellSSLBinding]$result = [NetshellSSLBinding]::new()

        foreach($line in $lines) {
            [string[]] $parts = [regex]::Split($line, '[ \t]+\:[ \t]+')
            if ($parts.Count -ne 2) {
                Write-Warning ('Encountered line with more or less than 3 parts`n' + $line)

            [string]$Name = $parts[0].Trim()
            [string]$Value = $parts[1].Trim() 
            # Write-Debug ('Name = [' + $Name + '], Value = [' + $Value + ']')

                'IP:Port' { 
                    $result.PortBinding = [NetShellBindingIPAddressPort]::Parse($Value) 

                'Hostname:Port' {
                    $result.PortBinding = [NetShellBindingHostnamePort]::Parse($Value)

                'Central Certificate Store' { 
                    $result.PortBinding = [NetShellBindingCentralCertificateStore]::Parse($Value) 
                'Certificate Hash' { 
                    $result.CertificateHash = [NetShell]::ParseString($Value) 

                'Application ID' {
                    $result.ApplicationID = [NetShell]::ParseGUID($Value) 

                'Certificate Store Name' { 
                    $result.CertificateStoreName = [NetShell]::ParseString($Value) 

                'Verify Client Certificate Revocation' {
                    $result.VerifyClientCertificateRevocation = [NetShell]::ParseEnabled($Value) 

                'Verify Revocation Using Cached Client Certificate Only' { 
                    $result.VerifyRevocationUsingCachedClientCertificateOnly = [NetShell]::ParseEnabled($Value) 

                'Usage Check' {
                    $result.UsageCheck = [NetShell]::ParseEnabled($Value)

                'Revocation Freshness Time' {
                    $result.RevocationFreshnessTime = [NetShell]::ParseSeconds($Value)

                'URL Retrieval Timeout' {
                    $result.UrlRetrievalTimeout = [NetShell]::ParseMilliseconds($Value)

                'Ctl Identifier' {
                    $result.CtlIdentifier = [NetShell]::ParseStringList($Value)

                'Ctl Store Name' {
                    $result.CertificateStoreName = [NetShell]::ParseString($Value)

                'DS Mapper Usage' {
                    $result.DsMapperUsage = [NetShell]::ParseEnabled($Value)

                'Negotiate Client Certificate' {
                    $result.NegotiateClientCertificate = [NetShell]::ParseEnabled($Value)

                'Reject Connections' {
                    $result.RejectConnections = [NetShell]::ParseEnabled($Value)

                default {
                    throw [System.ArgumentException]::new('Unhandled parameter passed to ParseShowSSLCert : ' + $Name, '$input')

        if($null -eq $result.PortBinding) {
            return $null

        return $result

            Parses the full output of 'netsh http show sslcert' on Windows

    hidden static [NetshellSSLBinding[]] ParseShowSSLCert([string]$input)
        [string[]]$blocks = [regex]::Split($input, '(\r?\n)(\r?\n)+') | Where-Object { $_.trim() -ne '' }

        # TODO : Find out how to make a proper array or list with typecasting here.
        $parseResult = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

        foreach ($block in $blocks)
            if ($block -match 'SSL Certificate bindings:') {

            [NetshellSSLBinding]$binding = [NetShell]::ParseShowSSLCertBlock($block)
            if ($null -eq $binding) {
                throw [System.ArgumentException]::new('Unable to parse output from netsh http show sslcert', '$input')
            } else {

        return $parseResult

            Runs a program and receives the output of stdout or generates a 'meaningful exception'

    hidden static [string] ExecuteCommand([string]$path, [string[]]$arguments)
        [string]$stdout = ''
        [string]$stderr = ''

        try {
            $processInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
            $processInfo.FileName = $path
            $processInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
            $processInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
            $processInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
            $processInfo.Arguments = $arguments

            $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
            $process.StartInfo = $processInfo
            $stdout = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
            $stderr = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
        } catch {
            throw [System.Exception]::new(('Failed to execute [' + $path + ']`n' + $stderr), $_.Exception)

        return $stdout

            Executes 'netsh http show sslcert' and parses the output as an object

    static [NetshellSSLBinding[]] ShowSSLCert()
        $commandResult = [NetShell]::ExecuteCommand(([NetShell]::NetshPath()), @('http','show','sslcert'))

        return [NetShell]::ParseShowSSLCert($commandResult)

$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"