function Get-MailboxBrokenEAP { <# .SYNOPSIS Captures users missing the Office 365 tenant proxy address ( .DESCRIPTION You will then use the function Set-MailboxBrokenEAP to apply NEWAlias + MissingO365Proxy .EXAMPLE Get-MailboxBrokenEAP -O365TenantProxy "" | Out-GridView -Title "List of users MISSING Office365 Tenant proxyaddress" Get-MailboxBrokenEAP -O365TenantProxy "" | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Scripts\GetMailboxBrokenEAP.csv" -NoTypeInformation .NOTES General notes #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $O365TenantProxy ) $mbxs = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited foreach ($CurMbx in $mbxs) { if (($CurMbx.EmailAddresses -join '|') -notmatch $O365TenantProxy) { $CurUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $CurMbx.SamAccountName -Properties * [PSCustomObject]@{ DisplayName = $CurMbx.DisplayName UserPrincipalName = $CurMbx.UserPrincipalName PrimarySmtpAddress = $CurMbx.PrimarySmtpAddress EmailAddressPolicyEnabled = $CurMbx.EmailAddressPolicyEnabled Alias = $CurMbx.Alias NEWAlias = '' OrganizationalUnit = $CurMbx.OrganizationalUnit Office = $CurMbx.Office Description = $CurUser.Description SamAccountName = $CurMbx.SamAccountName EmailAddresses = ($CurMbx.EmailAddresses -join '|') } } } } |