.SYNOPSIS Returns the string representation of a [Manifest] version object. .PARAMETER InputObject The [Manifest] object or [Version] object. .PARAMETER Branch The current branch name from source control. .PARAMETER AppendSuffix Determine wether to append the version suffix. .INPUTS [Manifest] [Version] .OUTPUTS [String] .EXAMPLE $manifest | Convert-NcrementVersionNumberToString; This example returns the [Manifest] version number as a string. eg: Major.Minor.Path-Suffix #> function Convert-NcrementVersionNumberToString { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject, [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$Branch = "", [Alias("suffix")] [switch]$AppendSuffix ) [string]$version = "", $suffix; if ($InputObject.PSObject.Properties.Match("Version").Count -gt 0) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Branch)) { $match = $InputObject.BranchSuffixMap.PSObject.Properties.Match($Branch); if ($match.Count -gt 0) { $suffix = $match.Item(0).Value; } elseif ($InputObject.BranchSuffixMap.PSObject.Properties.Match("*").Count -gt 0) { $suffix = $InputObject.BranchSuffixMap."*"; } } else { $suffix = $InputObject.Version.Suffix; } $version = "$($InputObject.Version.Major).$($InputObject.Version.Minor).$($InputObject.Version.Patch)"; } else { $suffix = $InputObject.Suffix; $version = "$($InputObject.Major).$($InputObject.Minor).$($InputObject.Patch)"; } if ($AppendSuffix.IsPresent -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($suffix))) { $version += "-$suffix"; } return $version; } |