.Synopsis Retrieves artifact for a specific artifact from a feed .Description Retrieves artifact for a specific artifact name .Parameter devOpsOrganization The DevOps organization that contains the artifacts .Parameter devOpsFeed The name of the DevOps artifact feed .Parameter devOpsArtifact The artifact name to get - it will get the _app, _runtimeapp, and _tests apps .Parameter destination The output directory that the artifacts will be saved to .Parameter version The version of the artifact that should be retrieved. If not specified, it will be read from the settings.json .Example Get-DevOpsArtifactsFromFeed -devOpsArtifact "artifact" -devOpsFeed "feed" -devOpsArtifact "artifact" -destination "C:\Install" -version "1.0.0" #> function Get-DevOpsArtifactsFromFeed { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$devOpsOrganization, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$devOpsFeed, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$devOpsArtifact, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$destination, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$version ) $appsList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $output = az artifacts universal download --organization ("" + $devOpsOrganization) --feed "$devOpsFeed" --name "$devOpsArtifact" --version "$version" --path "$destination" if (!$output) { throw "Could not download package $devOpsArtifact from $devOpsOrganization feed $devOpsFeed" } $files = (Get-ChildItem $destination -Filter "*.app") foreach ($file in $files) { if (!$file.Name.StartsWith('Microsoft')) { if (!$appsList.contains($file.FullName)) { [void]$appsList.Add($file.FullName) } } } return $appsList } Export-ModuleMember Get-DevOpsArtifactsFromFeed |