Function Get-FTPConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Get config to ftp Connection. .DESCRIPTION The Get-FTPConnection cmdlet create a list of registered PSFTP sessions. .PARAMETER Session Specifies a friendly name for the ftp session. .EXAMPLE Get-FTPConnection .EXAMPLE Get-FTPConnection -Session DefaultFTPS* .NOTES Author: Michal Gajda Blog : http://commandlinegeeks.com/ .LINK Set-FTPConnection #> [OutputType('System.Object[]')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact="Low")] Param( [String]$Session ) Begin{} Process { if($Session) { $Variables = Get-Variable -Scope Global | Where-Object {$_.value -is [System.Net.FtpWebRequest] -and $_.Name -like $Session} } else { $Variables = Get-Variable -Scope Global | Where-Object {$_.value -is [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]} } $Sessions = @() $Variables | ForEach-Object { $CurrentSession = Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name $_.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ValueOnly if($Sessions -notcontains $CurrentSession) { $Sessions += $_.Value } } $Sessions.PSTypeNames.Clear() $Sessions.PSTypeNames.Add('PSFTP.Session') Return $Sessions } End{} } Export-ModuleMember Get-FTPConnection |