
  Retrieves artifacts for the last successful build
  Retrieves all artifacts for the last successful build for a project
 .Parameter devOpsOrganization
  The DevOps organization that contains the artifacts
 .Parameter devOpsProjectName
  Name of the DevOps project
  .Parameter repositoryName
  The name of the DevOps repository
  .Parameter devOpsToken
  PAT for DevOps
  .Parameter destination
  The output directory that the artifacts will be saved to
  .Parameter branchName
  The name of the branch
  Get-DevOpsArtifactsFromLastSuccessfulBuild -devOpsOrganization "test" -devOpsProjectName "name" -repositoryName "name" -devOpsToken "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000" -destination "C:\Install" -branchName "branch"

function Get-DevOpsArtifactsFromLastSuccessfulBuild {
        [string]$branchName = ''

    $projects = (Get-DevOpsProjectList -devOpsOrganization $devOpsOrganization -devOpsToken $devOpsToken)
    if ($projects.Length -ne 0) {
        $project = $projects | Where-Object name -like ('*{0}*' -f $devOpsProjectName)
    } else {
        return @()

    if ($null -ne $project) {
        $devOpsProjectName = $
    } else {
        return @()

    if ($branchName -ne '') {
        $lastBuilds = (Get-SucessfulBuildList -devOpsOrganization $devOpsOrganization -devOpsProjectName $devOpsProjectName -repositoryName $repositoryName -devOpsToken $devOpsToken -branchName $branchName)
    else {
        $lastBuilds = (Get-SucessfulBuildList -devOpsOrganization $devOpsOrganization -devOpsProjectName $devOpsProjectName -repositoryName $repositoryName -devOpsToken $devOpsToken)
    if ($null -eq $lastBuilds) {
        throw "No build found for artifact"
    try {
        if ($lastBuilds.Count -eq 0) {
            throw "No build found for artifact"
    catch {
        Write-Output ""

    $appsList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

    $lastBuilds | ForEach-Object {
        if ($appsList.Count -eq 0) {
            $artifact = (Invoke-AzureDevOpsApi -url ('{0}/{1}/_apis/build/builds/{2}/artifacts' -f $devOpsOrganization, $devOpsProjectName, $ -devOpsToken $devOpsToken)
            if ($null -ne $artifact) {
                if ($null -ne $artifact.value -and $artifact.count -ne 0) {
                    if ($null -ne $artifact.value.resource) {
                        $artifact = $artifact.value.resource

                        $artifact | ForEach-Object {
                            $apps = (Invoke-AzureDevOpsApi -url $_.downloadUrl -destination $destination -outfile (Join-Path $destination "") -devOpsToken $devOpsToken)
                            foreach ($app in $apps) {

    Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $destination "") -Force | Out-Null

    return $appsList
Export-ModuleMember Get-DevOpsArtifactsFromLastSuccessfulBuild