
    Execute tests in the container from VS Code
    Executes test in the container based on the current file and cursor position in VS Code
.parameter CurrentFile
    Path to the file that should be used for testing. If empty, it will test everything
.parameter CurrentLine
    The line number in the file. Based on this, it will determine the function to test
    Invoke-TestsFromVSCode -CurrentFile "C:\test.al" -CurrentLine 12

function Invoke-TestsFromVSCode {
        # The current file the tests are invoked from
        # The current line no. in the current file

    $containerName = Get-ContainerFromLaunchJson

    if (!$CurrentFile) {
        Invoke-BCTest -ContainerName $containerName
    else {
        # determine if the current file is a test codeunit
        if ((Get-Content $CurrentFile -Raw).Contains('Subtype = Test')) {
            $TestCodeunit = [Regex]::Match((Get-Content $CurrentFile).Item(0),' \d+ ').Value.Trim()
            if ($null -ne $CurrentLine) {
                $Method = Get-TestFromLine -Path $CurrentFile -LineNumber $CurrentLine
                if ($null -ne $Method) {
                    Invoke-BCTest -ContainerName $containerName -TestCodeunit $TestCodeunit -TestMethod $Method
                else {
                    Invoke-BCTest -ContainerName $containerName -TestCodeunit $TestCodeunit -TestMethod '*'
        else {
            Invoke-BCTest -ContainerName $containerName

function Get-TestFromLine {
    param (
        # file path to search
        # line number to start at

    $Lines = Get-Content $Path
    for ($i = ($LineNumber - 1); $i -ge 0; $i--) {
        if ($Lines.Item($i).Contains('[Test]')) {
            # search forwards for the procedure declaration (it might not be the following line)
            for ($j = $i; $j -le $Lines.Count; $j++)
                if ($Lines.Item($j).Contains('procedure')) {
                    $ProcDeclaration = $Lines.Item($j)
                    $ProcDeclaration = $ProcDeclaration.Substring($ProcDeclaration.IndexOf('procedure') + 10)
                    $ProcDeclaration = $ProcDeclaration.Substring(0,$ProcDeclaration.IndexOf('('))
                    return $ProcDeclaration
Export-ModuleMember Invoke-TestsFromVSCode