
  Creates a new NAV/BC container
  Creates a new NAV/BC container. It is intended to be used from VS Code
 .Parameter ContainerName
  Name of the container. Can be provided in the settings.json
 .Parameter SourcePath
  Path to the current project
 .Parameter SetupTestUsers
  Creates test users in the container after it is created
 .Parameter SkipTestTool
  Add this switch if you do not want to install the test tool
  .Parameter enableTaskScheduler
  Include this switch if you want to do Enable the Task Scheduler
  New-ContainerFromVSCode -SetupTestUsers

function New-ContainerFromVSCode {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact="low")]
        $ContainerName = "",
        $SourcePath = (Get-Location),
        [switch] $SetupTestUsers,
        [switch] $SkipTestTool,
        [switch] $enableTaskScheduler

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("container", "This creates a new ")) {
        Write-Output -ForegroundColor Green "Creating new container for current project"

        if ($ContainerName -eq "") {
            $ContainerName = Get-ContainerFromLaunchJson

        $locale = Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -KeyName 'locale'

        $startParameters = @{}

        [version]$platform = Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName 'platform'
        if ($platform.Major -le 14) {
            $startParameters.Add('includeCSide', $true)
        if ($enableTaskScheduler.IsPresent) {
            $startParameters.Add('enableTaskScheduler', $true)

        if ($SkipTestTool.IsPresent) {
            $startParameters.Add('SkipTestTool', $true)

        New-Container -ContainerName $ContainerName -LicenseFile (Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -KeyName 'LocalLicenseFile') -alwaysPull -SetupTestUsers:$SetupTestUsers -Country $locale @startParameters

        if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $SourcePath "tempDependency") -PathType Container)) {
            New-Item (Join-Path $SourcePath "tempDependency") -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

        Copy-Item (Join-Path $SourcePath "app.json") (Join-Path $SourcePath "tempDependency")
        Copy-Item (Join-Path $SourcePath "settings.json") (Join-Path $SourcePath "tempDependency")

        Get-ALDependency -ContainerName $ContainerName -SourcePath (Join-Path $SourcePath "tempDependency") -Install

        if (Test-Path (Join-Path $SourcePath "BaseObjects") -PathType Container) {
            Import-ObjectsFromFolder -ContainerName $ContainerName -Folder (Join-Path $SourcePath "BaseObjects")

        if ($platform.Major -le 10) {
            Import-ObjectsFromFolder -ContainerName $ContainerName -Folder (Join-Path $SourcePath "src")

        Remove-Item (Join-Path $SourcePath "tempDependency") -Recurse -Force

        Write-Output -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully created container $ContainerName"
Export-ModuleMember New-ContainerFromVSCode