function Add-TestAppsToAppJson { Param( #Path to determine the environment or app .json file location [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String] $SourcePath = (Get-Location) ) #Get test apps property from settings.json $EnvironmentJson = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content (Join-Path $SourcePath 'settings.json') -Raw) $TestappsJsonContent = $EnvironmentJson.PSObject.Properties.Item('testapps').Value if ($TestappsJsonContent.Length -gt 0) { #app has no current dependencies, add the test test dependencies directly $AppJsonContent = Get-Content (Join-Path $SourcePath 'app.json') -Raw $AppJson = ConvertFrom-Json $AppJsonContent $Dependencies = Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName 'dependencies' if ($Dependencies -eq '') { $AppJson | Add-Member -Name 'dependencies' -value $TestappsJsonContent -MemberType NoteProperty } else { #Check the test app dependency isnt already in the app.json $AppJson.PSObject.Properties.Remove('dependencies') if ($null -eq $Dependencies ) { $AppJson | Add-Member -Name 'dependencies' -value $TestappsJsonContent -MemberType NoteProperty } else { $compiler = Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $TestPath -KeyName 'runtime' [System.Array]$Dependencies = $Dependencies foreach ($TestDependency in $TestappsJsonContent) { $SkipDependency = $false foreach ($Dependency in $Dependencies) { if (!$SkipDependency) { if ($compiler -ge '4.3') { if ($ -eq $TestDependency.appId) { $SkipDependency = $true } } else { if ($Dependency.appId -eq $TestDependency.appId) { $SkipDependency = $true } } } } if (!$SkipDependency) { $Dependencies += $TestDependency } } $AppJson | Add-Member -Name 'dependencies' -value $Dependencies -MemberType NoteProperty } } Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $SourcePath 'app.json') -Value (ConvertTo-Json $AppJson) } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-TestAppsToAppJson |