function Get-TestCodeunitsInContainer { param ( # Container to load test codeunits into [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ContainerName = "", # Credentials to use to connect to web service [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [PSCredential] $Credential = (New-CredentialFromEnvironmentJson), # Name of the test suite to add the test codeunits to [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $TestSuite = '', # Start of the range of objects to add [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $StartId, # End of the range of objects to add [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $EndId ) Install-BuildHelper -ContainerName $ContainerName $CompanyName = Get-ContainerCompanyToTest -ContainerName $ContainerName [version]$BCFallPlatform = '' [version]$platform = Get-NavContainerPlatformVersion $ContainerName if ($platform -ge $BCFallPlatform){ $Url = "http://{0}:7047/BC/WS/{1}/Codeunit/NavxAutomatedTestManagement" -f (Get-NavContainerIpAddress -containerName $ContainerName), $CompanyName } else{ $Url = "http://{0}:7047/NAV/WS/{1}/Codeunit/NavxAutomatedTestManagement" -f (Get-NavContainerIpAddress -containerName $ContainerName), $CompanyName } Write-Host "Calling $Url to retrieve test codeunits" $AutomatedTestMgt = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $Url -Credential $Credential $AutomatedTestMgt.GetTests($TestSuite,$StartId,$EndId) } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TestCodeunitsInContainer |