function Invoke-CompileApp { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ContainerName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [securestring] $pfxFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [securestring] $pfxPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $SourcePath = (Get-Location), [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $OutputPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $BuildNumber = "", [switch] $DoNotUpdateVersion ) if ($null -eq $ContainerName -or $ContainerName -eq "") { $ContainerName = (Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -KeyName 'name') } if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath)) { New-EmptyDirectory $OutputPath } if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $OutputPath "app"))) { New-EmptyDirectory (Join-Path $OutputPath "app") } if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $OutputPath "runtimeapp"))) { New-EmptyDirectory (Join-Path $OutputPath "runtimeapp") } if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $OutputPath "testapp"))) { New-EmptyDirectory (Join-Path $OutputPath "testapp") } if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $OutputPath "tests"))) { New-EmptyDirectory (Join-Path $OutputPath "tests") } $CompilerPath = Get-CompilerFromContainer -ContainerName $ContainerName Get-Symbols -SourcePath $SourcePath -ContainerName $ContainerName #update the app version with the build number (actually store it in the Revision - the last element of the version no) if (!$DoNotUpdateVersion.IsPresent) { if ($BuildNumber -eq "") { throw "BuildNumber missing" } $AppVersion = [System.Version]::new((Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName 'version')) Set-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName 'version' -KeyValue ('{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}' -f $AppVersion.Major, $AppVersion.Minor, $AppVersion.Build, $BuildNumber) } # update dependencies Remove-ALTestDependencies -sourcePath $SourcePath # first compile the app only (remove tests) $TestPath = New-TempDirectory Copy-Item "$SourcePath/*" $TestPath -Recurse #set the target, if applicable if ($null -ne (Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName target)) { Set-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $TestPath -KeyName target -KeyValue (Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName target) } Remove-Item (Join-Path $SourcePath 'Tests') -Recurse -Force if (!(Invoke-BuildALAppPackage -SourcePath $SourcePath -ContainerName $ContainerName -CompilerPath $CompilerPath -SignApp -DoNotDownloadSymbols -Install -pfxFile $pfxFile -pfxPassword $pfxPassword)){ exit } Copy-Item "$SourcePath/*.app" "$OutputPath/app" Copy-Item "$SourcePath/*.app" "$TestPath/.alpackages" Write-Host $SourcePath #build the test app $TestAppId = Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName 'testappid' if($null -eq $TestAppId) { $TestAppId = ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) } Set-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $TestPath -KeyName id -KeyValue $TestAppId Set-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $TestPath -KeyName name -KeyValue ('{0} Tests' -f (Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $TestPath -KeyName name)) Set-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $TestPath -KeyName screenshots '' #add dependency on test symbols for test app [version]$BCFallPlatform = '' [version]$platform = Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $TestPath -KeyName 'platform' if ($platform -ge $BCFallPlatform){ Add-TestAppsToAppJson -SourcePath $TestPath Get-Symbols -SourcePath $TestPath -ContainerName $ContainerName } else{ Set-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $TestPath -KeyName 'test'-KeyValue (Get-AppKeyValue -KeyName 'application') Get-Symbols -SourcePath $TestPath -ContainerName $ContainerName -includeTestSymbols } New-ALAppDependency -SourcePath $TestPath ` -Id (Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName id) ` -Name (Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName name) ` -Publisher (Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName publisher) ` -Version (Get-AppKeyValue -SourcePath $SourcePath -KeyName version) #remove all directories from the test app apart from those beginning with . and the Logo and Tests folders Get-ChildItem $TestPath -Directory | Where-Object Name -NotLike '.*' | Where-Object Name -NotLike Tests | Where-Object Name -NotLike *Logo* | ForEach-Object {Remove-Item $_.FullName -Force -Recurse} #remove file for test app Get-ChildItem $TestPath | Where-Object Name -Like '' | ForEach-Object {Remove-Item $_.FullName -Force -Recurse} if ((Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -KeyName 'tests') -eq 'skip') { Invoke-BuildALAppPackage -SourcePath $TestPath -ContainerName $ContainerName -CompilerPath $CompilerPath -DoNotDownloadSymbols -pfxFile $pfxFile -pfxPassword $pfxPassword } else { Invoke-BuildALAppPackage -SourcePath $TestPath -ContainerName $ContainerName -CompilerPath $CompilerPath -DoNotDownloadSymbols -Install -pfxFile $pfxFile -pfxPassword $pfxPassword } Copy-Item "$TestPath/*.app" (Join-Path $OutputPath "testapp") Remove-Item $TestPath -Recurse if ($CompilerPath -ne "") { Remove-Item ($CompilerPath -split '\\')[0..(($CompilerPath -split '\\').count -4)] -join '\' -Recurse } } Export-ModuleMember Invoke-CompileApp |