
function Invoke-TestsFromVSCode {
        # The current file the tests are invoked from
        # The current line no. in the current file

    $containerName = Get-ContainerFromLaunchJson

    if ($null -eq $CurrentFile) {
        Invoke-BCTests -ContainerName $containerName -DoNotPrepTestSuite
    else {
        # determine if the current file is a test codeunit
        if ((Get-Content $CurrentFile -Raw).Contains('Subtype = Test')) {
            $TestCodeunit = [Regex]::Match((Get-Content $CurrentFile).Item(0),' \d+ ').Value.Trim()
            if ($null -ne $CurrentLine) {
                $Method = Get-TestFromLine -Path $CurrentFile -LineNumber $CurrentLine
                if ($null -ne $Method) {
                    Invoke-BCTests -ContainerName $containerName -TestCodeunit $TestCodeunit -TestMethod $Method -DoNotPrepTestSuite
                else {
                    Invoke-BCTests -ContainerName $containerName -TestCodeunit $TestCodeunit -TestMethod '*' -DoNotPrepTestSuite
        else {
            Invoke-BCTests -ContainerName $containerName -DoNotPrepTestSuite

function Get-TestFromLine {
    param (
        # file path to search
        # line number to start at
    $Lines = Get-Content $Path
    for ($i = ($LineNumber - 1); $i -ge 0; $i--) {
        if ($Lines.Item($i).Contains('[Test]')) {
            # search forwards for the procedure declaration (it might not be the following line)
            for ($j = $i; $j -le $Lines.Count; $j++)
                if ($Lines.Item($j).Contains('procedure')) {
                    $ProcDeclaration = $Lines.Item($j)
                    $ProcDeclaration = $ProcDeclaration.Substring($ProcDeclaration.IndexOf('procedure') + 10)
                    $ProcDeclaration = $ProcDeclaration.Substring(0,$ProcDeclaration.IndexOf('('))
                    return $ProcDeclaration

Export-ModuleMember Invoke-TestsFromVSCode