
Retrieves access groups data from the N-central API.

The `Get-NCAccessGroups` function retrieves access groups data from the N-central API.
It supports filtering by organization unit ID or access group ID and includes options for pagination, sorting, and selecting specific fields.

The organization unit ID to filter access groups by.

.PARAMETER AccessGroupId
The access group ID to filter access groups by.

The filter ID to apply to the access groups query.

The page number to retrieve in a paginated response.

The number of items per page in a paginated response.

Specifies the fields to include in the response.

The field by which to sort the results.

The order to sort the results, either 'asc' for ascending or 'desc' for descending. The default value is 'asc'.

PS C:\> Get-NCAccessGroups -orgUnitId 123 -Verbose
Retrieves access groups associated with the organization unit ID 123 with verbose output enabled.

PS C:\> Get-NCAccessGroups -AccessGroupId 456
Retrieves the access group with the access group ID 456.

None. You cannot pipe input to this function.

The function returns access groups data from the N-central API.

Author: Zach Frazier

function Get-NCAccessGroups {
    param (







        [string]$SortOrder = "asc"   
    if (-not $global:NCRestApiInstance) {
        Write-Error "NCRestAPI instance is not initialized. Please run Set-NCRestConfig first."

    $api = $global:NCRestApiInstance

    Write-Verbose "[FUNCTION] Running Get-NCAccessGroups."
    $providedParams = @($OrgUnitId, $AccessGroupId) | Where-Object { $_ }
    if ($providedParams.Count -ne 1) {
        Write-Error "You must provide exactly one of the following parameters: OrgUnitId or AccessGroupId."

    if (-not $AccessGroupId) {
        Write-Verbose "[FUNCTION] AccessGroupId is not provided. Retrieving access groups for orgUnitId: $orgUnitId."
        $endpoint = "api/org-units/$orgUnitId/access-groups"
    else {
        Write-Verbose "[FUNCTION] AccessGroupId is provided. Retrieving access groups for AccessGroupID $AccessGroupId."
        $endpoint = "api/access-groups/$AccessGroupId"
    $queryParameters = @{}
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterId')) { $queryParameters["filterId"] = $FilterId }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PageNumber')) { $queryParameters["pageNumber"] = $PageNumber }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PageSize')) { $queryParameters["pageSize"] = $PageSize }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Select')) { $queryParameters["select"] = $Select }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SortBy')) { $queryParameters["sortBy"] = $SortBy }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SortOrder')) { $queryParameters["sortOrder"] = $SortOrder }
    $queryString = if ($queryParameters.Count) {
        Write-Verbose "[FUNCTION] Query parameters: $($queryParameters | Out-String)"
        $paramsArray = $queryParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }
        "?" + ($paramsArray -join "&")
    else {

    $endpoint = "$endpoint$queryString"

    try {
        Write-Verbose "[FUNCTION] Retrieving access groups data from $endpoint."
        $data = $api.Get($endpoint)
        return $data
    catch {
        Write-Error "Error retrieving access groups: $_"