Function Get-MyTwitterConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS This Function retrieves the Twitter API Application settings from a file 'MyTwitter.json' in the same directory. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-MyTwitterConfiguration This example will retrieve all (if any) MyTwitter configuration values from a file 'MyTwitter.json' in the same directory. #> [CmdletBinding()] param () process { $JSONPath = "$PSScriptRoot\MyTwitter.json" if (!(Test-Path -Path $JSONPath)) { Write-Verbose "No MyTwitter configuration ('MyTwitter.json') found in current directory" } else { $Values = 'APIKey', 'APISecret', 'AccessToken', 'AccessTokenSecret' $Output = Get-Content $JSONPath | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($Value in $Values) { if (!($Output.$Value)) { Write-Verbose "No Value found for $Value" } } [pscustomobject]$Output } } } |