Function Split-Tweet { <# .SYNOPSIS This Function splits a Twitter message that exceed the maximum length of 140 characters. .DESCRIPTION This Function splits a Twitter message that exceed the maximum length of 140 characters. .EXAMPLE $Message = "This is a very long message that needs to be split because it's too long for the max twitter characters. Hope you like my new split-tweet function." Split-Tweet -Message $Message Message Length ------- ------ This is a very long message that needs to be split... 134 split-tweet function. [2\2] 27 .EXAMPLE $Message = "This is a very long message that needs to be split because it's too long for the max twitter characters. Hope you like my new split-tweet function." Split-Tweet -Message $Message | Select-Object @{L="Message";E={$_}} | % {Send-Tweet -Message $_.Message} Splits a message into seperate messages and pipes the result to the Send-Tweet Function. .NOTES Twitter has a max tweet message length of 140 characters and you may sometimes want to split a message into smaller separate tweets to comply to 140 character limit. Date: 05/10/2014 Author; Stefan Stranger Version: 0.4 Changes: (0.2) = split at word boundaries, removed parameter postfix, removed (0.3) = Return a string object with more properties, like length etc. (0.4) = removed Length parameter. The function will will decide on the size of the tweet. ToDo: Only split on complete words. << added @sqlchow Make pipeline aware Return a string object with more properties, like length etc. << added @sstranger #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias()] [OutputType([string])] Param ( # Message you want to split [Parameter( HelpMessage = 'What is the message you want to split?', Mandatory = $true, Valuefrompipeline=$true, Position = 0)] [string]$Message ) [int]$Length = 130 #Check length of Tweet if ($Message.length -gt $Length) { Write-Verbose 'Message needs to be split' #Total length of message Write-Verbose "Length of message is $($message.length)" #Calculate number message Write-Verbose "Split message in $(($message.Length)/$Length) times" #Create an array $numberofmsgs = [math]::Ceiling($(($Message.Length)/$Length)) Write-Verbose "`$numberofmsgs: $numberofmsgs" $counter = 0 $result = @() #extract all the words for splitting the stream $wordCollection = [Regex]::Split($Message, '((?ins)(\w+))'); $collectionCount = $wordCollection.Count Write-Verbose "number of words in message: $collectionCount" #add auto-post fix like [1\n] $Postfix = '['+'1\'+ $numberofmsgs.ToString() +']' Write-Verbose "`$Postfix length: $($Postfix.Length)" #if people tweet something that is greater than 1400 chars #we may need to account for that. $Length = $Length - $($Postfix.Length) + 2 $numberofmsgs = [math]::Ceiling($(($Message.Length)/$Length)) #word iterator and message container $wordIterator = 0 $tempMessage="" while($wordIterator -lt $collectionCount) { #May not be a good way of doing this but, works for now. $tempMsgLength = $tempMessage.Length $currentWordLength = $wordCollection[$wordIterator].Length $postFixLength = $Postfix.Length While((($tempMsgLength + $currentWordLength + $postFixLength) -lt $Length) -and ($wordIterator -lt $collectionCount)) { $tempMessage = $tempMessage + $wordCollection[$wordIterator] #housekeeping $tempMsgLength = $tempMessage.Length $currentWordLength = $wordCollection[$wordIterator].Length $wordIterator += 1 } #if the parameter is not specified only then update the default postfix. #not needed any more if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Postfix')){} $counter +=1; $Postfix = '[' + "$counter" + '\' + $numberofmsgs.ToString() + ']' #passing message to result array #Creating a msg object with message and length property $msgobject = [pscustomobject]@{ Message = $tempMessage + " $Postfix" Length = ($tempMessage + " $Postfix").Length } $result += $msgobject Write-Verbose "Message: $tempMessage $Postfix" $tempMessage = "" } } else { Write-Verbose 'No need to split tweet' } return $result } |