Function Resize-Tweet { <# .SYNOPSIS This Function shortens Twitter messages for words stored in a hashtable. .DESCRIPTION This Function shortens Twitter messages for words stored in a hashtable so that you may stay within the Twitter message limit of 140 characters. .EXAMPLE $Message = "This is an example tweet for testing purposes. And here are some words to replace: two, and, One, at, too" Resize-Tweet -Message $Message c:\ This is an example tweet 4 testing purposes. & here are some word to replace: 2, &, 1, @, 2 .NOTES You sometimes want to replace words in your tweet to comply to max tweet length of 140 characters Date: 09/10/2014 Author; Stefan Stranger Version: 0.2 Changes: (0.1) = initial version (0.2) = renamed function from Shorten-Tweet to Resize-Tweet ToDo: - speed up performance. .Net class is faster but does not do case insensitive replace. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias()] [OutputType([string])] Param ( # Message you want to split [Parameter( HelpMessage = 'What is the message you want to shorten?', Mandatory = $true, Valuefrompipeline=$true, Position = 0)] [string]$Message ) #Hashtable containing search and replace options $replacehash = [ordered]@{ 'two' = '2'; 'and' ='&'; 'one' = '1'; 'at' = '@'; 'too' = '2'; 'to' = '2'; 'wait' = 'w8'; 'enjoy' = 'njoy'; 'please' = 'plz'; 'thanks' = 'thx'; 'for' = '4'; 'you' = 'u'; 'people' = 'ppl'; 'okay' = 'K'; 'ok' = 'K' } Write-Verbose "Current length of message: $($message.Length)" foreach ($h in $replacehash.GetEnumerator()) { $Pattern = $h.Name $New = $h.Value #$strReplace = [regex]::replace($message, $pattern, $New) #remove because of not being case insensitive Write-Verbose "We will now replace $Pattern with $New :" $strReplace = $Message -replace $h.Name, $h.Value $Message = $strReplace } Write-Verbose "New length of message: $($message.Length)" #Creating a msg object with message and length property $msgobject = [pscustomobject]@{ Message = $Message Length = $Message.Length } $result += $msgobject $result } |