
Changelog for MyTasks
Updated README
Added 'task' as an alias for New-MyTask
Added CompletedDate parameter to Complete-MyTask (Issue #13)
Added option to complete a task by ID (Issue #11)
Changed default for Get-MyTask and Show-MyTask to display tasks due in next 30 days. (Issue #12)
fixed bug in Show-Mytask where completed tasks were displaying in red
Made parameters for New-MyTask more positional (Issue #14)
Updated help documentation
Modified files to support PowerShell Core
Update help documentation
Updated README
Updated manifest
Updated verbose messages
moved class definition to functions script
revised Pester tests
explicitly added UTF8 encoding when reading and writing XML content.
explicitly added Unicode encoding when reading and
writing task category file. (Issue #4)
Modified Show-MyTask to format as a table with autosize and string streaming.
Updated manifest.
modified code when creating a new XML file to declare
encoding as UTF-8.
Modified Get-MyTask to display a warning when trying to display tasks
when none have been defined yet.
Modified Show-MyTask to work under the Windows 10
PowerShell ISE (Issue #2)
Modified Remove-Mytask to accept MyTask as an input object (Issue #3)
Help files are NOT updated yet to reflect these changes.
modified New-MyTask so that passthru displays
the correct ID. (Issue #1)
Added Pester tests
fixed a bug with exported variables
added license file
bumped version number
initial release
Added help documentation
Revised Save-MyTask to save a single task.
Revised Complete-MyTask to archive a single task.
Modfied Get-MyTask to allow wildcards for -Name.
fixed a regular expression bug in Show-Mytask
that wasn't properly capturing completed tasks.
Modified Show-Mytask to display completed tasks in green.
Added command Save-MyTasks move completed tasks to an archive file.
Modified Complete-MyTask with an option to archive.
modified Set-MyTask to use task ID
fixed a regular expression bug in Show-MyTask
Renamed Backup-MyTask to Backup-MyTaskFile
Modified module to export Backup-MyTaskFile
Modified Remove-MyTask to use Backup-MyTaskFile
Added Backup-MyTask
modified format.ps1xml file to display DueDate without time
when using tables. Format-List will show full DueDate value.
Added parameter to New-MyTask to allow specifying a number of
days instead of an actual date.
Modified Get-MyTask to not include completed tasks when
filtering by DaysDue or Category.
Added Get-MyTaskCategory
Added Add-MyTaskCategory
Added Remove-MyTaskCategory
Modified Get-MyTask to support filtering by number of days due
Modified Refresh() method to not mark a task as overdue if it
is completed.
Modified Show-MyTask to not flag Completed tasks.
Modified Get-MyTask to automatically sort on DueDate
Added comment based help
Changed TaskCategory to a string and used dynamic parameters
in functions.
Modified Show-MyTask to support -Category
Adjusted settings in format.ps1xml file
updated format.ps1xml file with new views
updated format.ps1xml to format DueDate
added verbose output to commands
Modified Get-MyTask to support filtering by Category
Modified Show-MyTask to display in yellow if due date is 24 hours or less
added format.ps1xml
fixed a bug in Set-MyTask when there was an empty value
updated module files
added Complete-MyTask function
fixed a bug in New-MyTask when XML file exists but has no objects
Added -WhatIf to New-MyTask
Added Set-MyTask function
Modified Get-Mytask to take name as a positional parameter
added command aliases
Updated module files
Added Remove-MyTask function
Added Show-MyTask function
Import tasks from XML file
Get tasks from XML file with options
separated functions into their own file
modified class so that OverDue and ID values are
calculated at runtime.
Added changelog
added core module files