#region Main #define class Class MyNumber { #properties [double]$Number [double]$Square [double]$Cube [double]$Sqrt [double]$Log [double]$Sine [double]$Cosine [double]$Tangent [double]$CircleArea [double]$Inverse [boolean]$IsEven [boolean]$IsPrime [double]$Exp [double]$Factorial [double[]]$Factors [PSObject]$Custom #store the custom scriptblock in a hidden property which can be managed through a module function hidden [scriptblock]$CustomScriptBlock #methods [MyNumber] Refresh() { $this.Square = ($this.number * $this.number) $this.Cube = [math]::Pow($this.number, 3) $this.Sqrt = [math]::Sqrt($this.number) $this.Log = [math]::Log($this.number) $this.Sine = [math]::Sin($this.number) $this.Cosine = [math]::Cos($this.number) $this.Tangent = [math]::Tan($this.number) $this.CircleArea = [math]::PI * ($this.number * $this.number) $this.Inverse = 1 / $this.number $this.Exp = [math]::Exp($this.number) $this.Factorial = (1..$this.number | ForEach-Object -Begin { $r = 1 } -Process { $r *= $_ } -End { $r }) $this.Factors = (1..$($this.number) | Where-Object { -Not ($this.number % $_) }) $this.IsEven = $this.TestIsEven() $this.IsPrime = $this.TestIsPrime() if ($this.CustomScriptBlock) { $CustomResult = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $this.CustomScriptBlock -ArgumentList $this.Number } else { $CustomResult = 0 } $this.Custom = $CustomResult #class methods require the Return keyword Return $this } [boolean]TestIsPrime() { if ($this.factors.count -eq 2) { return $True } else { return $False } } [boolean]TestIsEven() { if ($this.number % 2 -eq 0) { Return $True } else { Return $False } } [String]ToBinary() { $r = [convert]::ToString($this.Number, 2) Return $r } [String]ToOctal() { $r = [convert]::ToString($this.Number, 8) Return $r } [String]ToHex() { $r = [convert]::ToString($this.Number, 16) Return $r } #constructor MyNumber([double]$Number) { $this.Number = $Number $this.Refresh() } } #extend the class with custom type extensions Update-TypeData -TypeName MyNumber -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName Computername -Value {[System.Environment]::MachineName} -Force Update-TypeData -TypeName MyNumber -MemberType AliasProperty -MemberName Value -Value Number -Force #endregion #dot source module functions Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\functions\*.ps1 | ForEach-Object -Process { . $_.FullName } |