ConvertFrom-StringData @'
###PSLOC ProviderDebugMessage=In MyAlbum Provider - '{0}'. FastPackageReference=The FastPackageReference is '{0}'. PathNotFound=Cannot find the path '{0}' because it does not exist. PackageSourceNameContainsWildCards=The package source name '{0}' should not have wildcards, correct it and try again. SourceRegistered=Successfully registered the package source '{0}' with location '{1}'. PackageSourceDetails=Package source details, Name = '{0}', Location = '{1}'; IsTrusted = '{2}'; IsRegistered = '{3}'. PackageSourceNotFound=No package source with the name '{0}' was found. PackageSourceUnregistered=Successfully unregistered the Package source '{0}'. SpecifiedSourceName=Using the specified source names: '{0}'. NoSourceNameIsSpecified=The Source parameter was not specified. We will use all of the registered package sources. ###PSLOC '@ |