Function Start-MultiPing { <# .DESCRIPTION MultiPing will generate a html based report to help troubleshoot network problems. You can set multiple target to ping. Script will report a html based ping chart report that can help you to troubleshoot latency related issues. .PARAMETER FirstAddress Define first remote IP to ping. Default value: .PARAMETER SecondAddress Define second remote IP to ping. Default value: .PARAMETER ThirdAddress Define third remote IP to ping. Default value: .PARAMETER FourthAddress Define fourth remote IP to ping. Default value: .PARAMETER ReportName Define the name of the report that will be generated. Default value: PingStatistics.HhmlChart.html .EXAMPLE Start-Multiping .EXAMPLE Start-MultiPing -FirstAddress .EXAMPLE Start-MultiPing -FirstAddress -ReportName Test.Report #> param([string]$FirstAddress="",[string]$SecondAddress="",[string]$ThirdAddress="",[string]$FourthAddress="", [string]$ReportName="PingStatistics.HhmlChart.html") if(-not $ReportName.EndsWith(".html")) { $ReportName=$ReportName+".html" } #Define background process for multiple simultaneous ping $BGPing={ param($TargetAddress, $Path) Clear-Host ping $TargetAddress -t | DateEcho | Tee-Object -FilePath $path } try{ clear-host #get server ip from user #$Customserver =Read-host "Please specify IP address of target server" #get work path Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow write-host "You can stop script any time with pressing CTRL+C" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ansver=read-host ("`nDo you want to save log to desktop?[Y/N]") if($ansver.ToLower() -eq "y") { cd $env:userprofile\desktop } $CurrentLocation=Get-Location #Start background processes $BGJobPingToGoogle=Start-Job $BGPing -ArgumentList $FirstAddress, $($CurrentLocation.Path+"\PingOutput.$FirstAddress.log") $BGJobPingToGateway=Start-Job $BGPing -ArgumentList $SecondAddress, $($CurrentLocation.Path+"\PingOutput.$SecondAddress.log") $BGJobPingToMetIe=Start-Job $BGPing -ArgumentList $ThirdAddress, $($CurrentLocation.Path+"\PingOutput.$ThirdAddress.log") $BGJobPingToCustomserver=Start-Job $BGPing -ArgumentList $FourthAddress, $($CurrentLocation.Path+"\PingOutput.$FourthAddress.log") #Monitor state in every second do { $BGJobPingToGoogle | Receive-Job $BGJobPingToCustomserver | Receive-Job sleep 1 }while($true) } finally { #Clean up background processes Write-host "`n----------------------------------Script will stop within 15 min----------------------------------" #kill all subshells Get-Job | Stop-Job Get-Job | Remove-Job Write-host "Multi Ping script has been stopped." Write-host "Ping file analyzing running" Write-host "This can take up to 15 min depend on length of ping log" -ForegroundColor Yellow #Collect all ping log files $ListOFFiles = ls | where name -Like *PingOutput* | where LastWriteTime -gt $((get-date).AddHours(-1)) #Generate html div that will mark the location of the graphs #$divTarget=Generate-Target $ListOFFiles # ##Generate data from ping logs #$Data=Generate-DataWithDefinition $ListOFFiles -LogType WindowsWithDate # # #$Initiator=Generate-HTMLChartInitiator $ListOFFiles #$GeneratedHtml=Generate-HtmlChart -DataLines $Data -TargetDiv $divTarget -GraphInitiater $Initiator #$GeneratedHtml | Out-File $ReportName -Encoding utf8 Convert-Log2Chart -ListOfFiles $ListOFFiles -ReportName $ReportName -LogType WindowsWithDate Write-host "`n----------------------------------Summary generation completed------------------------------------" write-host "You can find logs in `n$($CurrentLocation.Path)\PingOutput.$FirstAddress.log`n$($CurrentLocation.Path)\PingOutput.$SecondAddress.log`n$($CurrentLocation.Path)\PingOutput.$ThirdAddress.log`n$($CurrentLocation.Path)\PingOutput.$FourthAddress.log`n`nAlso graph summary in:`n$($CurrentLocation.Path)\$ReportName" } } |