
Function Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate {
       Get MSRC security updates
       Calls the CVRF Update API to get a list of security updates
    .PARAMETER After
        Get security updates released after this date
    .PARAMETER Before
        Get security updates released before this date
        Get security updates for the specified year (ie. 2016)
    .PARAMETER Vulnerability
        Get security updates for the specified Vulnerability CVE (ie. CVE-2016-0128)
        Get security update for the specified CVRF ID (ie. 2016-Aug)
       Get all the updates
       Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate -Vulnerability CVE-2017-0003
       Get all the updates containing Vulnerability CVE-2017-003
       Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate -Year 2017
       Get all the updates for the year 2017
       Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate -Cvrf 2017-Jan
       Get all the updates for the CVRF document with ID of 2017-Jan
       Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate -Before 2017-01-01
       Get all the updates before January 1st, 2017
       Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate -After 2017-01-01
       Get all the updates after January 1st, 2017
       Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate -Before 2017-01-01 -After 2016-10-01
       Get all the updates before January 1st, 2017 and after October 1st, 2016
        Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate -After (Get-Date).AddDays(-60) -Before (Get-Date)
        Get all updates between now and the last 60 days
        An API Key for the MSRC CVRF API is not required anymore

Param (



        if ($_ -lt 2016 -or $_ -gt [DateTime]::Now.Year) {
            throw 'Year must be between 2016 and this year'
        } else {

DynamicParam {
    $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

    $ParameterName = 'CVRF'
    $AttribColl1 = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
    $Param1Att = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
    $Param1Att.Mandatory = $true
    # $Param1Att.ValueFromPipeline = $true
    $Param1Att.ParameterSetName = 'ByCVRF'

    try {
        $allCVRFID = Get-CVRFID
    } catch {
        Throw "`nUnable to get online the list of CVRF ID because:`n$($_.Exception.Message)"
    if ($allCVRFID) {
        $AttribColl1.Add((New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($allCVRFID)))
        $Dictionary.Add($ParameterName,(New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttribColl1)))

Begin {}
Process {

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

        ByDate {

            $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

            $null = $sb.Append("$($msrcApiUrl)/Updates?`$filter=")

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Before')) {

                $null = $sb.Append("CurrentReleaseDate lt $($Before.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))")

                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('After')) {
                    $null = $sb.Append(' and ')


            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('After')) {

                $null = $sb.Append("CurrentReleaseDate gt $($After.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))")


            $null = $sb.Append("&$($msrcApiVersion)")

            $url = $sb.ToString()

        ByYear {
            $url = "{0}/Updates('{1}')?{2}" -f $msrcApiUrl,$Year,$msrcApiVersion
        ByVulnerability {
            $url = "{0}/Updates('{1}')?{2}" -f $msrcApiUrl,$Vulnerability,$msrcApiVersion
        ByCVRF {
            $url = "{0}/Updates('{1}')?{2}" -f $msrcApiUrl,$($PSBoundParameters['CVRF']),$msrcApiVersion
        Default {
            $url = "{0}/Updates?{1}" -f $msrcApiUrl,$msrcApiVersion

    $RestMethod = @{
        uri = $url
        Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/json' }
        ErrorAction = 'Stop'
    if ($global:msrcProxy){
        $RestMethod.Add('Proxy' , $global:msrcProxy)
    if ($global:msrcProxyCredential){
        $RestMethod.Add('ProxyCredential' , $global:msrcProxyCredential)
    if ($global:MSRCAdalAccessToken)
        $RestMethod.Headers.Add('Authorization' , $global:MSRCAdalAccessToken.CreateAuthorizationHeader())

    try {

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        Write-Verbose -Message "Calling $($RestMethod.uri)"

        $r = Invoke-RestMethod @RestMethod

    } catch {
        Write-Error -Message "HTTP Get failed with status code $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode): $($_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription)"

    if (-not $r) {
        Write-Warning -Message 'No results returned from the /Update API'
    } else {
        Switch ($global:msrcApiUrl) {
         '' {$r.Value}
         '' {$r}

End {}