
  Description       =   @'
  Module to work the Microsoft Graph API with both Office 365 and Microsoft accounts
  it contains over 80 functions to
  * Navigate, upload to and download from OneDrive
  * Navigate, manipulate pages and sections in OneNote Notebooks
  * Create and manage groups and teams, and Post to Teams and their channels
  * Create, read and write plans in team plans.
  * Read and write calendar events, and contacts in Outlook,
  * Read and send mail messages
  * Work with Sharepoint lists

  Copyright         =   '(c) 2019 James O''Neill. All rights reserved.'
  Author            =   'James O''Neill'
  CompanyName       =   'Mobula Consulting'

  GUID              =   'f564c0f9-7d96-4452-a715-679dc47c20cc'
  ModuleVersion     =   '1.0'

  NestedModules     = @('Graph.ps1',
  FormatsToProcess  =   'Graph.format.ps1xml'
  FunctionsToExport = @('Add-FileToGraphOneNote',
                        'New-ContactAddress',   #All the different column types together!
                        'New-GraphColumn','New-GraphBooleanColumn', 'New-GraphCalculatedColumn', 'New-GraphChoiceColumn','New-GraphCurrencyColumn', 'New-GraphDateTimeColumn',
                                          'New-GraphLookupColumn', 'New-GraphNumberColumn','New-GraphPersonOrGroupColumn','New-GraphTextColumn',
                        'New-GraphContact' ,
  AliasesToExport   = @('Add-GraphTeamChannel',

  PrivateData = @{
       PSData    = @{
           Tags       = @('MicrosoftGraph', 'MSGraph', 'Office365', 'AzureAD', 'OneNote', 'OneDrive', 'Outlook', 'Sharepoint', 'Planner')
           Category   = 'Scripting office Online'
           ProjectUri = ''
           LicenseUri = ''
        } # End of PSData hashtable

  # Supported PSEditions
  # CompatiblePSEditions = @()

  # Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
  # PowerShellVersion = ''

  # Minimum version of the common language runtime (CLR) required by this module. This prerequisite is valid for the PowerShell Desktop edition only.
  # CLRVersion = ''

  # Type files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
  # TypesToProcess = @()

  # HelpInfo URI of this module
  # HelpInfoURI = ''