
Function Read-HostChoice {
      Ask for a selection of different choices.
      .PARAMETER Title
      The title of the prompt.
      .PARAMETER Message
      The message of the prompt.
      .PARAMETER Choices
      An array of strings that resemble the available choices
      .PARAMETER DefaultChoice
      The index of the choice that should be selected by default.
      .PARAMETER EnableHotKeys
      This switch will prepend the choices with an ampersand to use the first character as the choices hotkey
      .PARAMETER ReturnChoiceAsString
      With this switch enabled you will have the choices string returned instead of the index.
      Read-HostChoice -Title 'Fruits' -Message 'Select your favorite fruit!' -Choices 'Banana', 'Apple', 'Rubber Ducks'

    Param (



        [ValidateScript({ $_ -le ($Choices.Count - 1) -and $_ -ge 0 })]
        [Int]$DefaultChoice = 0,



    If($EnableHotKeys) {
        # Prepend all choices with an ampersand to use the first character as hotkey
        $Choices = Foreach($Choice in $Choices) {
            If($Choice -notmatch '^&') {
                Write-Output "&$Choice"

    $Options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] $Choices

    $Result = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Title, $Message, $Options, $DefaultChoice)

    If($ReturnChoiceAsString) {
        Return $Choices[$Result]
    } Else {
        Return $Result