#Requires -Version 3.0 function New-MrPlanetPowerShellAuthor { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the author information required to add your PowerShell related blog to Planet PowerShell. .DESCRIPTION New-MrPlanetPowerShellAuthor is an advanced function that creates the author information required to add your PowerShell related blog to Planet PowerShell ( Planet PowerShell is an aggregator of content from PowerShell Community members. .PARAMETER FirstName Author's first name. .PARAMETER LastName Author's last name. .PARAMETER Bio Short bio about the author. .PARAMETER StateOrRegion Your geographical location, i.e.: Holland, New York, etc. .PARAMETER EmailAddress Email address. Only enter if you want your email address to be publicly available. .PARAMETER TwitterHandle Twitter handle without the leading @. .PARAMETER GravatarEmailAddress The email address you use at Entering this causes the picture used at to be used as your author picture on Planet PowerShell. The email address is converted to the MD5 hash of the email address string. .PARAMETER GitHubHandle GitHub handle without the leading @. .PARAMETER BlogUri URL of your blog site. .PARAMETER RssUri URL for the RSS feed to your blog site. .PARAMETER MicrosoftMVP Switch parameter. Specify if you're a Microsoft MVP. .PARAMETER FilterToPowerShell Switch parameter. Specify if you blog on more than just PowerShell. .EXAMPLE New-MrPlanetPowerShellAuthor -FirstName Mike -LastName Robbins -Bio 'Microsoft PowerShell MVP and SAPIEN Technologies MVP. Leader & Co-founder of MSPSUG' -StateOrRegion 'Mississippi, USA' -TwitterHandle mikefrobbins -GravatarEmailAddress -GitHubHandle mikefrobbins -BlogUri -RssUri -MicrosoftMVP -FilterToPowerShell | New-Item -Path C:\GitHub\planetpowershell\src\Firehose.Web\Authors\MikeRobbins.cs .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS System.String .NOTES Author: Mike F Robbins Website: Twitter: @mikefrobbins #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$FirstName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$LastName, [string]$Bio, [string]$StateOrRegion, [string]$EmailAddress, [string]$TwitterHandle, [string]$GravatarEmailAddress, [string]$GitHubHandle, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$BlogUri, [string]$RssUri, [switch]$MicrosoftMVP, [switch]$FilterToPowerShell ) $BlogUrl = (Test-MrURL -Uri $BlogUri -Detailed).ResponseUri if ($PSBoundParameters.RssUri) { $RssUrl = (Test-MrURL -Uri $RssUri -Detailed).ResponseUri } $GravatarHash = (Get-MrHash -String $GravatarEmailAddress).ToLower() $Location = Get-MrGeoInformation $GeoLocation = -join ($Location.Latitude, ', ', $Location.Longitude) if ($MicrosoftMVP) { $Interface = 'IAmAMicrosoftMVP' } else { $Interface = 'IAmACommunityMember' } if ($FilterToPowerShell) { $Interface = "$Interface, IFilterMyBlogPosts" $SyndicationItem = @' public bool Filter(SyndicationItem item) { return item.Categories.Any(c => c.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("powershell")); } '@ } @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.ServiceModel.Syndication; using System.Web; using Firehose.Web.Infrastructure; namespace Firehose.Web.Authors { public class $FirstName$LastName : $Interface { public string FirstName => `"$FirstName`"; public string LastName => `"$LastName`"; public string ShortBioOrTagLine => `"$Bio`"; public string StateOrRegion => `"$StateOrRegion`"; public string EmailAddress => `"$EmailAddress`"; public string TwitterHandle => `"$TwitterHandle`"; public string GitHubHandle => `"$GitHubHandle`"; public string GravatarHash => `"$GravatarHash`"; public GeoPosition Position => new GeoPosition($GeoLocation); public Uri WebSite => new Uri(`"$BlogUrl`"); public IEnumerable<Uri> FeedUris { get { yield return new Uri(`"$RssUrl`"); } } $SyndicationItem } } "@ } |