
function Get-Type {
        Get exported types in the current session
        Get exported types in the current session
    .PARAMETER Module
        Filter on Module. Accepts wildcard
    .PARAMETER Assembly
        Filter on Assembly. Accepts wildcard
    .PARAMETER FullName
        Filter on FullName. Accepts wildcard
    .PARAMETER Namespace
        Filter on Namespace. Accepts wildcard
    .PARAMETER BaseType
        Filter on BaseType. Accepts wildcard
        Filter on IsEnum.
        #List the full name of all Enums in the current session
        Get-Type -IsEnum $true | Select -ExpandProperty FullName | Sort -Unique
        #Connect to a web service and list all the exported types
        #Connect to the web service, give it a namespace we can search on
            $weather = New-WebServiceProxy -uri "" -Namespace GlobalWeather
        #Search for the namespace
            Get-Type -NameSpace GlobalWeather
            IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
            -------- -------- ---- --------
            True False MyClass1ex_net_globalweather_asmx_wsdl System.Object
            True False GlobalWeather System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol
            True True GetWeatherCompletedEventHandler System.MulticastDelegate
            True False GetWeatherCompletedEventArgs System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs
            True True GetCitiesByCountryCompletedEventHandler System.MulticastDelegate
            True False GetCitiesByCountryCompletedEventArgs System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs

        [string]$Module = '*',
        [string]$Assembly = '*',
        [string]$FullName = '*',
        [string]$Namespace = '*',
        [string]$BaseType = '*',
    #Build up the Where statement
        $WhereArray = @('$_.IsPublic')
        if($Module -ne "*"){$WhereArray += '$_.Module -like $Module'}
        if($Assembly -ne "*"){$WhereArray += '$_.Assembly -like $Assembly'}
        if($FullName -ne "*"){$WhereArray += '$_.FullName -like $FullName'}
        if($Namespace -ne "*"){$WhereArray += '$_.Namespace -like $Namespace'}
        if($BaseType -ne "*"){$WhereArray += '$_.BaseType -like $BaseType'}
        #This clause is only evoked if IsEnum is passed in
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IsEnum")) { $WhereArray += '$_.IsENum -like $IsENum' }
    #Give verbose output, convert where string to scriptblock
        $WhereString = $WhereArray -Join " -and "
        $WhereBlock = [scriptblock]::Create( $WhereString )
        Write-Verbose "Where ScriptBlock: { $WhereString }"

    #Invoke the search!
        [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose "Getting types from $($_.FullName)"
                Write-Verbose "$($_.FullName) error getting Exported Types: $_"

        } | Where-Object -FilterScript $WhereBlock